blob: 23ffc675c2efbd5c2b2ba16e323b8b78a0c550b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2020 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.releng.tests;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
public class BuildTests {
private String logFileName;
private static final int HTML = 0;
private static final int PROPERTIES = 1;
private static final int XML = 2;
private static FileTool.IZipFilter getTrueFilter() {
return new FileTool.IZipFilter() {
public boolean shouldExtract(String fullEntryName, String entryName, int depth) {
return true;
public boolean shouldUnzip(String fullEntryName, String entryName, int depth) {
return true;
* Method hasErrors.
* @param string
* @return boolean
private boolean hasErrors(String string) {
boolean result = false;
try (BufferedReader aReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(string)))){
String aLine = aReader.readLine();
while (aLine != null) {
int aNumber = parseLine(aLine);
if (aNumber > 0) {
result = true;
aLine = aReader.readLine();
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Could not open log file: " + string);
result = true;
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error reading log file: " + string);
result = true;
return result;
public void testChkpii() {
try {
// test that chkpii is on path by printing chkpii help information
Runtime aRuntime = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process aProcess = aRuntime.exec(getExec() + " /?");
BufferedReader aBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(aProcess.getInputStream()));
while (aBufferedReader.readLine() != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
// skip chkpii test if chkpii cannot be run.
System.out.println("Skipping chkpii test.");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
String zipFile = locateEclipseZip();
// String sniffFolder = BootLoader.getInstallURL().getPath() +
// "releng_sniff_folder";
// String sniffFolder = "d:\\builds\\t";
String sniffFolder = Platform.getLocation().toOSString();
try {
if (zipFile.isEmpty()) {
FileTool.unzip(getTrueFilter(), new File(sniffFolder));
} else {
FileTool.unzip(getTrueFilter(), new ZipFile(zipFile), new File(sniffFolder));
catch (IOException e) {
fail(zipFile + ": " + sniffFolder + ": " + "IOException unzipping Eclipse for chkpii");
boolean result1 = testChkpii(HTML);
boolean result2 = testChkpii(XML);
boolean result3 = testChkpii(PROPERTIES);
assertTrue("Translation errors in files. See the chkpii logs linked from the test results page for details.",
(result1 && result2 && result3));
private boolean testChkpii(int type) {
Runtime aRuntime = Runtime.getRuntime();
String chkpiiString = getChkpiiString(type);
try {
Process aProcess = aRuntime.exec(chkpiiString);
BufferedReader aBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(aProcess.getInputStream()));
while (aBufferedReader.readLine() != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return false;
return !hasErrors(getOutputFile(type));
* Method getChkpiiString.
* @param type
* @return String
private String getChkpiiString(int type) {
return getExec() + " " + getFilesToTest(type) + " -E -O " + getOutputFile(type) + " -XM @" + getExcludeErrors() + " -X "
+ getExcludeFile() + " -S /jsq /tex";
* Method locateEclipseZip.
* @return String
private String locateEclipseZip() {
// String to use when running as an automated test.
String installDir = Platform.getInstallLocation().getURL().getPath() + ".." + File.separator + "..";
// String to use when running in Eclipse
// String installDir = BootLoader.getInstallURL().getPath() + "..";
File aFile = new File(installDir);
for (File file : aFile.listFiles()) {
String fileName = file.getName();
if (fileName.startsWith("eclipse-SDK-") && fileName.endsWith(".zip")) {
return file.getPath();
return "";
* Method getExcludeFiles.
* @return String
private String getExcludeFile() {
String aString = System.getProperty("PLUGIN_PATH");
return aString + File.separator + "ignoreFiles.txt";
* Method getOutputFile.
* @param type
* @return String
private String getOutputFile(int type) {
new File(logFileName).mkdirs();
String aString = logFileName + File.separator + "org.eclipse.nls.";
aString = new File(aString).getPath();
switch (type) {
case HTML:
return aString + "html.txt";
return aString + "properties.txt";
case XML:
return aString + "xml.txt";
return aString + "other.txt";
* Method getFilesToTest.
* @param type
* @return String
private String getFilesToTest(int type) {
String sniffFolder = Platform.getLocation().toOSString();
String aString = new File(sniffFolder).getPath() + File.separator;
switch (type) {
case HTML:
return aString + "*.htm*";
return aString + "*.properties";
case XML:
return aString + "*.xml";
return aString + "*.*";
* Method getExec.
* @return String
private String getExec() {
return new File("chkpw1402.exe").getPath();
* Method getExcludeErrors.
private String getExcludeErrors() {
String os = Platform.getOS();
String fileName;
if (os.equals("win32")) {
fileName = "ignoreErrorsWindows.txt";
} else {
fileName = "ignoreErrorsUnix.txt";
String aString = System.getProperty("PLUGIN_PATH");
return aString + File.separator + fileName;
* Method parseLine.
