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<title>Content Types preference page</title>
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<h1 class="Head">Content Types preference page</h1>
<p class="Para">The <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.ContentTypes)")'><img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="command link"><strong>General &gt; Content Types</strong></a>
preference page enables you to edit content types and their associated file names and character sets.
You can also associate arbitrary file names or file extensions with content types.
A <i>content type</i> acts as a description
of a certain class of files (for instance, XML files). Eclipse uses this description
in various scenarios, such as editor look-ups and file comparisons.
<p class="Para">To access the <b>Content Types</b> preference page, select <strong>Window
&gt; Preferences &gt; General &gt; Content Types</strong>.
<p>The <b>Content Types</b> preference page:
<p><img src="../images/content_type.png" alt="Content types preference page">
<p class="Para">By selecting a content type in the topmost tree, you can alter
the file names and extensions that are associated with it.
<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
Certain items will be marked as "locked". An item is locked if it is one of
the associations provided by the plug-in that declares the content type. In
other words, you can remove only user-contributed associations.
<p class="Para">Adding an association is as simple as clicking <strong>Add...</strong>.
A dialog prompts you to enter the file name or extension.
<p><img src="../images/Image201_contenttype.png" alt="New file type dialog" border="0">
<p class="Para">In addition to adding and removing file names or extensions, you
can also set the default encoding for a given content type. To do this, simply
enter the encoding name in the provided field and click <strong>Update</strong>.
<p><img src="../images/contenttype-pref-charset.png" alt="Image of character set field">