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Editor Templates
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Editor Templates
Templates are a structured description of coding patterns that reoccur in source code. The
Java editor supports the use of templates to fill in commonly used source patterns. Templates
are inserted using content assist (<strong>Ctrl+Space</strong>).
For example, a common coding pattern is to iterate over the elements of an array using a for
loop that indexes into the array. By using a template for this pattern, you can avoid typing
in the complete code for the loop. Invoking content assist after typing the word
<code>for</code> will present you with a list of possible templates for a for loop. You can
choose the appropriate template by name (<code>iterate over array</code>). Selecting this
template will insert the code into the editor and position your cursor so that you can edit
the details.
Templates can contain <a href="../concepts/concept-template-variables.htm">template
variables</a>. Variables mark the editable locations. They can be resolved to a concrete
value when the template is evaluated in its context. They can also provide a list of
alternative proposals valid at the given location.
Many common templates are already defined. These can be viewed with the <a class=
"command-link" href=
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt=
"Goto the Java editor preferences page" /> <strong>Java &gt; Editor &gt;
Templates</strong></a> preference page. You can also create your own templates or edit the
existing ones.
<img border="0" src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference" />
<a href="../reference/preferences/java/editor/ref-preferences-templates.htm">Templates
preferences</a><br />
<a href="../concepts/concept-template-variables.htm">Template variables</a><br />
<a href=
editing</a><br />
<a href="../reference/ref-menu-edit.htm">Edit menu</a><br />
<a href="../reference/ref-java-editor-code-assist.htm">Java content assist</a><br />
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