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toString() Generator: Code Styles
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toString() Generator: Code Styles
Code style determines how the generated method works and what classes it uses. There are several code styles available to chose from the combo box in generator's <a href="ref-dialog-tostring.htm">dialog</a>:</p>
<li><h3>String concatenation</h3>
This style uses simple sum expressions so it's very efficient (compiler uses StringBuilder/StringBuffer to optimize the code) and relatively easy to read and modify. Here's an example outcome in the simplest case:
<pre>return "FooClass [aFloat=" + aFloat + ", aString=" + aString + ", anInt=" + anInt
+ ", anObject=" + anObject + "]";</pre>
With "Skip null values" option turned on, the code becomes a little harder to read:
<pre>return "FooClass [aFloat=" + aFloat + ", "
+ (aString != null ? "aString=" + aString + ", " : "")
+ "anInt=" + anInt + ", "
+ (anObject != null ? "anObject=" + anObject : "") + "]";</pre>
This style uses StringBuilder if the project is compatible with JDK1.5 or later and StringBuffer otherwise. StringBuilder is faster (because of lack of synchronization), but only available since JDK1.5.
<pre>StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("FooClass [aFloat=");
builder.append(", aString=");
builder.append(", anInt=");
builder.append(", anObject=");
return builder.toString();</pre>
The <b>"Skip null values"</b> option doesn't obfuscate the code as much as previously:
<pre>StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("FooClass [aFloat=");
builder.append(", ");
if (aString != null) {
builder.append(", ");
builder.append(", ");
if (anObject != null) {
return builder.toString();</pre>
<li><h3>StringBuilder/StringBuffer with chained calls</h3>
Style very similar to the previous one only that append methods are called in chain. This makes the code shorter and probably easier to read.
<pre>StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("FooClass [aFloat=").append(aFloat).append(", aString=").append(aString)
.append(", anInt=").append(anInt).append(", anObject=").append(anObject).append("]");
return builder.toString();</pre>
With <b>"Skip null values"</b> switched on, the chain must be broken:
<pre>StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("FooClass [aFloat=").append(aFloat).append(", ");
if (aString != null) {
builder.append("aString=").append(aString).append(", ");
builder.append("anInt=").append(anInt).append(", ");
if (anObject != null) {
return builder.toString();</pre>
This style is very pleasant for relatively short list of elements, but with longer ones it becomes hard to see which fields are associated with which variables. Unfortunately, the <b>"Skip null values"</b> option cannot be used with this style.
<pre>return String.format("FooClass [aFloat=%s, aString=%s, anInt=%s, anObject=%s]",
aFloat, aString, anInt, anObject);</pre>
Because there's no <code>String.format()</code> in JDK 1.4 and earlier, <code>MessageFormat.format()</code> is used instead:
<pre>return MessageFormat.format("FooClass [aFloat={0}, aString={1}, anInt={2}, anObject={3}]",
new Object[] { new Float(aFloat), aString, new Integer(anInt), anObject });</pre>
<li><h3><a name="custombuilder">Custom toString() builder</a></h3>
<p>This style uses an external class to build a result string. It can use classes that fulfill the following conditions:</p>
<li>Provide a public constructor taking a single <code>Object</code> as parameter - it will be passed an object for which the toString() method is called</li>
<li>Provide methods for appending member information - these are methods with specified name, that take an <code>Object</code> and (optionally) a <code>String</code> (in any order)</li>
<li>Provide a method for retrieving result - that is a method taking no arguments and returning a <code>String</code></li>
<p>Custom builder requires some additional configuration to work properly. All necessary options can be entered in a dialog box showing up after clicking 'Configure...' button. These options include:</p>
<li><b>Builder class</b> - a fully qualified name of a class to use. It can be typed in manually or selected from a class search dialog box
(in this case it's automatically checked if selected class meets the requirements).
It can be a class declared either directly in current project or in one of included libraries -
it just has to be accessible on the build path. For example, ToStringBuilder from the Apache Commons Lang library or
ToStringCreator from the Spring Framework work very well with this mechanism.</li>
<li><b>Builder label</b> - any valid java identifier. It will be used to reference the builder object.</li>
<li><b>Append method</b> - the name of methods to use for appending items. If the class provides many methods with this name, methods taking two arguments (one of them must be <code>String</code>) are preferred over those taking a single argument (additionally, the <code>String</code> argument shall preferably be the first one). If there are versions of the method that take specific argument types, they are also used when possible.</li>
<li><b>Result method</b> - the name of a method to use for retrieving final result.</li>
<li><b>Chain invocations</b> - determines whether calls to the <b>append</b> methods should form chains. This option takes effect only for methods that have proper return type (that is, the builder class, or a subclass).</li>
<p>For example, suppose your builder class looks like this:</p>
public class ToStringBuilder2 {
public ToStringBuilder2(Object o) {...}
public ToStringBuilder2 appendItem(String s, Object o) {...}
public ToStringBuilder2 appendItem(String s, float f) {...}
public String getString() {...}
Of course in this case <b>builder class</b> should be set to <code>""</code>, <b>builder label</b> can be for example <code>"builder"</code>, <b>append method</b> is <code>"appendItem"</code> and <b>result method</b> is <code>"getString"</code>. With <b>chain invocations</b> selected, generated method will look like this:
<pre>ToStringBuilder2 builder = new ToStringBuilder2(this);
builder.append("aFloat", aFloat).append("aString", aString).append("anInt", new Integer(anInt))
.append("anObject", anObject);
return builder.getString();</pre>
<p>Note that a primitive variable <code>anInt</code> was passed to the builder using wrapper type. This is done for projects using JDK 1.4 and earlier (for later JDKs the compiler does it automatically). In case of <code>aFloat</code> there was a specific method in builder class so no wrapping was required.</p>
<img src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference" border="0" >
<a href="ref-dialog-tostring.htm">Generate toString() dialog</a><br>
<a href="ref-tostring-templates.htm">toString() Generator: Format Templates</a><br>
<a href="ref-tostring-listcontent.htm">toString() Generator: Content Listing</a>