blob: 62f89c4699c10c5ddbebeb5aca304328f6da30fc [file] [log] [blame]
#Before running this script configure the source and target POM versions correctly, follow detailed steps below:
#1. Update "" script with proper source and target version properly for all 4 mentioned files.
#2. From Shell command prompt go to "eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator" directory
#3. Then we should run the script using command: ./scripts/
#4. Above script will take around less than a minute max to update the complete Eclipse sources.
#5. Make sure to create the gerrit for for "eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator" in first place:
#6. gerrit build will fail for this change, you can commit without gerrit validation
#7. After committing above change, you need to deploy the POM for the new Eclipse version 4.14
#8. e.g. For new Eclipse release 4.14 [Note: version value will change depending on the release] rub below jobs:
#9. Now create the gerrit patches for all sub-modules which should pass.
#10. Finally commit all the modified files in each of the individual submodules of Releng.
cd ..
find `pwd` -name pom.xml -exec sed -i 's/4.14.0/4.15.0/g' {} \;
find `pwd` -name MANIFEST.MF -exec sed -i 's/4.14.0/4.15.0/g' {} \;
find `pwd` -name *.product -exec sed -i 's/4.14.0/4.15.0/g' {} \;
find `pwd` -name feature.xml -exec sed -i 's/4.14.0/4.15.0/g' {} \;