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Running your programs
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Running your programs
In this section, you will learn more about running Java
programs in the workbench.
<li>In the Package Explorer view, find
<em>junit.textui/</em> and double-click it to
open it in an editor.
<li>In the Outline view, notice that the TestRunner class has
an icon which indicates that the class defines a
<code>main</code> method.
<img src="images/view_outline_testrunner_main.png" alt=
"Outline view with selected TestRunner class" />
<li>Right click on in the Package Explorer
and select <strong>Run As</strong> &gt; <strong>Java
Application</strong>. This will launch the selected class as
a local Java application. The <strong>Run As</strong> context
menu item is also available in other places, such as the
Outline view.
<img src="images/view_outline_testrunner_run.png" alt=
"Run context menu" />
<li>Notice that the program has finished running and the
following message appears in the Console view telling you
that the program needs an execution argument.&nbsp; Running
class from the Package Explorer as a Java Application uses
the default settings for launching the selected class and
does not allow you to specify any arguments.
<img src="images/view_console_noarg.png" alt=
"Console with error message: Usage: TestRunner [-wait] testCaseName, where name is the name of the TestCase class" />
<li>To specify arguments, use the drop-down
<strong>Run</strong> menu in the toolbar and select <strong>
Run Configurations...</strong>.
<img src="images/open_run_dialog.png" alt=
"Run menu of the toolbar" />
</p>You can also Ctrl+Click a configuration in the
drop-down menu to start editing that configuration.
<li>This time, the Launch Configurations dialog opens with
the TestRunner launch configuration selected. A launch
configuration allows you to configure how a program is
launched, including its arguments, classpath, and other
options.&nbsp; (A default launch configuration was created
for you when you chose <strong>Run &gt; Java
<img src="images/run_dialog.png" alt=
"Launch configuration dialog showing the Main tab" />
<li>Select the Arguments tab and type
<em>junit.samples.VectorTest</em> in the Program arguments
<img src="images/run_dialog_arguments.png" alt=
"Arguments tab of the launch configuration dialog" />
<li>Click <strong>Run</strong>. This time the program runs
correctly, indicating the number of tests that were run.
<img src="images/view_console_success.png" alt=
"Console showing program output" />
Switch to the Debug perspective. In the Debug view,
notice that a process for the last program launch was
registered when the program was run.
By default, the Debug view automatically removes any
terminated launches when a new launch is created. This
preference can be configured on the <a class=
"command-link" href=
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/"
alt="Goto the Launching preference page" />
<strong>Run/Debug &gt; Launching</strong></a> preference
<img src="images/view_debug.png" alt=
"Debug view showing two terminated run launches" />
</p><em>Note: You can relaunch a terminated process by
selecting <strong>Relaunch</strong> from its context
<li>Select the drop-down menu from the <strong>Run</strong>
button in the workbench toolbar. This list contains the
previously launched programs. These programs can be
relaunched by selecting them in the history list.
<img src="images/run_dropdown.png" alt=
"Run drop down menu from the workbench toolbar" />
<li>By default the currently selected resource or active
editor is launched when the run button is hit. If none of
these is launchable the current project will be launched. You
can configure this behavior under <a class="command-link"
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/"
alt="Goto the Launching preference page" />
<strong>Run/Debug &gt; Launching</strong></a>.
<img src="images/pref_launch_operation.png" alt=
"Debug view showing two terminated run launches" />
<li>From the context menu in the Debug view (or the
equivalent toolbar button), select <strong>Remove All
Terminated</strong> to clear the view of terminated launch
<img src="images/view_debug_removelaunched.png" alt=
"Debug view showing context menu" />
<p class="nav_footer" id="nav_footer">
Next Section: <a href="qs-13.htm">Debugging your programs</a>
<img src="../images/ngrelt.png" border="0" alt=
"Related tasks" /><br />
<a href="../tasks/tasks-9.htm">Changing debugger launch
options</a><br />
<a href=
"../tasks/task-remotejava_launch_config.htm">Connecting to a
remote VM with the Remote Java application launch
configuration</a><br />
<a href=
from a VM</a><br />
<a href="../tasks/task-launching_java_program.htm">Launching
a Java program</a><br />
<a href="../tasks/task-running_and_debugging.htm">Running and
debugging</a><br />
<img border="0" src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt=
"Related reference" /><br />
<a href="../reference/views/debug/ref-debug_view.htm">Debug
view</a><br />
<a href="../reference/menus/run/ref-menu-run.htm">Run menu
actions</a><br />
<a href="../reference/ref-toolbar-run.htm">Run and debug
toolbar actions</a><br />