blob: 5b975b92a4a42902e9e4c7ed93d8549f1d1a0457 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Alexander Kurtakov <> - Bug 459343
package org.eclipse.core.tests.internal.resources;
import java.util.*;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.EclipsePreferences;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences.PreferenceChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.tests.resources.ResourceTest;
import org.osgi.service.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences;
* @since 3.0
public class ProjectPreferencesTest extends ResourceTest {
private static final String DIR_NAME = ".settings";
private static final String FILE_EXTENSION = "prefs";
class Tracer implements IEclipsePreferences.IPreferenceChangeListener {
public StringBuffer log = new StringBuffer();
private String typeCode(Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return "";
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return "B";
if (value instanceof Integer) {
return "I";
if (value instanceof Long) {
return "L";
if (value instanceof Float) {
return "F";
if (value instanceof Double) {
return "D";
if (value instanceof String) {
return "S";
assertTrue("0.0", false);
return null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences.IPreferenceChangeListener#preferenceChange(org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences.PreferenceChangeEvent)
public void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent event) {
log.append(event.getOldValue() == null ? "null" : event.getOldValue());
log.append(event.getNewValue() == null ? "null" : event.getNewValue());
public static Test suite() {
// all test methods are named "test..."
return new TestSuite(ProjectPreferencesTest.class);
// TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
// suite.addTest(new ProjectPreferencesTest("testLoadIsImport"));
// return suite;
public ProjectPreferencesTest(String name) {
public void testSimple() {
IProject project = getProject("foo");
String qualifier = "org.eclipse.core.tests.resources";
String key = "key" + getUniqueString();
String instanceValue = "instance" + getUniqueString();
String projectValue = "project" + getUniqueString();
IScopeContext projectContext = new ProjectScope(project);
IScopeContext instanceContext = new InstanceScope();
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
ArrayList<IScopeContext[]> list = new ArrayList<IScopeContext[]>();
list.add(new IScopeContext[0]);
list.add(new IScopeContext[] {null});
IScopeContext[][] contextsWithoutScope = list.toArray(new IScopeContext[list.size()][]);
list = new ArrayList<IScopeContext[]>();
list.add(new IScopeContext[] {projectContext});
list.add(new IScopeContext[] {null, projectContext});
IScopeContext[][] contextsWithScope = list.toArray(new IScopeContext[list.size()][]);
// set a preference value in the instance scope
IPreferencesService service = Platform.getPreferencesService();
Preferences node = instanceContext.getNode(qualifier);
node.put(key, instanceValue);
String actual = node.get(key, null);
assertNotNull("1.0", actual);
assertEquals("1.1", instanceValue, actual);
// get the value through service searching
for (int i = 0; i < contextsWithoutScope.length; i++) {
actual = service.getString(qualifier, key, null, contextsWithoutScope[i]);
assertNotNull("2.0." + i, actual);
assertEquals("2.1." + i, instanceValue, actual);
for (int i = 0; i < contextsWithScope.length; i++) {
actual = service.getString(qualifier, key, null, contextsWithScope[i]);
assertNotNull("2.2." + i, actual);
assertEquals("2.3." + i, instanceValue, actual);
// set a preference value in the project scope
node = projectContext.getNode(qualifier);
node.put(key, projectValue);
actual = node.get(key, null);
assertNotNull("3.0", actual);
assertEquals("3.1", projectValue, actual);
// get the value through service searching
for (int i = 0; i < contextsWithoutScope.length; i++) {
actual = service.getString(qualifier, key, null, contextsWithoutScope[i]);
assertNotNull("4.0." + i, actual);
assertEquals("4.1." + i, instanceValue, actual);
for (int i = 0; i < contextsWithScope.length; i++) {
actual = service.getString(qualifier, key, null, contextsWithScope[i]);
assertNotNull("4.2." + i, actual);
assertEquals("4.3." + i, projectValue, actual);
// remove the project scope value
node = projectContext.getNode(qualifier);
actual = node.get(key, null);
assertNull("5.0", actual);
// get the value through service searching
for (int i = 0; i < contextsWithoutScope.length; i++) {
actual = service.getString(qualifier, key, null, contextsWithoutScope[i]);
assertNotNull("6.0." + i, actual);
assertEquals("6.1." + i, instanceValue, actual);
for (int i = 0; i < contextsWithScope.length; i++) {
actual = service.getString(qualifier, key, null, contextsWithScope[i]);
assertNotNull("6.2." + i, actual);
assertEquals("6.3." + i, instanceValue, actual);
