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<title>Setting the Java build path</title>
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<h2>Setting the Java build path</h2>
<p>This section describes how to set the Java build path.&nbsp; The build path is the classpath
that is used for building a Java project (<b><a href=
<p>A classpath is simply an array of classpath entries (<b><a href=
"../reference/api/org/eclipse/jdt/core/IClasspathEntry.html">IClasspathEntry</a></b>) that describe
the types that are available.&nbsp; The types can appear in source or binary form and the ordering
of the entries on the path defines the lookup order for resolving types during a build.</p>
<p>The Java build path is reflected in the structure of a Java project element.&nbsp; You can query
a project for its package fragment roots (<b><a href=
Each classpath entry maps to one or more package fragment roots, each of which further contains a
set of package fragments.</p>
<p>This discussion of the build path does not involve the Java runtime path, which can be defined
separately from the build path.&nbsp; (See <b><a href="../guide/jdt_api_run.htm">Running Java
code</a></b> for a discussion of the runtime classpath.)</p>
<h3>Changing the build path</h3>
<p>You can programmatically change a project's build path using <b><a href=
setRawClasspath</a></b> on the corresponding project's Java element.&nbsp; The following code sets
the classpath for a project resource:</p>
<pre class="color1">
IProject project = ... // get some project resource
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
IClasspathEntry[] newClasspath = ...;
javaProject.setRawClasspath(newClasspath, someProgressMonitor);
<p>(Note:&nbsp; The use of the term "raw" classpath is used to emphasize the fact that any
variables used to describe entry locations have not been resolved.)</p>
<p>The Java build path is persisted into a file named '.classpath' in the project's file
structure.&nbsp; The purpose of this file is to provide a way to share Java build path settings
with others through some source code repository. In particular, this file should not be manually
edited, since it may get corrupted.</p>
<h3>Classpath entries</h3>
<p>Classpath entries can be defined using factory methods defined on <b><a href=
"../reference/api/org/eclipse/jdt/core/JavaCore.html">JavaCore</a></b>.&nbsp; Classpath entries can
reference any of the following:</p>
<li><b>a source folder</b> - a folder containing source compilation units organized under their
corresponding package directory structure. Source folders are used to better structure source files
in large projects, and may only be referenced within the containing project. The corresponding
factory method is <b><a href=
newSourceEntry</a></b>. Inside a given source folder, each compilation unit is expected to be
nested in the appropriate folder structure according to its package statement.&nbsp; For example,
compilation unit '' in package 'p1' must be located inside sub-folder 'p1' of a source
folder. It is possible to use multiple source folders, as long as they don't overlap. A source
folder may be assigned its own output location which determines where generated class files should
be placed.&nbsp; If none is specified, then class files will be placed in the containing project's
output location (see <b><a href=
<p>The following is an example classpath entry that denotes the source folder 'src' of project
<pre class="color1">
IClasspathEntry srcEntry = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/MyProject/src"));
<li><b>a binary library</b> - either a class file folder (contained inside or outside the
workspace) or a class file archive file (contained inside or outside the workspace). Archive
libraries can have attached source archives, which are extracted when asking a class file element
for its source (<b><a href=
"../reference/api/org/eclipse/jdt/core/ISourceReference.html#getSource()">getSource</a></b>). The
factory method for libraries is <b><a href=
<p>The following is an example classpath entry that denotes the class file folder 'lib' of
<pre class="color1">
IClasspathEntry libEntry = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(
new Path("/MyProject/lib"),
null, // no source
null, // no source
false); // not exported
<p>The following classpath entry has a source attachment:</p>
<pre class="color1">
IClasspathEntry libEntry = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(
new Path("d:/lib/foo.jar"), // library location
new Path("d:/lib/"), // source archive location
new Path("src"), // source archive root path
true); // exported
<p>The source archive root path describes the location of the root within the source archive.&nbsp;
If set to null, the root of the archive will be inferred dynamically.</p>
<br /></li>
<li><b>a prerequisite project</b> - another Java project.&nbsp; A prerequisite project always
contributes its source folders to dependent projects. It can also optionally contribute any of its
classpath entries which are tagged as exported (see factory methods supporting the extra boolean
argument 'isExported'). This means that in addition to contributing its source to its dependents, a
project will also export all classpath entries tagged as such.&nbsp; This allows prerequisite
projects to better hide their own structure changes.&nbsp; For example, a given project may choose
to switch from using a source folder to exporting a library.&nbsp; This can be done without
requiring its dependent projects to change their classpath. The factory method for a project
prerequisite is <b><a href=
<p>The following classpath entry denotes a prerequisite project 'MyFramework'.</p>
<pre class="color1">
IClasspathEntry prjEntry = JavaCore.newProjectEntry(new Path("/MyFramework"), true); // exported
<li><b>an indirect reference to a project or library, using some classpath variable</b> - The
location of projects or libraries can be dynamically resolved relative to a classpath variable,
which is specified as the first segment of the entry path. The remainder of the entry path is then
appended to the resolved variable path. The factory method for a classpath variable is <b><a href=
newVariableEntry</a></b>. Classpath variables are global to the workspace, and can be manipulated
through JavaCore methods <b><a href=
and <b><a href=
<p>It is possible to register an automatic <b><a href=
"../reference/api/org/eclipse/jdt/core/ClasspathVariableInitializer.html">classpath variable
