Bug 516357 - N&N for Oxygen (4.7)

Added generic editor examples
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/whatsNew/platform_whatsnew.html b/bundles/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/whatsNew/platform_whatsnew.html
index 46ab206..f91b269 100644
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/whatsNew/platform_whatsnew.html
+++ b/bundles/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/whatsNew/platform_whatsnew.html
@@ -52,6 +52,16 @@
         to implement an editor for new languages or new content types. It reuses 
         the existing Eclipse editor infrastructure. The generic editor can be extended using 
         extension points instead of implementing an editor to supply required functionality.
+        <p>
+         Examples of some eclipse projects that have adopted the generic editor:
+        </p>
+        <ul>
+         <li>
+          <a href="https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.lsp4e" target="_blank">Eclipse LSP4E</a>: contributes content-assist
+          and hover to generic editor when a language server is available.</li>
+         <li><a href="https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.tm4e" target="_blank">Eclipse TM4E</a>: contributes syntax highlighting
+          to the generic editor when a TextMate grammar is present.</li>
+        </ul>