// remove the instance value so there is nothing
node = instanceContext.getNode(qualifier);
actual = node.get(key, null);
for (int i = 0; i < contextsWithoutScope.length; i++) {
actual = service.getString(qualifier, key, null, contextsWithoutScope[i]);
assertNull("7.0." + i, actual);
for (int i = 0; i < contextsWithScope.length; i++) {
actual = service.getString(qualifier, key, null, contextsWithScope[i]);
assertNull("7.1." + i, actual);
public void testListener() {
// setup
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
String qualifier = "org.eclipse.core.tests.resources";
String key = "key" + getUniqueString();
String value = "value" + getUniqueString();
IScopeContext projectContext = new ProjectScope(project);
// create project
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
// set preferences
Preferences node = projectContext.getNode(qualifier);
node.put(key, value);
String actual = node.get(key, null);
assertNotNull("1.0", actual);
assertEquals("1.1", value, actual);
try {
// flush
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("0.0", e);
// get settings filename
File file = getFileInFilesystem(project, qualifier);
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream input = null;
try {
input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("1.0", e);
} finally {
if (input != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
// change settings in the file
String newKey = "newKey" + getUniqueString();
String newValue = "newValue" + getUniqueString();
props.put(newKey, newValue);
// save the file and ensure timestamp is different
OutputStream output = null;
try {
output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("2.0", e);
} finally {
if (output != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
IFile workspaceFile = getFileInWorkspace(project, qualifier);
// ensure that the file is out-of-sync with the workspace
// by changing the lastModified time
// resource change is fired
try {
workspaceFile.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, getMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("3.1", e);
// validate new settings
actual = node.get(key, null);
assertEquals("4.1", value, actual);
actual = node.get(newKey, null);
assertEquals("4.2", newValue, actual);
* Regression test for bug 60896 - Project preferences remains when deleting/creating project
public void testProjectDelete() {
// create the project
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
// set some settings
String qualifier = getUniqueString();
String key = getUniqueString();
String value = getUniqueString();
IScopeContext context = new ProjectScope(project);
Preferences node = context.getNode(qualifier);
Preferences parent = node.parent().parent();
node.put(key, value);
assertEquals("1.0", value, node.get(key, null));
try {
// delete the project
project.delete(IResource.FORCE | IResource.ALWAYS_DELETE_PROJECT_CONTENT, getMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("2.0", e);
try {
// project pref should not exist
assertTrue("3.0", !parent.nodeExists(project.getName()));
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("3.1", e);
// create a project with the same name
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
// ensure that the preference value is not set
assertNull("4.0", context.getNode(qualifier).get(key, null));
/** See bug 91244, bug 93398 and bug 211006. */
public void testProjectMove() {
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(new IResource[] {project1}, true);
String qualifier = getUniqueString();
String key = getUniqueString();
String value = getUniqueString();
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(qualifier);
node.put(key, value);
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.0", e);
// move project
try {
project1.move(new Path(project2.getName()), false, null);
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("2.0", e);
// ensure that preferences for the old project are removed
node = Platform.getPreferencesService().getRootNode().node(ProjectScope.SCOPE);
assertNotNull("2.1", node);
try {
assertTrue("2.2", !node.nodeExists(project1.getName()));
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("2.3", e);
// ensure preferences are preserved
node = Platform.getPreferencesService().getRootNode().node(ProjectScope.SCOPE);
assertNotNull("2.3", node);
try {
assertTrue("2.4", node.nodeExists(project2.getName()));
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("2.5", e);
node = node.node(project2.getName());
assertNotNull("3.1", node);
try {
assertTrue("3.2", node.nodeExists(qualifier));
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("3.3", e);
node = node.node(qualifier);
assertNotNull("4.1", node);
assertEquals("4.2", value, node.get(key, null));
* Regression test for Bug 60925 - project preferences do not show up in workspace.
