blob: d44b2881d862e2421e0fc988dc77cf1ea69c73af [file] [log] [blame]
<html><head><title>Show Map File Change Option on Tag page</title>
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</head><h2>Show Map File Change Option on Tag page</h2>
<p>Since: <br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2004/03/23 19:11:08 $</p><body>
<li>Project1 was released as v2 last time</li>
<li>Project2 was released as v1 last time</li>
<h3>Test Steps:</h3>
<li>Start wizard</li>
<li>Uncheck "Release only changed projects"</li>
<li>Select project1 and project2</li>
<li>Enter "v2" on Tag Page</li>
<li>Check "Move tag if it already exists"</li>
<li>Select "Show the map file change before committing"</li>
<li>Click next</li>
<li>Click back</li>
<li>Modify the tag as "v3"</li>
<li>Click finish</li>
<h3>Expected Result:</h3>
<li>Step 7: Map compare page will show the difference of entry associated with project2</li>
<li>Step 9: Map compare page will show the difference of entries associated with both project1 and project2</li>
<li>Step 10: Local tags of project1 and project2 are changed to v3, map project is committed and project1 and project2 are released sucessfully</li>