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<title>Specifying Compiler Options</title>
<h1>Compiler options</h1>
<p>PDE/Build supports a number of options to control the compiler for individual plug-ins. For settings related to
source and target levels and bootclasspath, see <a href="pde_compilation_env.htm">"Setting the Compilation Environment"</a>.
<h2>Warnings and Errors</h2>
<p>PDE/Build allows specifying custom compile warnings and errors in the file. These can be set on a per library basis (a single plug-in can
contain multiple jar libraries) with the <b>javacWarnings.&lt;library&gt;</b> and <b>javacErrors.&lt;library&gt;</b> options. The values for these properties
are given in the "-warn:..." section on the <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user/tasks/task-using_batch_compiler.htm#warn">using the batch compiler</a> page (from the Java development user guide).</p>
<pre> javacErrors.. = forbidden,discouraged,
javacWarnings.library.jar = deprecation,nullDereference
<h3>Warnings and Errors from Project preferences</h3>
The JDT project preferences can now also be used during PDE/Build. PDE/Build itself is not able to read the preference files, but it is able to pass them
to the JDT compiler which does understand them.
To use this, a plug-in should specify the <b>javacProjectSettings</b> property in its file. The value should be:
<li><tt><b>javacProjectSettings=true</b></tt> : Use the project setting specified in the default <tt>.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs</tt> preferences file.</li>
<li><tt><b>javacProjectSettings=path/to/jdt.prefs</b></tt> : Use the specified preference file.</li>
Some projects may wish to use different warning and error settings in the workspace as compared to a releng build. This allows a more convenient method
of specifying these settings compared to the "javacWarnings.&lt;library&gt;" property.
<h2>File Encoding</h2>
PDE/Build can accept custom file encodings on a per library, folder or file basis.
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">javacDefaultEncoding.&lt;library&gt;</span>
- sets default encoding to use when compiling the given library.</li>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">javacCustomEncodings.&lt;library&gt;</span>
- a comma separated list of
paths and encodings to use when compiling the given library. When specifying a folder, the encoding is used for everything contained in that folder. When
specifying a file, the encoding is used for just that file.&nbsp;
Example: <br>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<pre>javacCustomEncodings.library.jar = src/org/foo[US-ASCII], src/org/foo/[ISO-8859-1]</pre>
<h2>Custom Compiler Arguments</h2>
Custom compiler arguments can now be specified per bundle using the <b>compilerArg</b> property in the bundle's file. This property is similar
to the <a href="../reference/pde_builder_config.htm">compilerArg</a> property in the builder configuration except that it affects only the single plug-in instead
of all plug-ins. The specific arguments here depend on the compiler being used. The JDT compiler arguments are listed <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user/tasks/task-using_batch_compiler.htm">here</a>.
<h2>Compiler Option Precedence</h2>
There are a number of difference ways to specify different compiler options. As a general rule, option precedence is as follows:
<li>javacDefaultEncoding.&lt;library&gt; has precedence over a custom <b>-encoding</b> command line option.</li>
<li>For general options, an option appearing later on the compiler command line overrides options specified earlier. The options are provided to the JDT in the following order:
<li>The <b>compilerArg</b> property from the builder configuration. (Affects all bundles).</li>
<li>The <b>compilerArg</b> property from this plug-in's </li>
<li>The compiler preferences file specified with <b>javacProjectSettings</b>.</li>
<li>The generated compiler arguments file (javaCompiler.&lt;library&gt;.args) containing file encodings, <b>javacWarnings</b>, <b>javacErrors</b> and access rules.</li>
<h2>Using a Custom Compiler</h2>
A bundle can now use a custom compiler by setting the <b>compilerAdapter</b> property. The specified compiler adapter must be available in the ant environment. The JDT compiler
adapter used by default is <b>org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter</b>. One particular reason for specifying an alternate compiler is for Aspect J or Groovy bundles. Bundles specifying
a custom compiler adapter may need to also specify some of the following properties:
<li><b>sourceFileExtensions</b> : A list of extensions that should be considered source. (eg *.java, *.aj, *.groovy).</li>
<li><b>compilerAdapter.useLog</b> : whether or not to pass "-log" argument to the compiler</li>
<li><b>compilerAdapter.useArgFile</b> : whether or not to pass the generated javaCompiler.&lt;library&gt;.args argument file. (Contains access rules, file encodings and warning/error levels).</li>