* Initially we were using APIs and writing the preferences files
* directly to disk. We need to convert to use Resource APIs so changes
* show up in the workspace immediately.
public void test_60925() {
// setup
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
String qualifier = getUniqueString();
IFile file = getFileInWorkspace(project, qualifier);
// should be nothing in the file system
assertTrue("0.0", !file.exists());
assertTrue("0.1", !file.getLocation().toFile().exists());
// store a preference key/value pair
IScopeContext context = new ProjectScope(project);
String key = getUniqueString();
String value = getUniqueString();
Preferences node = context.getNode(qualifier);
node.put(key, value);
// flush changes to disk
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.0", e);
// changes should appear in the workspace
assertTrue("2.0", file.exists());
assertTrue("2.1", file.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO));
* Bug 55410 - [runtime] prefs: keys and valid chars
* Problems with a dot "." as a key name
public void test_55410() {
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(new IResource[] {project1}, true);
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES).node("subnode");
String key1 = ".";
String key2 = "x";
String value1 = getUniqueString();
String value2 = getUniqueString();
node.put(key1, value1);
node.put(key2, value2);
assertEquals("0.8", value1, node.get(key1, null));
assertEquals("0.9", value2, node.get(key2, null));
IFile prefsFile = getFileInWorkspace(project1, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
assertTrue("1.0", !prefsFile.exists());
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.1", e);
assertTrue("1.1", prefsFile.exists());
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream contents = null;
try {
contents = prefsFile.getContents();
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("1.2", e);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("1.3", e);
} finally {
if (contents != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
assertEquals("2.0", value2, props.getProperty("subnode/" + key2));
assertEquals("2.1", value1, props.getProperty("subnode/" + key1));
* Bug 61277 - preferences and project moves
* Investigate what happens with project preferences when the
* project is moved.
public void test_61277a() {
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
IProject destProject = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
IScopeContext context = new ProjectScope(project);
String qualifier = getUniqueString();
Preferences node = context.getNode(qualifier);
String key = getUniqueString();
String value = getUniqueString();
node.put(key, value);
assertEquals("1.0", value, node.get(key, null));
try {
// save the prefs
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.1", e);
// rename the project
try {
project.move(destProject.getFullPath(), true, getMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("2.0", e);
context = new ProjectScope(destProject);
node = context.getNode(qualifier);
assertEquals("3.0", value, node.get(key, null));
* Bug 61277 - preferences and project moves
* Investigate what happens with project preferences when the
* project is moved.
public void test_61277b() {
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(new IResource[] {project1}, true);
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
node.put("key", "value");
assertTrue("1.0", !getFileInWorkspace(project1, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES).exists());
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.99", e);
assertTrue("1.1", getFileInWorkspace(project1, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES).exists());
// move project and ensures charsets settings are preserved
try {
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), false, null);
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("2.99", e);
assertTrue("2.0", getFileInWorkspace(project2, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES).exists());
node = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
assertEquals("2.1", "value", node.get("key", null));
* Bug 61277 - preferences and project moves
* Investigate what happens with project preferences when the
* project is moved.
* Problems with a key which is the empty string.
public void test_61277c() {
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(new IResource[] {project1}, true);
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
String key1 = "key";
String emptyKey = "";
String value1 = getUniqueString();
String value2 = getUniqueString();
node.put(key1, value1);
node.put(emptyKey, value2);
assertTrue("1.0", !getFileInWorkspace(project1, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES).exists());
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.1", e);
assertTrue("1.2", getFileInWorkspace(project1, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES).exists());
// move project and ensures charsets settings are preserved
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
try {
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), false, null);
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("2.99", e);
assertTrue("2.0", getFileInWorkspace(project2, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES).exists());
node = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
assertEquals("2.1", value1, node.get(key1, null));
assertEquals("2.2", value2, node.get(emptyKey, null));
* Bug 61843 - Saving project preferences failed
* The project preferences are being accessing (for the first time) from
* within a resource change listener reacting to a change in the workspace.
