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<title>Target Definition Editor</title>
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<h1>Target Definition Editor</h1>
<p>The <strong>Target Definition Editor</strong> is used to edit target definition files in the workspace, which should end with the extension &quot;.target&quot;. Target definition files can be created using the <a href="../../file_wizards/new_target_definition.htm">New Target Definition Wizard</a> or by <a href="../../target_shared/move_target_wizard.htm">moving</a> them to the workspace on the <a href="../../preference_pages/target_platform.htm">Target Platform Preference Page</a>.</p>
<p>The editor consists of four pages:</p>
<li><a href="./definition_page.htm">Definition Page</a> - Give your definition a descriptive name and provide the locations for plug-ins</li>
<li><a href="./content_page.htm">Content Page</a> - View the plug-ins available in your target and select a subset to include in the target platform</li>
<li><a href="./environment_page.htm">Environment Page</a> - Modify other settings for your target defiition including target environment, JRE, arguments and implicit dependencies</li>
<li><a href="./source_page.htm">Source Page</a> - View and edit the source code of your target definition with assistance from completion-assist, error diagnostics, and an update command</li>
<p>At the top of each of the three first pages in the editor there is a link <strong>Set as Target Platform</strong>. Activating this link will set this target definition as the active target platform. To see what your active target platform is, use the <a href="../../preference_pages/target_platform.htm">Target Platform Preference Page</a>.</p>
<h2>Resolving Targets</h2>
<p>Before the contents of a target can be edited and before a target definition can be set as the active target platform it must be <em>resolved</em>. When a target definition is resolved, the definition's locations are searched for plug-ins. Depending on the type of locations in the target, this can involved searching a directory, reading the metadata for an installation, reading a feature, or downloading from a remote site. During resolution a background job will be run. When it completes the editor will be updated with any problems that occurred.</p>
<p>For up to the minute target troubleshooting help see the <a href="">Target Definitions Wiki Page</a>.</p>
<p><img src="../../../../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference"></p>
<a href="./definition_page.htm">Definition Page</a> (Target Definition Editor)<br>
<a href="./content_page.htm">Content Page</a> (Target Definition Editor)<br>
<a href="./environment_page.htm">Environment Page</a> (Target Definition Editor)<br>
<a href="./source_page.htm">Source Page</a> (Target Definition Editor)<br>
<a href="../../target_shared/new_target_wizard.htm">New Target Wizard</a><br>
<a href="../../target_shared/edit_target_wizard.htm">Edit Target Wizard</a><br>
<a href="../../target_shared/move_target_wizard.htm">Move Target Wizard</a>
<p><img src="../../../../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts"></p>
<a href="../../../../concepts/target.htm">Target Definitions</a>