* @param aLine
* @return -1 if not an error or warning line or the number of errors or warnings.
private int parseLine(String aLine) {
int index = aLine.indexOf("Files Could Not Be Processed: ");
if (index == -1) {
index = aLine.indexOf("Files Contain Error");
if (index == -1) {
return -1;
} else {
String aString = aLine.substring(0, index).trim();
return Integer.parseInt(aString);
public class FileSuffixFilter implements FilenameFilter {
private String suffix;
public FileSuffixFilter(String suffix) {
this.suffix = suffix;
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot == -1) {
return false;
return name.substring(lastDot).equals(suffix);
public static final List<String> REQUIRED_FEATURE_FILES_EPL2 = Arrays
.asList(new String[] { "epl-2.0.html", "", "feature.xml", "license.html" });
public static final String REQUIRED_FEATURE_SUFFIX = "";
public static final List<String> REQUIRED_PLUGIN_FILES = Arrays
.asList(new String[] { "about.html", "", "plugin.xml" });
public static final String REQUIRED_PLUGIN_SUFFIX = ".jar";
public static final List<String> REQUIRED_FEATURE_PLUGIN_FILES = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "about.html",
"about.ini", "about.mappings", "", "", "plugin.xml" });
public static final String REQUIRED_FEATURE_PLUGIN_SUFFIX = ".gif";
public static final List<String> REQUIRED_FRAGMENT_FILES = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "fragment.xml" });
public static final String REQUIRED_FRAGMENT_SUFFIX = "";
public static final List<String> REQUIRED_SWT_FRAGMENT_FILES = Arrays
.asList(new String[] { "" });
public static final String REQUIRED_SWT_FRAGMENT_SUFFIX = "";
public static final List<String> REQUIRED_SOURCE_FILES = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "about.html" });
public static final String REQUIRED_SOURCE_SUFFIX = ".zip";
public static final List<String> REQUIRED_BUNDLE_FILES = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "about.html" });
public static final String REQUIRED_BUNDLE_MANIFEST = "MANIFEST.MF";
public static final String REQUIRED_BUNDLE_SUFFIX = ".jar";
public static final List<String> SUFFIX_EXEMPT_LIST = Arrays
.asList(new String[] { "org.eclipse.swt", "org.apache.ant" });
public static final int PLUGIN_COUNT = 84; // - 20; // Note this number
// must include non-shipping
// test plugins
public static final int FEATURE_COUNT = 9; // - 1; // Note this number must
// include non-shipping test
// feature
public void setUp() {
// Automated Test
logFileName = Platform.getInstallLocation().getURL().getPath() + ".." + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + "results"
+ File.separator + "chkpii"; // A tad bogus but this is where
// the build wants to copy the
// results from!
// Runtime Workbench - TODO Put me back to Automated status
// logFileName = "d:\\results";
// sourceDirectoryName = "d:\\sourceFetch";
public void testFeatureFiles() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
String installDir = Platform.getInstallLocation().getURL().getPath();
File featureDir = new File(installDir, "features");
for (File aFeature : featureDir.listFiles()) {
List<String> testFiles = REQUIRED_FEATURE_FILES_EPL2;
if (!testDirectory(aFeature, testFiles, REQUIRED_FEATURE_SUFFIX)) {
String aString = "";
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
for (String element: result) {
aString = aString + element + "; ";
assertTrue("Feature directory missing required files: " + aString, result.isEmpty());
public void testPluginFiles() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
String installDir = Platform.getInstallLocation().getURL().getPath();
File pluginDir = new File(installDir, "plugins");
for (File aPlugin : pluginDir.listFiles()) {
if (aPlugin.getName().indexOf("test") == -1) {
if (!testPluginFile(aPlugin)) {
String aString = "";
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
for (String element : result) {
aString = aString + element + "; ";
assertTrue("Plugin directory missing required files: " + aString, result.isEmpty());
private boolean testPluginFile(File aPlugin) {
// Are we a doc plugin?
if (testDirectory(aPlugin, REQUIRED_PLUGIN_FILES, ".zip")) {
return true;
// Are we a feature plugin?
return true;
// Are we a regular plugin
return true;
// Are we a source plugin
if (testSourcePlugin(aPlugin)) {
return true;
// Are we a fragment
return true;
// Are we an swt fragment
return true;
// Are we a bundle?
