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<title>Responsive UI</title>
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<h1> Responsive UI</h1>
<P CLASS="Para">While some operations automatically run in the background (such
as auto build), in many cases a dialog will be displayed providing you with
the option to run an operation in the background. For example, building a project
manually can sometimes take more than a few minutes, during which time you may
wish to continue to use other functions in Eclipse.</p>
<P CLASS="Para"><img src="../images/res.png" alt="Image of the Build All Menu Item." border="0" > </p>
<p>While the project is being built, select <strong>Run in Background </strong>from
the <strong>Building Workspace</strong> dialog and the Responsive UI will allow
you to carry on with other tasks in Eclipse.</p>
<p><img src="../images/res_build.png" alt="Image of the Building Workspace window" border="0" ></p>
<p>For information on the status of the action and additional operations that
are currently running, click <strong>Details</strong>.
The <strong>Details </strong>panel displays the status information of the operation
at hand as well as any additional operations that may be running simultaneously.</P>
<p><img src="../images/res_otherjobs.png" alt="Image of the Building Workspace window with the Details showing simultaneous operations" border="0" ></P>
<p>The Progress Information dialog also indicates when one operation is being
blocked by another. </P>
<p><img src="../images/res_blocked.png" alt="Image of Progress Information view with an operation that is waiting for another to complete." border="0" ></P>
<p>Information about operations that are currently running in the background may also be
accessed at any time using the <strong>Progress View</strong>.</p>
<p><img src="../images/res_details.png" alt="Image of the Progress View showing the Building Workspace operation running" border="0" ></p>
<p>To have operations running in the background set as the default, select <strong>Window
&gt; Preferences &gt; General </strong> and check <strong>Always run in background.</strong>
<p><img src="../images/res_pref.png" alt="Image of Workbench Preferences Window" border="0"></P>