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<title>Working with other editors</title>
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<h1>Working with other editors</h1>
<p class="Para"> Instructions have been given explaining how to import and export
resources from the Workbench. This section will look at how to edit Workbench
resources using the following three approaches:</p>
External editors launched by the Workbench</li>
<li filter="ws=win32">
Embedded OLE documents <img src="../images/win_only.svg" alt="Windows only" border="0" /></li>
External editors launched without the Workbench's knowledge</li>
<p class="Para">Before continuing, take a moment and confirm that the Project Explorer
contains the following resources:</p>
<p class="Para" align="center"><img src="../images/Image44_confirm_state.png" alt="Project Explorer view" border="0" /></p>