return true;
// No then we are bad
return false;
private boolean testPluginJar(File aDirectory, List<String> requiredFiles) {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
try (ZipFile jarredPlugin = new ZipFile(aDirectory)) {
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> _enum = jarredPlugin.entries();
while (_enum.hasMoreElements()) {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (!list.containsAll(requiredFiles)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean testDirectory(File aDirectory, List<String> requiredFiles, String requiredSuffix) {
if (aDirectory.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
return testPluginJar(aDirectory, requiredFiles);
} else {
if (!Arrays.asList(aDirectory.list()).containsAll(requiredFiles)) {
return false;
int index = aDirectory.getName().indexOf('_');
if (index == -1) {
index = aDirectory.getName().length();
String plainName = aDirectory.getName().substring(0, index);
if (requiredSuffix.isEmpty() || SUFFIX_EXEMPT_LIST.contains(plainName)) {
return true;
} else if (aDirectory.listFiles(new FileSuffixFilter(requiredSuffix)).length == 0) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean testBundleDirectory(File aDirectory, List<String> requiredFiles, String manifestFile, String requiredSuffix) {
if (aDirectory.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
return testPluginJar(aDirectory, requiredFiles);
} else {
if (!Arrays.asList(aDirectory.list()).containsAll(requiredFiles)) {
return false;
int index = aDirectory.getName().indexOf('_');
if (index == -1) {
index = aDirectory.getName().length();
String plainName = aDirectory.getName().substring(0, index);
File metaDir = new File(aDirectory, "META-INF");
String[] metaFiles = metaDir.list();
if (metaFiles == null) {
return (false);
} else {
for (String filename : metaFiles) {
if (filename == manifestFile) {
return true;
if (!metaDir.exists()) {
return false;
if (requiredSuffix.isEmpty() || SUFFIX_EXEMPT_LIST.contains(plainName)) {
return true;
} else if (aDirectory.listFiles(new FileSuffixFilter(requiredSuffix)).length == 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Return true if the receiver is a source plugin, false otherwise A separate method because this is a little tricky.
* @param aPlugin
* @return boolean
private boolean testSourcePlugin(File aPlugin) {
if (!testDirectory(aPlugin, REQUIRED_PLUGIN_FILES, "")) {
return false;
File sourceDir = new File(aPlugin, "src");
File[] sourceDirs = sourceDir.listFiles();
if (sourceDirs == null) {
return false;
for ( File aSourceDir : sourceDirs) {
return false;
return true;
public void testJavadocLogs() throws Exception {
String javadocUrls = System.getProperty("RELENGTEST.JAVADOC.URLS");
// Skip this test if there are no logs to check
if (javadocUrls == null) {
System.err.println("WARNING: no javadoc logs to test, since RELENGTEST.JAVADOC.URLS property was not set");
} else {
System.err.println("RELENGTEST.JAVADOC.URLS: " + javadocUrls);
String[] urls = javadocUrls.split(",");
URL[] javadocLogs = new URL[urls.length];
for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
javadocLogs[i] = new URL(urls[i]);
System.err.println("javadocLogs[" + i + "]: " + javadocLogs[i]);
JavadocLog javadocLog = new JavadocLog(javadocLogs);
String message = "javadoc errors and/or warnings in: \n";
boolean problemLogsExist = javadocLog.logs.size() > 0;
if (problemLogsExist) {
for (int i = 0; i < javadocLog.logs.size(); i++)
message = message.concat(javadocLog.logs.get(i).toString() + "\n");
message = message.concat("See the javadoc logs linked from the test results page for details");
assertTrue(message, !problemLogsExist);
@Ignore("see bug 561174")
public void testDirtyLogSize() throws Exception {
final boolean DEBUG_DIRTY_TEST = true;
// MAX_ALLOWED_BYTES will never be 'zero', even if "no dirt" because the
// "dirReport" always contains some information
// in response to the "git status" command. The goal, here, is to
// "hard code" previously observed values, to make sure
// there is no regressions, which would be implied by a report larger
// than those that had been produced before.
// The "size" should be expressed in exact bytes as "increases" in
// size might be small ... if just a file or two.
URL standardReportURL = this.getClass().getResource("standardDirtReport.txt");
URLConnection standardReportURLConnection = standardReportURL.openConnection();
// No need to get contents (yet, most of the time) unless getContentLenth doesn't work for plugin resources?
long MAX_ALLOWED_BYTES = standardReportURLConnection.getContentLength();
// long MAX_ALLOWED_BYTES = 37179;
String buildId = System.getProperty("buildId");
assertNotNull("buildId property must be specified for testDirtyLogSize test", buildId);
String downloadHost = "" + buildId.charAt(0) + "/siteDir";
String urlOfFile = "http://" + downloadHost + "/eclipse/downloads/drops4/" + buildId + "/buildlogs/dirtReport.txt";
URL logURL = new URL(urlOfFile);
URLConnection urlConnection = logURL.openConnection();
// getContentLength calls "connect" if needed.
// urlConnection.connect();
// Note, if expect more than "2 Gig", use getContentLengthLong (in Java 7).
long nBytes = urlConnection.getContentLength();
System.out.println("Debug info for testDirtyLogSize");
System.out.println("Debug: nBytes: " + nBytes);
// if find "response does not contain length, on a regular basis, for
// some servers, will have to read contents.
