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<title>Starting offline</title>
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<h1>Starting offline</h1>
<P CLASS="Para">The team CVS tutorial will start by working offline and creating
a simple project. Once the project is created, instructions will be given explaining
how to commit it to the repository.&nbsp;</P>
Create a new &quot;General&quot; project using <b>File &gt;
New &gt; Project &gt; General &gt; Project</b>. Use a unique name as the project name (e.g. JanesTeamProject).&nbsp;
<li>Create a folder named folder1. </li>
<li>Create two text files (.txt) in folder1 called&nbsp; file1.txt and file2.txt.
Their contents should be as follows:
<p><i>This is the contents<br>
of file 1.</i></p>
<p><i>File2 is a small file&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>
with simple text.</i></p>
<p>The navigation view should now appear as follows:</p>
<p> <img src="../images/Image82_nav.png" alt="Project Explorer view" border="0"></p>
<P>The project can be continued within this mode but unless the project is committed
into the repository, others on the team will be unable to work on the project
as well. </P>