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<title>Ant Formatter Preferences</title>
<h1>Ant Formatter Preferences</h1>
The following preferences can be changed on the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences(preferencePageId=org.eclipse.ant.ui.AntCodeFormatterPreferencePage)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="command link">
<strong>Ant &gt; Editor &gt; Formatter</strong></a> preference page.
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" style="width: 80%;">
<th width="25%">Option</th>
<th width="8%">Default</th>
<td>Indentation - Tab size</td>
<td>This option controls how many spaces are used to display tabs in the Ant editor.</td>
<td align="center">4</td>
<td>Line Wrapping - Maximum line width</td>
<td>This option allows you to set the maximum line width for the Ant editor.</td>
<td align="center">80</td>
<td>Line Wrapping - Wrap long element tags</td>
<td>This option allows you to wrap long element tags. The Preview pane will display a sample buildfile
with this option.</td>
<td align="center">Off</td>
<td>Line Wrapping - Align final '&gt;' in multi-line element tags</td>
<td>This option allows you
to align the final '&gt;' in multi-line element tags. The Preview pane
will display a sample buildfile with this option.</td>
<td align="center">Off</td>
<h3 class="related">Related concepts</h3>
<a href="../concepts/concepts-antsupport.htm">Ant support</a>
<h3 class="related">Related reference</h3>
<a href="ref-anteditor.htm">Ant Editor</a><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-antprefs.htm">General Ant preferences</a><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-antruntimeprefs.htm">Ant runtime preferences</a><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-anteditorprefs.htm">Ant editor preferences</a><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-anttemplates.htm">Ant templates preferences</a>