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<title> Renaming Java elements </title>
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<h1> Renaming Java elements </h1>
<p> In this section, you will rename a Java element using refactoring.&nbsp;
Refactoring actions change the structure of your code without changing its
semantics (behavior). </p>
<li> In the Package Explorer view, select&nbsp;<em>junit.framework/</em>.
<li> From its context menu, select&nbsp;<strong>Refactor &gt; Rename</strong>. </li>
<li> In the&nbsp;<strong>New Name</strong> field on the Rename Compilation
Unit page, type &quot;<em>TestCase2</em>&quot;.
<p> <img src="images/rename_cu_dialog.png" alt="Rename refactoring wizard">
<li> To preview the changes that will be made as a result of renaming the
class, press <strong>Next</strong>.
<li> The workbench analyzes the proposed change and presents you with a preview
of the changes that would take place if you rename this
resource.&nbsp;<p>Since renaming a compilation unit will affect the import
statements in other compilation units, there are other compilation units
affected by the change.&nbsp; These are shown in a list of changes in the
preview pane. </p>
<p> <img src="images/rename_cu_preview_dialog.png" alt="Refactoring wizard preview page">
<li> On the Refactoring preview page, you can scroll through the proposed
changes and select or deselect changes, if necessary.&nbsp; You will
typically accept all of the proposed changes. </li>
<li> Click&nbsp;<strong>Finish</strong> to accept all proposed changes. </li>
<p>You have seen that a refactoring action can cause many changes in different
compilation units.&nbsp; These changes can be undone as a group.</p>
<li> In the menu bar, select&nbsp;<strong>Edit &gt; Undo Rename Compilation Unit</strong>.
<p> <img src="images/edit_undo_refactoring_menu.png" alt="Refactor menu">
<li> The refactoring changes are undone, and the workbench returns to its previous
state. You can undo refactoring actions right up until you change and save
a compilation unit, at which time the refactoring undo buffer is cleared.
<P class="nav_footer" id="nav_footer">Next Section: <A href="qs-10.htm">Moving and copying Java elements</A>
<img src="../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts" border="0" >
<p> <a href="../concepts/concept-refactoring.htm">Refactoring support</a> </p>
<p> <img src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference" border="0" >
<p> <a href="../reference/ref-menu-refactor.htm">Refactoring actions</a><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-wizard-refactorings.htm">Refactoring wizard</a><br>
<a href="../reference/preferences/ref-preferences-java.htm">Java preferences</a> </p>