public void test_61843() {
// create the project and manually give it a settings file
final String qualifier = getUniqueString();
final IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
IFile settingsFile = getFileInWorkspace(project, qualifier);
// write some property values in the settings file
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("key", "value");
OutputStream output = null;
try {
File file = settingsFile.getLocation().toFile();
output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));, null);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
fail("1.0", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("1.1", e);
} finally {
try {
if (output != null)
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
// add a log listener to ensure that no errors are reported silently
ILogListener logListener = new ILogListener() {
public void logging(IStatus status, String plugin) {
Throwable exception = status.getException();
if (exception == null || !(exception instanceof CoreException))
if (IResourceStatus.WORKSPACE_LOCKED == ((CoreException) exception).getStatus().getCode())
// listener to react to changes in the workspace
IResourceChangeListener rclistener = new IResourceChangeListener() {
public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent event) {
new ProjectScope(project).getNode(qualifier);
// add the listeners
getWorkspace().addResourceChangeListener(rclistener, IResourceChangeEvent.POST_CHANGE);
try {
project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, getMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("4.0", e);
} finally {
* Bug 65068 - When the preferences file is deleted, the corresponding preferences
* should be forgotten.
public void test_65068() {
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
String key = "key";
String value = getUniqueString();
node.put(key, value);
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.1", e);
assertTrue("1.2", getFileInWorkspace(project, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES).exists());
node = new ProjectScope(project).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
assertEquals("1.3", value, node.get(key, null));
node = new ProjectScope(project).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
assertNull("2.0", node.get(key, null));
* Bug 95052 - external property removals are not detected.
public void test_95052() {
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
node.put("key1", "value1");
node.put("key2", "value2");
node.put("key3", "value3");
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.1", e);
IFile prefFile = getFileInWorkspace(project, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
assertTrue("1.2", prefFile.exists());
Properties properties = new Properties();
InputStream contents = null;
try {
contents = prefFile.getContents();
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("1.3", e);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("1.4", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
assertEquals("2.0", "value1", properties.get("key1"));
assertEquals("2.1", "value2", properties.get("key2"));
assertEquals("2.2", "value3", properties.get("key3"));
// add a new property
properties.put("key0", "value0");
// change an existing property
properties.put("key2", "value2".toUpperCase());
// removes a property
ByteArrayOutputStream tempOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
// should never happen, we are not doing I/O
fail("2.4", e);
ByteArrayInputStream tempInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(tempOutput.toByteArray());
try {
prefFile.setContents(tempInput, false, false, getMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("2.5", e);
// here, project preferences should have caught up with the changes
node = new ProjectScope(project).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
// property was added
assertEquals("3.0", "value0", node.get("key0", null));
// property value was not changed
assertEquals("3.1", "value1", node.get("key1", null));
// property value was changed to upper case
assertEquals("3.2", "value2".toUpperCase(), node.get("key2", null));
// property was deleted
assertNull("3.3", node.get("key3", null));
* Bug 256900 - When the preferences file is copied between projects, the corresponding preferences
* should be updated.
public void test_256900() {
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
// create the destination project and the .settings folder inside
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project2, true);
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project2.getFolder(DIR_NAME), true);
// get the pref node for the project and add a sample key/value to it
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
String key = "key";
String value = getUniqueString();
node.put(key, value);
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.0", e);
IFile prefFile = getFileInWorkspace(project, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
assertTrue("2.0", prefFile.exists());
// get the pref node for the destination project
Preferences project2Node = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
assertNull("3.0", project2Node.get(key, null));
// copy the pref file to the destination project
try {
prefFile.copy(getFileInWorkspace(project2, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES).getFullPath(), true, null);
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("4.0", e);
assertEquals("5.0", value, project2Node.get(key, null));
* Bug 325000 Project properties not sorted on IBM VMs
* Creates property file with various characters on front and verifies that they are written in alphabetical order.
