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<title>Generating ANT scripts</title>
<h1>Generating Ant scripts</h1>
<p> <b> Ant</b> is a simple open-source scripting engine that is capable of running
scripts written in XML format. Ant is ideal for executing tasks usually found in
automated builds.&nbsp;</p>
<p>The variables set in the plug-in, fragment or feature <b>
</b> will be used to generate scripts for
Ant.&nbsp; PDE generates Ant scripts for creating
individual plug-in and fragment build files and one overall script for building
the feature JAR. This &quot;main&quot; script is also responsible for running individual
script files in the right order (defined by the plug-in dependency chain). Each
build file has the same name (<b>build.xml</b>) and is created as a sibling of the manifest
files in the corresponding projects.</p>
<p>Since Ant scripts use the replacement variables in <b></b>, you can typically use them &quot;as is&quot;, without
modifying the generated scripts. If you do modify them, you must not recreate the
scripts every time you want to rebuild the component. </p>
<p>To create scripts, you can simply select <b>Create Ant Build File</b> while a
suitable manifest file (plugin.xml, fragment.xml or feature.xml) is selected in
the Navigator or Package Explorer views. The command will generate
the build script. After selecting <b>Run Ant...</b> from the pop-up menu while
the newly generated script file is selected, the following wizard will open:</p>
<img src="../guide/images/tasks/feature-jar.png" alt="Ant execution wizard showing available targets" border="0"></p>
<p>The standard Ant wizard allows customization in two ways: by
providing the execution arguments and by selecting one or more build targets.</p>
<p>Ant arguments are typically used to provide property values that
override default values and control the build process. Arguments are set using
&quot;-Dproperty=value&quot;. The following properties are recognized:</p>
<p><b>bootclasspath</b> - if set, it replaces the default boot
classpath. Used when compiling cross-platform plug-ins (e.g. building a UI
plug-in for Windows using Linux)</p></li>
<li><b>build.result.folder</b> - where
the temporary files for the update JAR creation should be placed.
These files are usually the plug-in library JARs.</li>
<li><b>plugin.destination</b> - where
plug-in and fragment update JARs should be put. These JARs represent
entire plug-ins and fragments in a format suitable for publishing on an
Install/Update server and referencing by a feature. The typical layout of an
Update site is to have all the plug-in and fragment JARs in one place and
all the features in another. This argument is useful for placing plug-ins and
fragment directly into the desired directory (or the staging place on the
local machine before pushing the features onto the remote server).</li>
<li><b>feature.destination</b> - where
feature update JARs should be put.</li>
<p>To adapt the behavior of the compiler, the following properties are recognized:</p>
<li><b>javacFailOnError</b> - stop the build when an error occurs when set to true. Default is false.</li>
<li><b>javacDebugInfo</b> - compile source with debug information when set to true. Default is true.</li>
<li><b>javacVerbose</b> - produce verbose output when set to true. Default is true.</li>
<li><b>javacSource</b> - value of the -source command-line switch.</li>
<li><b>javacTarget</b> - generate class files for specific VM version.</li>
<li><b>compilerArg</b> - additional command line arguments for the compiler.</li>
<p>When executing feature build scripts, the
following targets are used to call individual targets of plug-ins or fragments.
In order to specify what target to execute, the property <b>target</b> should be
set (e.g. -Dtarget=refresh). One of the <b>all.*</b> targets serves as an iterator, whereas
the actual target to execute is specified via the property <b>target</b>.</p>
<li><b>all.plugins</b> - for all listed plug-ins</li>
<li><b>all.fragments</b> - for all listed fragments</li>
<li><b>all.children</b> - for all listed plug-ins and fragments</li>
<li><b>build.jars</b> - build JARs for all feature children;</li>
<li><b>build.sources</b> - build source for all feature children;</li>
<li><b>build.update.jar</b> - generate a feature JAR in the format used by the install/update mechanism.
The above mentioned property <b>feature.destination</b> can be used to define
where to put the JAR;</li>
<li><b>zip.distribution</b> - creates a zip
file with the feature and its plug-ins and fragments in an SDK-like structure
but does not include source code;</li>
<li><b>zip.sources</b> - creates a zip file with the feature and its plug-ins and fragments in an SDK-like structure which only includes the source;</li>
<li><b>clean</b> - delete everything produced by running any of the target;</li>
<li><b>refresh</b> - performs a &quot;Refresh&quot; action in the current project, thus making the
newly generated resources visible in the Navigator or Package Explorer.</li>
<li><b>zip.plugin</b> - creates a zip file with the binary and source contents of a plug-in with the following structure:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; contents
</blockquote>where 'id' is the plug-in unique identifier
and 'version' is the plug-in version. This zip file can be directly unzipped
into the Eclipse installation directory as a form of a quick manual deployment.</li>