blob: 45aff24d1c4aafad6a5e49d961c7301ceb39ba1a [file] [log] [blame]
<html><head><title>All Projects Have Changes Since Last Release </title>
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</head><h2>All Projects Have Changes Since Last Release </h2>
<p>Since: <br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2004/03/23 19:11:08 $</p><body>
<li>Project1, project2 and project3 were released with tag "V5"</li>
<li>Project1, project2 and project3 were modified and committed after V5 release</li>
<li>Project1, project2 and project3 have no outgoing changes</li>
<li>Map project is committed</li>
<h3>Test Steps:</h3>
<li>Start wizard</li>
<li>Checked the three projects from release wizard</li>
<li>Check "Release only the changed projects"</li>
<li>Click next</li>
<li>Click next</li>
<li>Enter tag "v6"</li>
<li>Make sure "Move tag if it already exists" unchecked</li>
<li>Make sure "Validate change after release" checked</li>
<li>Make sure "Show me the proposed change then commit map file"</li>
<li>Click next</li>
<li>Click next</li>
<li>Comment as "release unchanged projects—release all" </li>
<li>Click finish</li>
<h3>Expected Results:</h3>
<li>Step 4: Project Compare dialog shows project1, project2 and project3 all have been changed since last release
<li>Step 5: Enter Tag page shows up
<li>Step 10: Compare Map Files page shows and have proposed changes. Double click, you will find the tag of project1 and project2 is v5 and the tag is proposed to become v6. Double click, you will see the tag of project3 is also proposed to become v6 from v5.
<li>Step 11: Commit Comment page shows up.
<li>Step 13: Wizard finishes. And (a) project1, project2 and project3 are tagged as v6 in local map files; (b) map project is committed; (c) No difference will be found by comparing local and repository map project; (d) Compare local and v6 in repository version, there should be no difference for all 3 projects