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Defining the JAR File's Manifest
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Defining the JAR File's Manifest
You can either define the important parts of the JAR file manifest directly in the wizard or choose to use a manifest file that already exists in your workbench.
Creating a new manifest
Follow the procedure for <a href="tasks-33.htm">creating a JAR file</a>, but click&nbsp;<strong>Next</strong> in the last step to go to the JAR Packaging Options page.
Set any <a href="tasks-34.htm">advanced options</a> that you want to set, and then click&nbsp;<strong>Next</strong> again to go to the JAR Manifest Specification page.
If it is not already selected, click the&nbsp;<strong>Generate the manifest file</strong> button.
You can now choose to save the manifest in the workbench. This will save the manifest for later use. Click&nbsp;<strong>Save the manifest in the workspace</strong>, then
click&nbsp;<strong>Browse</strong> next to the&nbsp;<strong>Manifest file</strong> field to specify a path and file name for the
If you decided to save the manifest file in the previous step and you chose to save the JAR description on the previous wizard page, then you can choose to reuse it in the
JAR description (by selecting the <strong>Reuse and save the manifest in the workspace</strong> checkbox). This means that the saved file will be used when the JAR file is
recreated from the JAR description.This option is useful if you want to modify or replace the manifest file before recreating the JAR file from the description.
You can choose to seal the JAR and optionally exclude some packages from being sealed or specify a list with sealed packages. By default, nothing is sealed.
Click the&nbsp;<strong>Browse</strong> button next to the&nbsp;<strong>Main class</strong> field to specify the entry point for your
<strong>Note</strong>: If your class is not in the list, then you forgot to select it at the beginning.
Click&nbsp;<strong>Finish</strong>. This will create the JAR, and optionally a JAR description and a manifest file.
Using an existing manifest
You can use an existing manifest file that already exists in your workbench.
Follow the procedure for creating a JAR file, but click&nbsp;<strong>Next</strong> in the last step to go to the JAR Packaging Options page.
Set any advanced options that you want to set, and the click&nbsp;<strong>Next</strong> again to go to the JAR Manifest Specification page.
Click the&nbsp;<strong>Use existing manifest from workspace</strong> radio button.
Click the&nbsp;<strong>Browse</strong> button to choose a manifest file from the workbench.
Click&nbsp;<strong>Finish</strong>. This will create the JAR and optionally a JAR description.
<h3 class="related">Related tasks</h3>
<a href="tasks-33.htm">Creating a new JAR file</a><br>
<a href="tasks-34.htm">Setting advanced options</a><br>
<a href="tasks-36.htm">Regenerating a JAR file</a>
<h3 class="related">Related references</h3>
<a href="../reference/ref-export-jar.htm">JAR file exporter</a>