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<H1 CLASS="Head">Linked resources</H1>
Linked resources are files and folders that are stored in locations
in the file system outside of the project's location. These special resources can be
used to add files and folders to your project that for some reason must be stored in a
certain place outside of your project. For example, a linked folder can be used
to store build output separately from your source files.
You can even use linked resources to overlap other resources in the workspace, so
resources from one project can appear in another project.
If you do want to have overlapping resources in your workspace, do so with caution.
Keep in mind that this means changing a resource in one place will cause simultaneous
changes in the duplicate resource. Deleting one duplicate resource will delete both!
Deleting a linked resource will <em>not</em> cause the corresponding resource
in the file system to be deleted. However, deleting child resources of linked folders
<em>will</em> cause them to be removed from the file system.
Linked resource target paths can be either defined as absolute paths, or relative to a path variable.
The linked resource target path can be changed by selecting the <b>Edit...</b> button in the
<b>File &gt; Properties &gt; Resource</b> property page of the linked resource.
A list of all linked resources that exist in a project can be seen and edited from the
<b>File &gt; Properties &gt; Resource &gt; Linked Resources</b> property page, under the
<b>Linked Resources</b> tab.
Some plug-ins built on top of the Eclipse platform are not compatible with linked resources.
If this is the case, you can completely disable the linked resource feature to prevent them
from being created in your workspace. Linked resources can be disabled from the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.LinkedResources)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="command link">
<b>General &gt; Workspace &gt; Linked Resources</b></a> preference page.
Certain types of projects or team repository providers may also disallow linked resources
from being created in some projects.</p>
<h3 class="related">Related concepts</h3>
<a href="concepts-2.htm">Workbench</a><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-27.htm">Project Explorer view</a><br>
<a href="concepts-12.htm">Resources</a><br>
<a href="concepts-17.htm">Resource hierarchies</a><br>
<h3 class="related">Related tasks</h3>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-45.htm">Creating linked resources</a><br>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-67.htm">Deleting resources</a><br>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-49.htm">Viewing resource properties</a><br>
<h3 class="related">Related reference</h3>
<a href="../reference/ref-14b.htm">Linked resources</a>