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<title>Java Search Tab</title>
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<h1>Java Search Tab</h1>
<p>This tab in the Search dialog allows you to search for Java elements. To show the tab invoke <b>Search &gt; Java</b>.</p>
<h2>Search string</h2>
<p>In this field, type the expression for which you wish to search, using the wildcard characters mentioned in the dialog as needed. This field is initialized based on the
current selection.</p>
<!-- Description copied from Javadoc of, int, int, int): -->
<li>Type patterns have the following syntax:
<p><b><code>[qualification '.']typeName ['&lt;' typeArguments '&gt;']</code></b></p>
Type arguments can be specified to search for references to parameterized types
using following syntax:</p><p>
<b><code>'&lt;' { [ '?' {'extends'|'super'} ] type ( ',' [ '?' {'extends'|'super'} ] type )* | '?' } '&gt;'</code></b>
</p><div style="font-style:italic;">
Note that:
<li>'*' is not valid inside type arguments definition &lt;&gt;</li>
<li>'?' is treated as a wildcard when it is inside &lt;&gt; (i.e. it must be put on first position of the type argument)</li>
<li>Method patterns have the following syntax:
<p><b><code>[declaringType '.'] ['&lt;' typeArguments '&gt;'] methodName ['(' parameterTypes ')'] [returnType]</code></b></p>
<p>Type arguments have the same syntax as explained in the type patterns section.</p>
<li><code> void</code></li>
<li>Constructor patterns have the following syntax:
<p><b><code>['&lt;' typeArguments '&gt;'] [declaringQualification '.'] typeName ['(' parameterTypes ')']</code></b></p>
<p>Type arguments have the same syntax as explained in the type patterns section.</p>
<p><i>Note that the constructor name should not be entered as it is always the same as the type name.</i></p>
<li>Field patterns have the following syntax:
<p><b><code>[declaringType '.'] fieldName [fieldType]</code></b></p>
<li><code>java.lang.String.serialVersionUID long</code></li>
<li>Package patterns have the following syntax:
<p><b><code>packageNameSegment {'.' packageNameSegment}</code></b></p>
<!-- End of copy -->
<h2 class="Head">Search For</h2>
<p>Select to search for one of the following kinds of elements:</p>
<h2 class="Head">Limit To</h2>
<p>Select to limit your search results to one of the following kinds of matches:</p>
<li>Implementors (available only when searching for types)</li>
<li>All occurrences</li>
<li>Read access (available only when searching for fields)</li>
<li>Write access (available only when searching for fields)</li>
<li>Match locations (available only when searching for types or methods references).
<p>Match locations allow to further narrow the location of matches.</p>
<p>Select the location where to search for:</p>
<li>type reference:
<li>Super class declarations</li>
<li>Field types</li>
<li>Local variable types</li>
<li>Method return types</li>
<li>Method parameter types</li>
<li>Thrown exception types</li>
<li>Type parameter bounds</li>
<li>Wildcard bounds</li>
<li>Type argument</li>
<li>Cast expressions</li>
<li>Catch clauses</li>
<li>Class instance creations</li>
<li>'instanceof' checks</li>
<li>method reference:
<li>'this.' references</li>
<li>Implicit 'this.' references</li>
<li>'super.' references</li>
<li>Qualified references</li>
<li>'::' method references</li>
<h2 class="Item">Search In</h2>
<p>Select where in the scope to search for results</p>
<li>Sources: Search in all source files in the scope</li>
<li>Required projects: Search in all required projects</li>
<li>JRE libraries: Search in JRE libraries on the build path</li>
<li>Application libraries: Search in libraries on the build path</li>
<h2 class="Item">Scope</h2>
<p>Select to limit your search results to one of the following scope</p>
<li>Selected resources</li>
<li>Enclosing Projects</li>
<li>Working Set</li>
<p>Press <span class="control">Choose</span> to select or create a working set.</p>
<h2 class="Item">Search result view, filters</h2>
<p>The search results are presented in the <b>Search</b> view.</p>
<p>The <b>View Menu</b> contains these options:</p>
<li><b>Show As List</b><br>
Presents results in a flat list. In this mode, the context menu contains a <b>Sort By</b> menu with options
<b>Name</b>, <b>Path</b>, <b>Parent Name</b>.</li>
<li><b>Show as Tree</b><br>
Presents results in a hierarchy. In this mode, 4 buttons appear in the view tool bar,
where you can <b>Group by Project</b>, <b>Package</b>, <b>File</b>, or <b>Type</b>.
Various filters allow to exclude certain search results,
for example potential matches, matches in imports, Javadocs, deprecated, non-public, static or non-static elements.<br>
For types, there are filters for inexact or non-matching type arguments.<br>
For methods, there's a filter for references to overriding methods.<br>
For fields, there are filters for read or write accesses.<br>
<p><img src="../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts" border="0" ></p>
<a href="../concepts/concept-java-search.htm">Java search</a></p>
<img src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference" border="0" >
<a href="../reference/ref-menu-search.htm">Search</a></p>