public void test_325000() {
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(new IResource[] {project1}, true);
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES).node("subnode");
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
keys.add("z" + getUniqueString());
keys.add("a" + getUniqueString());
keys.add("1" + getUniqueString());
keys.add("z" + getUniqueString());
keys.add("_" + getUniqueString());
for (String key : keys) {
node.put(key, getUniqueString());
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.0", e);
IFile prefsFile = getFileInWorkspace(project1, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES);
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(prefsFile.getContents()));
String currentLine = null;
String prevLine = null;
while ((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
boolean isUserProperty = false;
for (String key : keys) {
if (currentLine.contains(key)) {
isUserProperty = true;
if (!isUserProperty) {
if (prevLine == null) {
prevLine = currentLine;
if (prevLine.compareTo(currentLine) > 0) {
prevLine = currentLine;
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("1.2", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("1.3", e);
} finally {
if (reader != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("1.4", e);
public void test_335591() {
String projectName = getUniqueString();
String nodeName = "node";
IProject project = getProject(projectName);
//create project but do not open it yet
try {
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("1.0", e);
//create file with preferences that will be discovered during refresh
try {
File folder = new File(project.getLocation().toOSString() + "/.settings");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(folder.getPath() + "/" + nodeName + ".prefs"));
bw.write("#Fri Jan 28 10:28:45 CET 2011\neclipse.preferences.version=1\nKEY=VALUE");
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("2.0", e);
//create /project/<projectName> preference node on closed project so that the node will not get initialized
//we cannot call new ProjectScope(project) because this does not create /project/<projectName> preference node
//we could use new ProjectScope(project).getNode("dummyNode") instead - this is the case that happened in bug 334241
Preferences projectNode = Platform.getPreferencesService().getRootNode().node(ProjectScope.SCOPE).node(projectName);
//open the project. the new file will be found during refresh and preferences will be loaded into nodes
try {;
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("3.0", e);
//the node was created on refresh so we can now take the node without creating it
Preferences node = projectNode.node(nodeName);
//correct value should be available
assertEquals("VALUE", node.get("KEY", null));
//add some preference to make the node dirty
node.put("NEW_KEY", "NEW_VALUE");
//node is dirty so we can flush it and the flush should change the content of the file
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("4.0", e);
//preferences were changed so the new file should contain two lines: 'KEY=VALUE' and 'NEW_KEY=NEW_VALUE'
try {
File folder = new File(project.getLocation().toOSString() + "/.settings");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(folder.getPath() + "/" + nodeName + ".prefs"));
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
String line = br.readLine();
while (line != null) {
if ((!line.startsWith("#")) && (!line.startsWith("eclipse.preferences.version")))
line = br.readLine();
assertEquals(2, lines.size());
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("5.0", e);
//call sync to reload the node from file
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("6.0", e);
//after reloading both preferences should be available
assertEquals("VALUE", node.get("KEY", null));
assertEquals("NEW_VALUE", node.get("NEW_KEY", null));
public void test_384151() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException {
// make sure each line separator is different
String systemValue = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String newInstanceValue;
String newProjectValue;
if (systemValue.equals("\n")) {
// for unix "\n"
newInstanceValue = "\r";
newProjectValue = "\r\n";
} else if (systemValue.equals("\r")) {
// for macos "\r"
newInstanceValue = "\n";
newProjectValue = "\r\n";
} else {
// for windows "\r\n"
newInstanceValue = "\r";
newProjectValue = "\n";
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
Preferences rootNode = Platform.getPreferencesService().getRootNode();
Preferences instanceNode = rootNode.node(InstanceScope.SCOPE).node(Platform.PI_RUNTIME);
Preferences projectNode = rootNode.node(ProjectScope.SCOPE).node(project.getName()).node(Platform.PI_RUNTIME);
String oldInstanceValue = instanceNode.get(Platform.PREF_LINE_SEPARATOR, null);
String oldProjectValue = projectNode.get(Platform.PREF_LINE_SEPARATOR, null);
String qualifier = "qualifier";
IFile file = project.getFile(new Path(".settings/" + qualifier + ".prefs"));
Preferences node = rootNode.node(ProjectScope.SCOPE).node(project.getName()).node(qualifier);
String key = "key";
try {
node.put(key, getUniqueString());
// if there is no preference, OS default line separator should be used
assertEquals("1.0", systemValue, getLineSeparatorFromFile(file));
file.delete(true, getMonitor());
instanceNode.put(Platform.PREF_LINE_SEPARATOR, newInstanceValue);
node.put(key, getUniqueString());
// if there is instance preference then it should be used
assertEquals("2.0", newInstanceValue, getLineSeparatorFromFile(file));
file.delete(true, getMonitor());
projectNode.put(Platform.PREF_LINE_SEPARATOR, newProjectValue);
node.put(key, getUniqueString());
