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<title>Adding and viewing bookmarks</title>
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<h1>Adding and viewing bookmarks</h1>
<p CLASS="Head">The Workbench allows the bookmarking of individual files or locations
within a file. This section will demonstrate how to set several bookmarks and
how to view them using the Bookmarks view.</p>
<p CLASS="Head">From the menu bar, select <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Bookmarks</b>. The
Bookmarks view appears in the Workbench.&nbsp;</p>
<P CLASS="Para"> Edit the file JanesFile.txt.</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> Position the cursor over the editor's marker bar next to
any line in the file. Then, from the context menu on the marker bar, select
<b>Add Bookmark</b>.</P>
<P CLASS="Para">
<img src="../images/Image54_bookmark_menu.png" alt="Bookmark Menu" border="0">
<P CLASS="Para">When the Add Bookmark dialog opens type in a description for
this bookmark. Type in &quot;My Bookmark&quot;.</P>
<P CLASS="Para">
Notice that a new bookmark appears in the marker bar.</P>
<P CLASS="Para">
<img src="../images/Image54_bookmark_added.png" alt="Editor with bookmark" border="0" >
<P CLASS="Para">
The new bookmark also appears in the Bookmarks view.</P>
<P CLASS="Para">
<img src="../images/Image54_bookmark_added2.png" alt="Bookmark view" border="0" >
<P CLASS="Para"> In one of the navigation views select the file JanesText.txt. From
the main Workbench menu select <strong>Edit &gt; </strong><b>Add Bookmark</b>.</P>
<P CLASS="Para">
This will bookmark the file using the filename to describe the bookmark. Observe the Bookmarks view now contains two
<P CLASS="Para">
<img src="../images/Image54_bookmark_two.png" alt="Bookmark view" border="0" >