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<title>Creating Java specific prompter dialogs</title>
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<h3>Creating Java specific prompter dialogs</h3>
<p>The following snippet uses the <b><a href=
"../reference/api/org/eclipse/jdt/ui/JavaUI.html">JavaUI</a></b> class to open the Open Type
<pre class="color1">
public IType selectType() throws JavaModelException {
Shell parent = ...;
SelectionDialog dialog= JavaUI.createTypeDialog(
parent, new ProgressMonitorDialog(parent),
IJavaElementSearchConstants.CONSIDER_ALL_TYPES, false);
dialog.setTitle("My Dialog Title");
dialog.setMessage("My Dialog Message");
if ( == IDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID)
return null;
Object[] types= dialog.getResult();
if (types == null || types.length == 0)
return null;
return (IType)types[0];
<p><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/jdt/ui/JavaUI.html"><b>JavaUI</b></a> provides additional
methods for creating Open Package and Open Main Type dialogs.</p>