// if there is project preference then it should be used
String recentlyUsedLineSeparator = getLineSeparatorFromFile(file);
assertEquals("3.0", newProjectValue, recentlyUsedLineSeparator);
// don't delete the prefs file, it will be used in the next step
// remove preferences for the next step
if (oldInstanceValue == null)
instanceNode.put(Platform.PREF_LINE_SEPARATOR, oldInstanceValue);
if (oldProjectValue == null)
projectNode.put(Platform.PREF_LINE_SEPARATOR, oldProjectValue);
node.put(key, getUniqueString());
// if the prefs file exists, line delimiter from the existing file should be used
assertEquals("4.0", recentlyUsedLineSeparator, getLineSeparatorFromFile(file));
} finally {
// revert instance preference to original value
if (oldInstanceValue == null)
instanceNode.put(Platform.PREF_LINE_SEPARATOR, oldInstanceValue);
project.delete(true, getMonitor());
public void test_336211() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException, IOException {
String projectName = getUniqueString();
String nodeName = "node";
IProject project = getProject(projectName);
//create project but do not open it yet
//create file with preferences that will be discovered during refresh
File folder = new File(project.getLocation().toOSString() + "/.settings");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(folder.getPath() + "/" + nodeName + ".prefs"));
bw.write("#Fri Jan 28 10:28:45 CET 2011\neclipse.preferences.version=1\nKEY=VALUE");
//create project preference node
Preferences projectNode = Platform.getPreferencesService().getRootNode().node(ProjectScope.SCOPE).node(projectName);
//create node for storing preferences
Preferences node = projectNode.node(nodeName);
//open the project; the new file will be found during refresh;
//loading preferences from a file must not remove nodes that were previously created
assertTrue(node == projectNode.node(nodeName));
assertEquals("VALUE", node.get("KEY", null));
public void testProjectOpenClose() {
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
String qualifier = getUniqueString();
String key = getUniqueString();
String value = getUniqueString();
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project).getNode(qualifier);
node.put(key, value);
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.0", e);
// close the project
try {
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("1.1", e);
// now reopen the project and ensure the settings were not forgotten
try {;
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("2.0", e);
node = new ProjectScope(project).getNode(qualifier);
assertEquals("2.1", value, node.get(key, null));
public void testContentType() {
IContentType prefsType = Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType(ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES + ".preferences");
assertNotNull("1.0", prefsType);
IContentType associatedType = Platform.getContentTypeManager().findContentTypeFor("some.qualifier." + EclipsePreferences.PREFS_FILE_EXTENSION);
assertEquals("1.1", prefsType, associatedType);
public void testListenerOnChangeFile() {
// setup
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
String qualifier = "org.eclipse.core.tests.resources";
String key = "key" + getUniqueString();
String value = "value" + getUniqueString();
IScopeContext projectContext = new ProjectScope(project);
// create project
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
// set preferences
Preferences node = projectContext.getNode(qualifier);
node.put(key, value);
Tracer tracer = new Tracer();
((IEclipsePreferences) node).addPreferenceChangeListener(tracer);
String actual = node.get(key, null);
assertNotNull("1.0", actual);
assertEquals("1.1", value, actual);
try {
// flush
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("0.0", e);
// get settings filename
File file = getFileInFilesystem(project, qualifier);
Properties props = new Properties();
InputStream input = null;
try {
input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("1.0", e);
} finally {
if (input != null)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
// reset the listener
// change settings in the file
String newKey = "newKey" + getUniqueString();
String newValue = "newValue" + getUniqueString();
props.put(newKey, newValue);
// save the file via the IFile API
IFile workspaceFile = getFileInWorkspace(project, qualifier);
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {, null);
// don't need to close stream since its a byte array
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("2.0", e);
input = new ByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray());
try {
workspaceFile.setContents(input, IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("2.1", e);
// validate new settings
actual = node.get(key, null);
assertEquals("4.1", value, actual);
actual = node.get(newKey, null);
assertEquals("4.2", newValue, actual);
// validate the change events
assertEquals("4.3", "[" + newKey + ":null->S" + newValue + "]", tracer.log.toString());
private static IProject getProject(String name) {
return getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(name);
private static IFile getFileInWorkspace(IProject project, String qualifier) {
return project.getFile(new Path(DIR_NAME).append(qualifier).addFileExtension(FILE_EXTENSION));
private static File getFileInFilesystem(IProject project, String qualifier) {
return project.getLocation().append(DIR_NAME).append(qualifier).addFileExtension(FILE_EXTENSION).toFile();
* Test to ensure that discovering a new pref file (e.g. loading from a repo)
* is the same as doing an import. (ensure the modify listeners are called)
public void testLoadIsImport() {
// setup
IProject project = getProject(getUniqueString());