initializer</a></b> which is invoked through the extension point <b><a href=
when the workspace is started.</p>
<p>The following classpath entry denotes a library whose location is kept in the variable
'HOME'.&nbsp; The source attachment is defined using the variables&nbsp; 'SRC_HOME' and 'SRC_ROOT'
<pre class="color1">
IClasspathEntry varEntry = JavaCore.newVariableEntry(
new Path("HOME/foo.jar"), // library location
new Path("SRC_HOME/"), // source archive location
new Path("SRC_ROOT"), // source archive root path
true); // exported
JavaCore.setClasspathVariable("HOME", new Path("d:/myInstall"), null); // no progress monitor
<li><b>entry denoting a classpath container</b> - an indirect reference to a structured set of
project or libraries. Classpath containers are used to refer to a set of classpath entries that
describe a complex library structure.&nbsp; Like classpath variables, classpath containers
<b><a href=
"../reference/api/org/eclipse/jdt/core/IClasspathContainer.html">(IClasspathContainer)</a></b> are
dynamically resolved.&nbsp; Classpath containers may be used by different projects, causing their
path entries to resolve to distinct values per project.&nbsp; They also provide meta information
about the library that they represent (name, kind, description of library.)&nbsp; The factory
method for a classpath variable is <b><a href=
newContainerEntry</a></b>. Classpath containers can be manipulated through JavaCore methods
<b><a href=
getClasspathContainer</a></b> and <b><a href=
<p>It is possible to register an automatic <b><a href=
"../reference/api/org/eclipse/jdt/core/ClasspathContainerInitializer.html">classpath container
initializer</a></b> which is lazily invoked through the extension point <b><a href=
when the container needs to be bound.</p>
<p>The following classpath entry denotes a system class library container:</p>
<pre class="color1">
IClasspathEntry varEntry = JavaCore.newContainerEntry(
new Path("JDKLIB/default"), // container 'JDKLIB' + hint 'default'
false); // not exported
new Path("JDKLIB/default"),
new IJavaProject[]{ myProject }, // value for 'myProject'
new IClasspathContainer[] {
new IClasspathContainer() {
public IClasspathEntry[] getClasspathEntries() {
return new IClasspathEntry[]{
JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(new Path("d:/rt.jar"), null, null, false);
public String getDescription() { return "Basic JDK library container"; }
public int getKind() { return IClasspathContainer.K_SYSTEM; }
public IPath getPath() { return new Path("JDKLIB/basic"); }
<h3>Exclusion patterns</h3>
<p>A classpath source entry may be assigned an exclusion pattern, which prevents certain resources
in a source folder from being visible on the classpath.&nbsp; Using a pattern allows specified
portions of the resource tree to be filtered out.&nbsp; Each exclusion pattern path is relative to
the classpath entry and uses a pattern mechanism similar to Ant.&nbsp; Exclusion patterns can be
used to specify nested source folders as long as the outer pattern excludes the inner pattern.</p>
<p>See <b><a href=
for more detail on exclusion patterns.</p>
<p>The Java project API <b><a href=
isOnClasspath</a></b> checks both inclusion and exclusion patterns before determining whether a
particular resource is on the classpath.</p>
<li>Exclusion patterns have higher precedence than inclusion patterns; in other words, exclusion
patterns can remove files from the ones that are to be included, not the other way around.</li>
<li>A nested source folder excluded from build path can be set as an output location. The following
is an example classpath entry that denotes the source folder 'src' of project 'MyProject' with an
excluded nested source folder used as an output location:
<pre class="color1">
IPath sourceFolder = new Path("/MyProject/src");
IPath outputLocation = sourceFolder.append("bin");
IClasspathEntry srcEntry = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(
sourceFolder, // source folder location
new Path[] { outputLocation }, // excluded nested folder
outputLocation); // output location
<h3>Inclusion patterns</h3>
<p>A classpath source entry may also be assigned an inclusion pattern, which explicitly defines
resources to be visible on the classpath.&nbsp; When no inclusion patterns are specified, the
source entry includes all relevant files in the resource tree rooted at this source entry's path.
Specifying one or more inclusion patterns means that only the specified portions of the resource
tree are to be included. Each path specified must be a relative path, and will be interpreted
relative to this source entry's path. File patterns are case-sensitive. A file matched by one or
more of these patterns is included in the corresponding package fragment root unless it is excluded
by one or more of this entry's exclusion patterns.</p>
<p>See <b><a href=
for a discussion of the syntax and semantics of path patterns. The absence of any inclusion
patterns is semantically equivalent to the explicit inclusion pattern <code>**</code>.</p>
<p>The Java project API <b><a href=
isOnClasspath</a></b> checks both inclusion and exclusion patterns before determining whether a
particular resource is on the classpath.</p>
<li>The inclusion pattern <code>src/**</code> by itself includes all files under a root folder
named <code>src</code>.</li>
<li>The inclusion patterns <code>src/**</code> and <code>tests/**</code> includes all files under
the root folders named <code>src</code> and <code>tests</code>.</li>
<li>The inclusion pattern <code>src/**</code> together with the exclusion pattern
<code>src/**/</code> includes all files under a root folder named <code>src</code> except
for ones named <code></code>.</li>
<h2>Classpath resolution</h2>
Since classpath variables and containers allow you to define dynamically bound classpath entries,
the classpath API distinguishes between a raw and a resolved classpath.&nbsp;&nbsp; The raw
classpath is the one originally set on the Java project using <b><a href=
setRawClasspath</a></b>, and can be further queried by asking the project for <b><a href=
The resolved classpath can be queried using <b><a href=
This operation triggers initialization of any variables and containers necessary to resolve the
classpath.&nbsp; Many Java Model operations implicitly cause the Java build path to be
resolved.&nbsp; For example, computing a project's package fragment roots requires the build path
to be resolved.