"Either file (url) does not exist (build may have been removed?), or HTTP response does not contain content length. urlOfFile: "
+ urlOfFile,
(!(-1 == nBytes)));
assertFalse("dirtReport file has increased in size, indicating a regression. See " + urlOfFile, nBytes > MAX_ALLOWED_BYTES);
"Good news! dirtReport file has decreased in size, compared to standard, so the standardDirtReport.txt file should be replaced with the one at "
+ urlOfFile
+ ". But NOTE: results may not be accurate, if there are other errors in build, so diff is recommended.",
public void testJarSign() throws Exception {
String buildId = System.getProperty("buildId");
assertNotNull("buildId property must be specified for testJarSign test", buildId);
String downloadHost = "";
String urlOfFile = "https://" + downloadHost + "/eclipse/downloads/drops4/" + buildId
+ "/buildlogs/reporeports/reports/unsigned8.txt";
URL logURL = new URL(urlOfFile);
URLConnection urlConnection = logURL.openConnection();
long nBytes = urlConnection.getContentLength();
// nBytes will be -1 if the file doesn't exist
// it will be more than 3 if there are unsigned jars. (atlear jar extention will be listed
assertTrue("Some bundles are unsigned please refer " + urlOfFile, ((2 > nBytes)));
private String getDownloadHost() {
String downloadHost = System.getProperty("downloadHost");
if (downloadHost == null) {
downloadHost = "";
return downloadHost;
private void printHeaders(URLConnection urlConnection) {
System.out.println("Debug: Headers for urlConnection to " + urlConnection.getURL());
Map<String, List<String>> allFields = urlConnection.getHeaderFields();
for (Entry<String, List<String>> entry : allFields.entrySet()) {
for (String value : entry.getValue()) {
System.out.printf("Debug: %-20s %-30s %n", "key: " + entry.getKey(), "value: " + value);
public void testComparatorLogSize() throws Exception {
final boolean DEBUG_TEST = true;
// MAX_ALLOWED_BYTES will never be 'zero', even if no unexpected comparator warnings, because the
// report always contains some information, such as identifying which build it was for.
// The goal, here, is to
// "hard code" nominal values, to make sure
// there is no regressions, which would be implied by a report larger
// than that nominal value.
String buildId = System.getProperty("buildId");
assertNotNull("buildId property must be specified for testComparatorLogSize test", buildId);
String buildType = buildId.substring(0, 1);
// Comparator logs are not generated for N builds
if (!buildType.equals("N")) {
String downloadHost = getDownloadHost();
String urlOfFile = "https://" + downloadHost + "/eclipse/downloads/drops4/"
+ buildId
+ "/buildlogs/comparatorlogs/buildtimeComparatorUnanticipated.log.txt";
URL logURL = new URL(urlOfFile);
URLConnection urlConnection = logURL.openConnection();
// urlConnection.connect();
long nBytes = urlConnection.getContentLength();
System.out.println("Debug info for testComparatorLogSize");
System.out.println("Debug: nBytes: " + nBytes);
// if find "response does not contain length, on a regular basis, for
// some servers, will have to read contents.
"Either file (url) does not exist, or HTTP response does not contain content length. urlOfFile: " + urlOfFile,
(!(-1 == nBytes)));
assertTrue("Unanticipated comparator log file has increased in size, indicating a regression. See " + urlOfFile,
if (MAX_ALLOWED_BYTES > (nBytes + 20)) {
System.out.println("WARNING: MAX_ALLOWED_BYTES was larger than bytes found, by " + (MAX_ALLOWED_BYTES - nBytes)
+ ", which may indicate MAX_ALLOWED_BYTES needs to be lowered, to catch regressions.");
} else {
private class JavadocLog {
private ArrayList<String> logs = new ArrayList<>();
private JavadocLog(URL[] logs) {
private void findProblems(URL[] javadocLogs) {
String JAVADOC_WARNING = ": warning";
String JAVADOC_ERROR = ": error";
String JAVADOC_JAVA = ".java:";
for (URL javadocLog : javadocLogs) {
try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(javadocLog.openStream()))){
String tmp;
while ((tmp = in.readLine()) != null) {
tmp = tmp.toLowerCase();
if (tmp.indexOf(JAVADOC_ERROR) != -1 || tmp.indexOf(JAVADOC_WARNING) != -1
|| tmp.indexOf(JAVADOC_JAVA) != -1) {
String fileName = new File(javadocLog.getFile()).getName();
if (!logs.contains(fileName))
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
logs.add("Unable to find " + new File(javadocLog.getFile()).getName() + " to read.");
catch (IOException e) {
logs.add("Unable to read " + new File(javadocLog.getFile()).getName());