blob: 21c4f01e8a5b85a2b7d4dd7fc7d0dd79e11740b3 [file] [log] [blame]
<html><head><title>All Projects Have Outgoing Changes</title>
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</head><h2>All Projects Have Outgoing Changes</h2>
<p>Since: <br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2004/03/23 19:11:08 $</p><body>
<li>Project1, project2 and project3 are committed</li>
<li>Project1, project2 and project3 were released with tag "V3"</li>
<li>Map project has, and</li>
<li>Map project is committed</ol>
<h3>Test Steps:</h3><ol>
<li>Start wizard</li>
<li>Check project1, project2 and project3</li>
<li>Make sure "Release only the changed projects' unchecked</li>
<li>Click next</li>
<li>Answer yesToAll</li>
<li>Enter tag "v4"</li>
<li>Make sure "Move tag if it already exists" unchecked</li>
<li>Make sure "Validate release" checked</li>
<li>Make sure "Show me the proposed change then commit map file"</li>
<li>Click next</li>
<li>Click next</li>
<li>Comment as "all have outgoing change �release anyway" </li>
<li>Click finish</li>
<li>Click ok</li></ol>
<h3>Expected Results:</h3><ol>
<li>Step 4: Message dialog appear to let user filter the projects to be released
<li>Step 5: Enter tag page shows up
<li>Step 9: Compare Tag Files page shows and have proposed changes
<li>Step 13: Validation dialog shows project1, project2 and project3 all have changes between local and new released version.
<li>Step 14: Wizard finishes. And (a) project1, project2 and project3 are tagged as v4 in local map files; (b) map project is committed; (c) No difference will be found by comparing local and repository map project; (d) Project1, project2 and project3 have differences when comparing local and v4 in repository version