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<title>Error Log</title>
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<h1>Error Log</h1>
<p>The <strong>Error Log</strong> view captures all the warnings and errors logged by plug-ins. The underlying log file is a <em>.log</em> file stored in the <em>.metadata</em> subdirectory of the workspace. The <strong>Error Log</strong> view is available under <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(org.eclipse.ui.views.showView.viewId=org.eclipse.pde.runtime.LogView)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="Open the Log view">
<strong>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Error Log</strong>
</a>. </p>
<p><img src="../images/error_log.png" alt="Error Log" ></p>
<h2>Event Sorting</h2>
<p>Events in the log view can be sorted by <strong>Message</strong>, <strong>Plug-in ID</strong> or <strong>Date</strong> in ascending or descending order. Simply click on the column header that you want the sorting to be based on. The down arrow in the column header indicates descending order; while, the up arrow indicates an ascending order.</p>
<h2>Event Grouping</h2>
<p>Events in the log view can be grouped by <strong>Session</strong> or <strong>Plug-in ID</strong>. Simply click on the chevron from the view's toolbar and select <strong>Group By</strong>. </p>
<h2>Event Filtering</h2>
<p>You can filter the view to show events of a particular type or session. Also, you can limit the number of entries in the view. Filtering options are available under <strong>Filters...</strong> from the view's toolbar drop down menu. </p>
<h2>Import and Export Logs</h2>
<p>To <strong>import</strong> an arbitrary <em>.log</em> file into the view, press the <strong>Import Log</strong> toolbar button or select <strong>Import Log...</strong> from the context menu. Then, choose a <em>.log</em> file from the file system. </p>
<p>To <strong>export</strong> the current log view content into a file, press the <strong>Export Log</strong> toolbar button or select <strong>Export Log...</strong> from the context menu. Then, enter a file name. </p>
<h2>Clear and Delete Logs</h2>
<p>To <strong>clear</strong> the view log content without deleting the underlying <em>.log</em> file, press the <strong>Clear Log</strong> toolbar button or select <strong>Clear Log Viewer</strong> from the context menu. </p>
<p>To permanently <strong>delete</strong> the underlying <em>.log</em> file, press the <strong>Delete Log</strong> toolbar button or select <strong>Delete Log</strong> from the context menu. </p>
<h2>Event Details</h2>
<p>Full details about a particular event can be viewed in the <strong>Event Details</strong> dialog by double-clicking on a particular entry or selecting <strong>Event Details</strong> from the context menu of that entry. You can view the <strong>Date</strong>, <strong>Severity</strong>, <strong>Message</strong>, <strong>Exception Stack Trace</strong> (if available) and <strong>Session Data</strong> of each event. </p>
<p><img src="../images/error_log_details.png" alt="Error Log Details" ></p>
<p>You can navigate from one entry to the next via the <strong>Up</strong> and <strong>Down</strong> arrow buttons. </p>
<p>To copy the error to the clipboard, press the button with the clipboard image. </p>