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<title>Repository locations</title>
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<h1>Repository locations</h1>
<DIV CLASS="Subtopic">
<p CLASS="Para">Now that a new repository location has been added to the CVS
Repositories view, the following will explain what a repository location is
or, more importantly, what it isn't.</p>
<p CLASS="Para">A repository location is not an actual live connection. Instead,
it is a description of where the repository is located. At a later time, when
instructions are given explaining how to commit work to the repository or
update with work done by others, the Workbench will create a connection based
on this location information. Connections will be opened and closed as required
when performing CVS team operations, and those connections will be based on
the information provided in the repository location. </p>
<p CLASS="Para">When disconnected from the network the CVS Repositories view
continues to display the list of known repository locations. In addition,
the projects themselves will still know the repository location they are associated