ensureExistsInWorkspace(project, true);
IScopeContext context = new ProjectScope(project);
String qualifier = "";
IEclipsePreferences node = context.getNode(qualifier);
String key = "key";
String oldValue = "old value";
String newValue = "new value";
IPreferencesService service = Platform.getPreferencesService();
// set the values in the nodes and flush the values to the file system
node.put(key, oldValue);
try {
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("1.99", e);
assertEquals("1.00", oldValue, node.get(key, null));
// copy the data into a buffer for later use
File fileInFS = getFileInFilesystem(project, qualifier);
InputStream input = null;
OutputStream output = null;
byte[] buffer = null;
try {
input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileInFS));
output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
transferData(input, output);
buffer = ((ByteArrayOutputStream) output).toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("2.99", e);
// remove the file from the project
IFile fileInWS = getFileInWorkspace(project, qualifier);
try {
fileInWS.delete(IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("3.90", e);
assertTrue("3.0", !fileInWS.exists());
assertTrue("3.1", !fileInFS.exists());
IEclipsePreferences projectNode = (IEclipsePreferences) service.getRootNode().node(ProjectScope.SCOPE).node(project.getName());
try {
// when the pref file is deleted, the node will be cleared, but not removed
assertTrue("3.2", isNodeCleared(projectNode, new String[] {qualifier}));
} catch (BackingStoreException e) {
fail("3.91", e);
// assertNull("3.3", projectNode.node(qualifier).get(oldKey, null));
// create the file in the project and discover it via a refresh local
try {
output = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileInFS));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
fail("4.90", e);
input = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer));
transferData(input, output);
try {
project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, getMonitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
fail("4.91", e);
// ensure that the resource changes happen
// verification - note that the preference modify listener gets called
// here so that's why we are checking for "new value" and not the original one
node = context.getNode(qualifier);
assertEquals("5.0", newValue, node.get(key, null));
* @param node the node to check
* @param childrenNames the names of children to check
* @return true, if the node and its children have no associated values
* @throws BackingStoreException
private boolean isNodeCleared(Preferences node, String[] childrenNames) throws BackingStoreException {
// check if the node has associate values
if (node.keys().length != 0)
return false;
// perform a subsequent check for the node children
Preferences childNode = null;
for (int i = 0; i < childrenNames.length; i++) {
childNode = node.node(childrenNames[i]);
if (!isNodeCleared(childNode, childNode.childrenNames()))
return false;
return true;
public void testChildrenNamesAgainstInitialize() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException {
String nodeA = "nodeA";
String nodeB = "nodeB";
String key = "key";
String value = "value";
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
Preferences prefs1 = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
prefs1.put(key, value);
assertEquals(value, prefs1.get(key, null));
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences prefs2 = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(value, prefs2.get(key, null));
// this will trigger the creation of "phantom" preferences node for the now-missing project
new ProjectScope(project1).getNode("");
project2.move(project1.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode("");
String[] childrenNames = node.childrenNames();
assertEquals(1, childrenNames.length);
assertEquals(nodeA, childrenNames[0]);
node = node.node(nodeA);
childrenNames = node.childrenNames();
assertEquals(1, childrenNames.length);
assertEquals(nodeB, childrenNames[0]);
project1.delete(true, getMonitor());
project2.delete(true, getMonitor());
public void testChildrenNamesAgainstLoad() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException {
String nodeA = "nodeA";
String nodeB = "nodeB";
String key = "key";
String value = "value";
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
Preferences prefs1 = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
prefs1.put(key, value);
assertEquals(value, prefs1.get(key, null));
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences prefs2 = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(value, prefs2.get(key, null));
// this will trigger the creation of "phantom" preferences node for the now-missing project
new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA);
project2.move(project1.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA);
String[] childrenNames = node.childrenNames();
assertEquals(1, childrenNames.length);
assertEquals(nodeB, childrenNames[0]);
project1.delete(true, getMonitor());
project2.delete(true, getMonitor());
public void testClear() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException {
String nodeA = "nodeA";
String nodeB = "nodeB";
String key = "key";
String value = "value";
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
Preferences prefs1 = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
prefs1.put(key, value);
assertEquals(value, prefs1.get(key, null));
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences prefs2 = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(value, prefs2.get(key, null));
// this will trigger the creation of "phantom" preferences node for the now-missing project
