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<title>Opening resources in the Project Explorer</title>
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<h1>Opening resources in the Project Explorer </h1>
<P CLASS="Para">Using the Project Explorer there are several ways to open an
<P CLASS="Para">In one of the navigation views select the file JanesFile.txt</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> To open an editor on the file choose one of the following
<li><p>To edit a resource using the default editor for that resource, either
double click on the resource (in one of the navigation views), or select
the resource and choose <b>Open</b> from its popup menu.;
<li><p>To use a specific editor to edit the resource, start by selecting the
resource in one of the navigation views, and choose the <b>Open With</b>
option from the popup menu.
</p> </li>
<p CLASS="Para">The Workbench remembers the last editor that was used for
editing a specific file. This makes it easier to use the same editor down
the road.</p>
<P CLASS="Para"> The default editors can be configured using the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.FileEditors)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="command link">
<b>General &gt; Editors &gt; File Associations</b></a> preference page.