blob: efa681217f027b28de8ddbb227bb9e9c5c456a93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 Broadcom Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Broadcom Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.core.tests.resources.session;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*;
import org.eclipse.core.tests.resources.AutomatedTests;
import org.eclipse.core.tests.resources.WorkspaceSessionTest;
import org.eclipse.core.tests.session.WorkspaceSessionTestSuite;
* This class tests persistence of project description build configurations
* and project description dynamic state across workbench sessions.
public class ProjectDescriptionDynamicTest extends WorkspaceSessionTest {
IProject proj;
String[] configNames;
IBuildConfiguration[] configs;
IProject[] dynRefs;
IBuildConfiguration[] configRefs;
IProject[] configRefsProjects;
public ProjectDescriptionDynamicTest() {
* return reference to the active configuration in the project
public IBuildConfiguration getRef(IProject project) {
return getWorkspace().newBuildConfig(project.getName(), null);
* return reference to the active configuration in the project
public IBuildConfiguration getConfig(IProject project, String id) {
return getWorkspace().newBuildConfig(project.getName(), id);
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
IWorkspaceRoot wr = getWorkspace().getRoot();
// The project we're setting metadata on
proj = wr.getProject("referencing");
configNames = new String[] {"someConfiguration", "someConfiguration2"};
configs = new IBuildConfiguration[] {getConfig(proj, "someConfiguration"), getConfig(proj, "someConfiguration2")};
// The references:
// Dynamic Project level
dynRefs = new IProject[] {wr.getProject("ref1"), wr.getProject("ref2")};
// Dynamic Build Configuration level -- reverse order
configRefs = new IBuildConfiguration[] {getWorkspace().newBuildConfig("ref3", "ref3config1"), getWorkspace().newBuildConfig("ref2", "ref2config1"), getWorkspace().newBuildConfig("ref1", "ref1config1")};
configRefsProjects = new IProject[] {wr.getProject("ref3"), wr.getProject("ref2"), wr.getProject("ref1")};
public ProjectDescriptionDynamicTest(String name) {
* Create some dynamic project level references
public void test1() throws Exception {
// Projects to references -- needn't exist
IProjectDescription desc = proj.getDescription();
proj.setDescription(desc, getMonitor());
ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().save(true, getMonitor());
* Check that the following still exist:
* - project build configurations
* - project level references still exist
public void test2() throws Exception {
assertTrue("1.0", proj.isAccessible());
assertEquals("1.1", dynRefs, proj.getDescription().getDynamicReferences());
assertEquals("1.2", configs, proj.getBuildConfigs());
assertEquals("1.3", configs[0], proj.getActiveBuildConfig());
// set build configuration level dynamic references on the project
IProjectDescription desc = proj.getDescription();
desc.setBuildConfigReferences(configs[1].getName(), configRefs);
// Change the active configuration
proj.setDescription(desc, getMonitor());
ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().save(true, getMonitor());
* Check that the following still exist:
* - Active configuration has changed
* - Dynamic project references are correct
* - Build config references are correct
public void test3() throws Exception {
assertTrue("2.0", proj.isAccessible());
assertEquals("2.1", configs[1], proj.getActiveBuildConfig());
// At description dynamic refs are what was set
assertEquals("2.2", dynRefs, proj.getDescription().getDynamicReferences());
// At project all references are union of build configuration and project references
assertEquals("2.4", configRefsProjects, proj.getReferencedProjects());
// At the description level, dynamic config references match what was set.
assertEquals("2.5", configRefs, proj.getDescription().getBuildConfigReferences(configs[1].getName()));
// At the project level, references are the union of project and build configuration level references
IBuildConfiguration[] refs = new IBuildConfiguration[] {configRefs[0], configRefs[1], configRefs[2], getRef(dynRefs[0]), getRef(dynRefs[1])};
assertEquals("2.6", refs, proj.getReferencedBuildConfigs(configs[1].getName(), true));
// No other projects exist, so check references are empty if we want to filter empty projects
assertEquals("2.7", new IBuildConfiguration[0], proj.getReferencedBuildConfigs(configs[1].getName(), false));
public static Test suite() {
return new WorkspaceSessionTestSuite(AutomatedTests.PI_RESOURCES_TESTS, ProjectDescriptionDynamicTest.class);