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<title>CVS Watch/Edit</title>
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<h1 class="Head"> Watch/Edit</h1>
<p class="Para"> CVS provides a notification scheme which allows a group of developers
to know if somebody is working on a given file. This facility is known as <em>watches</em>.
By setting a <em>watch</em> on a file, you can have CVS notify you via email
if someone else starts to <em>edit</em> this file. This mechanism is notification
based only; the file is not locked in any way on the server, and several people
are allowed to edit the same file at the same time.</p>
<p class="Para">In addition to watch list notification, <em>edit</em> on its own
is useful for discovering if others are also editing that file. This is because
when you edit a file, you will be informed if someone else is already editing
it. </p>
<p class="Para">Normally with CVS clients, you would need to issue an explicit <em>edit</em>.
With Team CVS support however, an <em>edit</em> is
automatically issued by the client when you start to modify a file. In addition,
when <em>editing</em> a file, Team CVS provides you with the list of people
already editing a file. This allows you to find out who is working on a file
before you start to edit it.</p>
<h3 class="related">Related concepts</h3>
<a href="concepts-26.htm">Team programming with CVS</a>
<h3 class="related">Related tasks</h3>
<a href="../tasks/tasks-cvs-watch.htm">Finding out who's working on what: watch/edit</a>
<h3 class="related">Related reference</h3>
<a href="../reference/ref-47.htm">CVS</a>