new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
project2.move(project1.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(0, node.keys().length);
assertNull(node.get(key, null));
project1.delete(true, getMonitor());
project2.delete(true, getMonitor());
public void testGet() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException {
String nodeA = "nodeA";
String nodeB = "nodeB";
String key = "key";
String value = "value";
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
Preferences prefs1 = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
prefs1.put(key, value);
assertEquals(value, prefs1.get(key, null));
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences prefs2 = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(value, prefs2.get(key, null));
// this will trigger the creation of "phantom" preferences node for the now-missing project
new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
project2.move(project1.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(value, node.get(key, null));
project1.delete(true, getMonitor());
project2.delete(true, getMonitor());
public void testKeys() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException {
String nodeA = "nodeA";
String nodeB = "nodeB";
String key = "key";
String value = "value";
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
Preferences prefs1 = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
prefs1.put(key, value);
assertEquals(value, prefs1.get(key, null));
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences prefs2 = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(value, prefs2.get(key, null));
// this will trigger the creation of "phantom" preferences node for the now-missing project
new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
project2.move(project1.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
String[] keys = node.keys();
assertEquals(1, keys.length);
assertEquals(key, keys[0]);
project1.delete(true, getMonitor());
project2.delete(true, getMonitor());
public void testNodeExistsAgainstInitialize() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException {
String nodeA = "nodeA";
String nodeB = "nodeB";
String key = "key";
String value = "value";
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
Preferences prefs1 = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
prefs1.put(key, value);
assertEquals(value, prefs1.get(key, null));
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences prefs2 = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(value, prefs2.get(key, null));
// this will trigger the creation of "phantom" preferences node for the now-missing project
new ProjectScope(project1).getNode("nodeC");
project2.move(project1.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode("");
node = node.node(nodeA);
project1.delete(true, getMonitor());
project2.delete(true, getMonitor());
public void testNodeExistsAgainstLoad() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException {
String nodeA = "nodeA";
String nodeB = "nodeB";
String key = "key";
String value = "value";
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
Preferences prefs1 = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
prefs1.put(key, value);
assertEquals(value, prefs1.get(key, null));
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences prefs2 = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(value, prefs2.get(key, null));
// this will trigger the creation of "phantom" preferences node for the now-missing project
new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node("nodeC");
project2.move(project1.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA);
project1.delete(true, getMonitor());
project2.delete(true, getMonitor());
public void testPut() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException {
String nodeA = "nodeA";
String nodeB = "nodeB";
String key = "key";
String value = "value";
String anotherValue = "anotherValue";
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
Preferences prefs1 = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
prefs1.put(key, value);
assertEquals(value, prefs1.get(key, null));
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences prefs2 = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(value, prefs2.get(key, null));
// this will trigger the creation of "phantom" preferences node for the now-missing project
new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
project2.move(project1.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
node.put(key, anotherValue);
assertEquals(anotherValue, node.get(key, null));
project1.delete(true, getMonitor());
project2.delete(true, getMonitor());
public void testRemove() throws BackingStoreException, CoreException {
String nodeA = "nodeA";
String nodeB = "nodeB";
String key = "key";
String value = "value";
IProject project1 = getProject(getUniqueString());
Preferences prefs1 = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
prefs1.put(key, value);
assertEquals(value, prefs1.get(key, null));
IProject project2 = getProject(getUniqueString());
project1.move(project2.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences prefs2 = new ProjectScope(project2).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertEquals(value, prefs2.get(key, null));
// this will trigger the creation of "phantom" preferences node for the now-missing project
new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
project2.move(project1.getFullPath(), IResource.NONE, getMonitor());
Preferences node = new ProjectScope(project1).getNode(nodeA).node(nodeB);
assertNull(node.get(key, null));
project1.delete(true, getMonitor());
project2.delete(true, getMonitor());