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Using the Java browsing perspective
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Using the Java browsing perspective
In this section you will use the Java browsing perspective to browse and
manipulate your code. <a href="qs-4.htm">Browsing Java elements with the
Package Explorer</a> gives an overview of using the Package Explorer to browse
elements. In contrast to the Package Explorer, which organizes all Java elements
in a tree, consisting of projects, packages, compilation units, types, etc., the
browsing perspective uses distinct views to present the same information. Selecting
an element in one view, will show its content in another view.
<p>To open a browsing perspective activate
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.perspectives.showPerspective(org.eclipse.ui.perspectives.showPerspective.perspectiveId=org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaBrowsingPerspective)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="Open the Java browsing perspective">
<strong>Window &gt; Open Perspective &gt; Java Browsing</strong></a> from
within the Java perspective or use the context menu of the <strong>Open a Perspective
</strong> toolbar button.
<img src="images/workbench_java_browsing.png" alt="Java browsing perspective">
The views of the perspective are connected to each other in the following ways:</p>
Selecting an element in the <strong>Projects</strong> views shows its packages
in the <strong>Packages</strong> view.
The <strong>Types</strong> view shows the types contained in the package selected
in the <strong>Packages</strong> view.
The <strong>Members</strong> view shows the members of a selected type. Functionally,
the <strong>Members</strong> view is comparable to the <strong>Outline</strong> view used in the normal Java
Selecting an element in the <strong>Members</strong> view reveals the element in the editor. If there
isn't an editor open for the element, double-clicking on the element will open a corresponding editor.
All four views are by default linked to the active editor. This means that the views will adjust
their content and their selection according to the file presented in the active editor. The
following steps illustrate this behavior:</p>
Select <em>junit.extensions</em> in the <strong>Packages</strong> view.
Open type <em>TestSetup</em> in the editor by double-clicking it in the <strong>Types view</strong>.
Now give back focus to the editor opened on file <em></em> by clicking on the
editor tab. The <strong>Packages</strong>, <strong>Types</strong> and <strong>
Members</strong> view adjust their content and selections to reflect the active editor. The
<strong>Packages</strong> view's selection is set to <em>junit.framework</em> and the <strong>
Types</strong> view shows the content of the <em>junit.framework</em> packages. In addition,
the type <em>TestCase</em> is selected.
Functionally, the Java browsing perspective is fully comparable to the Java perspective.
The context menus for projects, packages, types, etc. and the global menu and tool bar are the same.
Therefore activating these functions is analogous to activating them in the Java perspective.
<P class="nav_footer" id="nav_footer">Next Section: <A href="qs-junit.htm">Writing and running JUnit tests</A>