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PDE Build Extensions to the p2 Publisher
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PDE Build Extensions to the p2 Publisher
PDE Build contributes several ant tasks that extend the
<a href=
publisher</a>. These tasks allow PDE Build to publish
metadata and artifacts directly into a p2 repository.
The generated build scripts use these tasks in the context of
a full build where things like compiling class files and
replacing versions are done. However, some of the tasks may
be usefull in special cases to publish metadata directly
without running a full build.
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<h3 class="c1">
This task is very similar to the
<tt>p2.publish.featuresAndBundles</tt> task contributed
by the p2 publisher. This task will publish metadata
for pre-existing binary features and plug-ins which are
not being built from source. The task will also publish
categories based on a provided site.xml or category.xml
This task supports the following attributes:
<table border="5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width=
"95%" align="center">
A URI specifying the metadata repository to publish
A URI specifying the artifact repository to publish
Sets both metadataRepository and
A URL to a site.xml specifying category
A URL to a category.xml specifyiny category
A qualifier used to ensure resulting category IUs
have unique names.
A nested fileset element specifying the locations
of binary features to publish.
A nested fileset element specifying the locations
of binary plug-ins to publish.
<div class="c2">
&lt;eclipse.publish.featuresAndBundles repository="file:C:/build/repository" category="file:C:/build/category.xml" &gt;
&lt;features dir="C:\eclipse\features\" includes="org.eclipse.cvs_1.1.100.v20090514-7E79FEc9BJ99r9XGQ3CICF" /&gt;
&lt;bundles dir="C:\eclipse\plugins" includes="org.eclipse.cvs_1.0.300.v20090520.jar" /&gt;
&lt;bundles dir="C:\eclipse\plugins" includes="" /&gt;
&lt;bundles dir="C:\eclipse\plugins" includes="" /&gt;
&lt;bundles dir="C:\eclipse\plugins" includes="" /&gt;
&lt;bundles dir="C:\eclipse\plugins" includes="" /&gt;
</div><br />
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<h3 class="c1">
Publish a plug-in directly from source. Once the .class
files for a bundle are compiled, this task will gather
up all the files that make up the binary result and
publish them as a p2 artifact with metadata. This task
is used in the <tt></tt> task in the
plug-in's generated build.xml, this task replaces the
<tt></tt> task when you are building
with the p2 publisher.
This task supports the following attributes:
<table border="5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width=
"95%" align="center">
A URI to the metadata repository to publish to.
A URI to the artifact repository to publish to.
Folder containing built .class files, the Manifest
and potentially .api_description files.
Content when running with customBuildCallbacks.
Project location to gather content from when not
using customBuildCallbacks
Whether or not the plug-in should be unpacked into
folder form when installed.
For source bundles, the location of the gather
Nested elements specifying alternate locations to
get .class files from, used when reusing .class
files from the workspace. This is an ant FileSet
with an additional "<tt>library</tt>" attribute
specifying which library the class files belong to
<div class="c2">
&lt;eclipse.gatherBundle metadataRepository="file:/build/repo" artifactRepository="file:/build/repo"
buildResultFolder="${basedir}" baseDirectory="${basedir}" unpack="true" &gt;
&lt;outputFolder library="lib/pdebuild-ant.jar" dir="${basedir}" includes="bin_ant/**" /&gt;
&lt;outputFolder library="pdebuild.jar" dir="${basedir}" includes="bin/**" /&gt;
</div><br />
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<h3 class="c1">
Publish a feature directly from source. This task will
gather up all the files that make up the feature jar
and publish them as a p2 artifact with metadata. This
task will also publish artifacts containing any
<a href="pde_rootfiles.htm">root files</a> that are
contributed by this feature. If the feature does not
specify a <tt>bin.includes</tt> property, then the
feature jar will not be generated, but there will still
be root file artifacts and feature group metadata.
This task supports the following attributes:
<table border="5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width=
"95%" align="center">
A URI to the metadata repository to publish to.
A URI to the artifact repository to publish to.
Folder containing a modified feature.xml with
versions replaced.
Content when running with customBuildCallbacks.
The feature project location
<div class="c2">
</div><br />
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2">
<h3 class="c1">
<a name="brand_p2_artifacts" id=
Brand launcher artifacts for a product and republish
them with a new name for inclusion in the given
This task supports the following attributes:
<table border="5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width=
"95%" align="center">
A URI to the metadata repository to publish to.
A URI to the artifact repository to publish to.
The configuration for which the launchers will be
used. (eg "gtk.linux.x86")
Locations to find the icons to brand the executable
The location of a temporary directory that can be
be used.
The id of the product we are publishing for.
The version of the product we are publishing for.
The name to give the new launcher.
The name of the IU which is providing the original
launcher artifacts. By default this is
"org.eclipse.equinox.executable", the task will be
looking for artifacts named