blob: c97a234a51abadb6d175aa7814194cf97ca362b3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo -e "\n\n\tThis job $(basename $0) no longer needs to be ran. Function moved to Hudson."
exit 1
# cron job a committer can run,
# say, every 15 minutes, or similar. If a
# file appears in the promoteLocation, then execute it, and if all goes
# well, then remove (or move) that file.
# This particular file, that ends with _H was created to run on
# Hudson, as a cronjob ("periodic build") instead of from a committer's
# account.
# Note: if there are errors that occur during this cron job, they go to the
# "default user" for that crontab, which may be what's desired, but you can also
# set MAILTO in your crontab, cautiously, to send it where ever you'd like.
# Simple utility to run as cronjob to run Eclipse Platform builds
# Normally resides in $BUILD_HOME
# Start with minimal path for consistency across machines
# plus, cron jobs do not inherit an environment
# care is needed not have anything in ${HOME}/bin that would effect the build
# unintentionally, but is required to make use of "source localBuildProperties.shsource" on
# local machines.
# Likely only a "release engineer" would be interested, such as to override "SIGNING" (setting it
# to false) for a test I-build on a remote machine.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:${HOME}/bin
# unset common variables (some defined for genie.releng) which we don't want (or, set ourselves)
unset JAVA_JRE
unset JRE_HOME
# 0002 is often the default for shell users, but it is not when ran from
# a cron job, so we set it explicitly, so releng group has write access to anything
# we create.
umask 0002
# Remember, don't echo except when testing, or mail will be sent each time it runs.
#echo "umask explicitly set to 0002, old value was $oldumask"
# this localBuildProperties.shsource file is to ease local builds to override some variables.
# It should not be used for production builds.
source localBuildProperties.shsource 2>/dev/null
# The 'eqQueueLocation' provides a handy central place to have the
# promote script, and log results.
# must know about and use this same
# location to put its promotions scripts. (i.e. implicit tight coupling)
# Note: if we ever need to handle spaces, or newlines in names (seems unlikely) this
# for loop won't quiet work, and will be more complicated (or, at least unintuitive).
# Remember, do no call "exit" from for loop for normal cases, else
# the whole script exits. Could use "continue" or "break" if needed.
allfiles=$( find $eqQueueLocation -name "promote*.sh" | sort )
for promotefile in $allfiles
# having an echo here will cause cron job to send mail for EACH job, even if all is fine.
# so use only for testing.
#echo $promotefile
if [[ -z "$promotefile" ]]
# would be an odd error, but nothing to do (Remember, can not have an empty if/then/else clause! Syntax error.
echo "WARNING: unexpectedly found promotefile variable to be null or empty."
# found a file, make sure it is executable
# I've discovered, just testing, that even if $promotefile is a
# directory, and executable, and fits the pattern, it is attempted to be
# processed. It was just a test case, nearly impossible to occur in reality,
# but best to test it is a file, for safety.
if [[ -x $promotefile && -f $promotefile ]]
# if found a file to execute, temporarily change its name to "RUNNING-$promotefile
# so a subsequent cron job won't find it (if it does not finish by the time of the next cron job).
runningpromotefile=$eqQueueLocation/RUNNING_$(basename $promotefile)
mv $promotefile $runningpromotefile
# notice these logs are concatenated on purpose, to give some "history", but
# that means has to be "manually" removed every now and then.
# improve as desired.
/bin/bash $runningpromotefile
# to test cron job, without doing anything, comment out above line, and uncomment folloiwng line.
# then try various types of files file names, etc.
# echo "DEBUG: normally would execute file here: $promotefile"
if [[ $rccode != 0 ]]
echo "ERROR: promotion returned an error: $rccode"
echo " promotefile: $promotefile"
mv $runningpromotefile $eqQueueLocation/ERROR_$(basename $promotefile)
# probably would not have to exit here, could continue looping since renamed problematic
# file , but since something unexpected happened, best to pause to give some opportunity
# to examine the issue and make sure not something harmful.
exit 1
# all is ok, we'll move the file to "RAN-" in case needed for later inspection,
# if things go wrong. Perhaps eventually just remove them?
mv $runningpromotefile $eqQueueLocation/RAN_$(basename $promotefile)
echo "ERROR: promotion file found, but was not executable?"
echo " promotefile: $promotefile"
# We could likely do some rename-and-proceed thing here, but should
# be so rare and unexpected something is likely very wrong? So, we'll just exit.
exit 1