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Supported Regular Expressions
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<h1 class="Head">
Supported Regular Expressions
When searching for text you can use the regular expressions as defined by
the <a href=
class</a>.<br />
Additionally, \R can be used to match any form of line delimiter (Unix,
Windows, Classic Mac OS). Note that \R does not work in character groups ([]).
The replace string allows the following constructs:
<table border="1" cellpadding="5" summary=
"supported constructs in the replace field">
inserts <a href=
capturing group</a> i.
inserts <a href=
capturing group</a> i (same as $i).
quotes character <i>x</i> (unless \<i>x</i> has a special meaning)
inserts the default line delimiter of the document
inserts the hexadecimal character <i>hh</i>
inserts the Unicode character <i>hhhh</i>
inserts a newline character (usually, you should use \R instead)
inserts a carriage-return character (usually, you should use \R
inserts a tab character
inserts a form-feed character
inserts an alert (beep) character
inserts an escape character
inserts the control character for <i>X</i>
retains the casing of the match (all lower case, all upper case,
capitalized) for the rest of the replace string