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<title>Checking out a project</title>
<h1> Checking out a project</h1>
<p>Coworker Fred has several tasks in front of him:&nbsp;</p>
<li>Fred will import the project that Jane committed to the CVS
repository into his Workbench.</li>
<li>Fred will make changes to <em class="FileName">file1.txt</em> and <em class="FileName">file2.txt</em>.</li>
<li>Fred will synchronize and commit his outgoing changes to the two
<p>Fred's first step is to import the project into his workspace as
<li class="Steps">Run the import wizard via the
<em class="UILabel">File &gt; Import</em> menu item.
<img class="Big" src="../images/Image82_import_project_fred.png" alt="Screenshot of Import type selection">
<li class="Steps">Select the <em class="UILabel">Projects from CVS</em>
item and press <em class="UILabel">Next</em>.
<li class="Steps">Create a repository location as described when Jane <a
href="qs-61d_repolocb.htm">created a repository</a>.
<li class="Steps">On the next page select the "Use an existing module" radio button
and wait while the repository is contacted.
<img class="Big" src="../images/Image82_import2_project_fred.png" alt="Screenshot of CVS module selection page">
<li class="Steps">From the list of available projects, select <em class="ProjectName">JanesTeamProject</em>
and press <em class="UILabel">Finish</em>. A progress dialog will
appear showing the progress of the import operation.<br>
<img class="Big" src="../images/Image82_import3_project_fred.png" alt="Screenshot of progress dialog">
<li class="Steps">Open one of the navigation views and observe that it now includes
the project <em class="ProjectName">JanesTeamProject</em>.
Notice that there are CVS decorators indicating the file revisions, the
repository name, and the file types.
<img class="Big" src="../images/Image82_import4_project_fred.png" alt="Screenshot of Fred's Project Explorer after checkout">