blob: 4d1711f1434bc66d3ffedd31b6f1af234079f35b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Utility to log "dirt report"
# The required variables are expected to be in "env_file",
# but of all those,
# we need
# aggDir: top of working tree (absolute patch to aggregation module directory)
# BUILD_ID: needed to "pretty print" to top of report.
# output goes to "std out", and assume it is captured by calling program, as desired.
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo USAGE: $0 env_file
exit 1
if [ ! -r "$1" ]; then
echo "$1" cannot be read
echo USAGE: $0 env_file
exit 1
source "$1"
printf "\n\t%s\n\n" "Dirt Report for $BUILD_ID"
git -C "$aggDir" status --short --ignore-submodules
git -C "$aggDir" submodule foreach git status --short --ignore-submodules