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Overlapping products in a common source tree
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Overlapping products in a common source tree
Layout on file system
<li>The Java source files for products are all held in a single main
<li>Products are separated into four siblings packages
<i><code>Product1</code></i>, <i><code>Product2</code></i>,
<i><code>Product3</code></i> and <i><code>Product4</code></i>.
<img src="images/qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout20.png" alt=
"Layout on file system" />
Steps for defining corresponding "Product1" and "Product2" projects
Click <a class="command-link" href=
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt=
"Opens the Java perspective" /> <strong>Window &gt; Open Perspective
&gt; Other... &gt; Java</strong></a> to change to the Java
Click <a class="command-link" href=
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt=
"Opens the New Java Project wizard" /> <strong>File &gt; New &gt;
Other... &gt; Java Project</strong></a> to open the <strong>New Java
Project</strong> wizard.
Type "Product1" in the <strong>Project name</strong> field. Click
<img src="images/qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout21.png" alt=
"New Java Project wizard" />
On the next page, Select "Product1" source folder.
Click <strong>Link additional source</strong> link in
<strong>Details</strong> pane or button <img src=
"images/add_linked_source_to_buildpath.png" alt=
"Link Additional Source to Project" /> in view bar.
<img src="images/qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout22.png" alt=
"Java Project Source setup" />
In <strong>Link Source</strong> click <strong>Browse....</strong> and
choose the <i><code>D:\AllJavaSourceFiles</code></i> directory.
Type "src" in <strong>Folder name</strong>.
<img src="images/qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout23.png" alt=
"Link Source dialog" />
Click <strong>Finish</strong> to validate and close the dialog.
Expand the "src" source folder. Select the three last packages and
exclude them from build path using either <strong>Exclude from build
path</strong> link or <strong>Exclude</strong> popup-menu item.
<img src="images/qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout24.png" alt=
"Exclude packages from build path" />
Your project source setup now looks as follows:
<img src="images/qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout25.png" alt=
"Java Project Source final setup" />
Click <strong>Finish</strong>.
Copy "Product1" project and paste it as "Product2".
Edit "Product2" project properties and go on <strong>Java Build
Path</strong> page.
In <strong>Source</strong> tab, expand "Product2/src" source folder,
select <strong>Excluded</strong> and click <strong>Edit...</strong>.
<img src="images/qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout26.png" alt=
"Java Build Path Properties Source tab" />
In <strong>Inclusion and Exclusion Patterns</strong>, select
"com/xyz/product2" and click <strong>Edit...</strong>.
<img src="images/qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout27.png" alt=
"Inclusion and Exclusion Patterns dialog" />
Change "com/xyz/product2" to "com/xyz/product1".
<img src="images/qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout28.png" alt=
"Edit Exclusion Pattern dialog" />
Click <strong>OK</strong> to enter the change.
Click <strong>Finish</strong> to validate and close <strong>Inclusion
and Exclusion Patterns</strong> dialog.
Click <strong>OK</strong> again to validate "Product2" project
properties changes.
You now have two Java projects which respectively contain the sources
of "product1", "product2".
<img src="images/qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout29.png" alt=
"Created Java projects in Workspace" />
<p class="nav_footer" id="nav_footer">
Next Section: <a href="qs-WorkingWithExistingLayout3.htm">Product with
nested tests</a>
<img border="0" src="../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts" />
<a href="../concepts/concept-java-project.htm">Java projects</a><br />
<a href="../concepts/concept-java-views.htm">Java views</a><br />
<img src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference" />
<a href="../reference/ref-wizard-java-project.htm">New Java Project
Wizard</a><br />
<a href="../reference/views/ref-view-package-explorer.htm">Package
Explorer View</a><br />