blob: df5f14aa569feb79b0fd6353b1c6f754027f6361 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.core.tests.internal.runtime;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.RuntimeLog;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.core.tests.runtime.RuntimeTest;
public class LogSerializationTest extends RuntimeTest {
class TestException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
TestException() {
protected File logFile = null;
public LogSerializationTest(String name) {
public LogSerializationTest() {
public static Test suite() {
return new TestSuite(LogSerializationTest.class);
// TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
// suite.addTest(new LogSerializationTest("testDeepMultiStatus"));
// return suite;
protected void assertEquals(String msg, IStatus[] expected, IStatus[] actual) {
if (expected == null) {
assertNull(msg + " expected null but got: " + actual, actual);
if (actual == null) {
assertNull(msg + " expected " + expected + " but got null", expected);
assertEquals(msg + " different number of statuses", expected.length, actual.length);
for (int i = 0, imax = expected.length; i < imax; i++) {
assertEquals(msg + " differ at status " + i, expected[i], actual[i]);
protected void assertEquals(String msg, IStatus expected, IStatus actual) {
assertEquals(msg + " severity", expected.getSeverity(), actual.getSeverity());
assertEquals(msg + " plugin-id", expected.getPlugin(), actual.getPlugin());
assertEquals(msg + " code", expected.getCode(), actual.getCode());
assertEquals(msg + " message", expected.getMessage(), actual.getMessage());
assertEquals(msg + " exception", expected.getException(), actual.getException());
assertEquals(msg + " children", expected.getChildren(), actual.getChildren());
protected void assertEquals(String msg, Throwable expected, Throwable actual) {
if (expected == null) {
assertNull(msg + " expected null but got: " + actual, actual);
if (actual == null) {
assertNull(msg + " expected " + expected + " but got null", expected);
assertEquals(msg + " stack trace", encodeStackTrace(expected), encodeStackTrace(actual));
assertEquals(msg + " message", expected.getMessage(), actual.getMessage());
protected String encodeStackTrace(Throwable t) {
StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pWriter = new PrintWriter(sWriter);
return canonicalizeStackTrace(sWriter.toString());
* Returns the given stack trace in a canonical format in order to make stack
* trace comparisons easier. The canonical format is: each line is ended by a
* <code>'\n'</code> character, each line (except the first one) starts with a
* <code>'\t'</code> character, there are no other occurrences of space
* characters other than ' ', and there are no consecutive occurrences of new-
* line or space characters.
protected String canonicalizeStackTrace(String stackTrace) {
final char NEW_LINE = '\n';
final char TAB = '\t';
final char SPACE = ' ';
final String LINE_SEPARATORS = "\r\n\f";
final String SPACES = "\t ";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(stackTrace.trim());
char lastChar = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sb.length();) {
// only \n is used as line separator, with no consecutive occurrences
if (LINE_SEPARATORS.indexOf(sb.charAt(i)) != -1) {
if (LINE_SEPARATORS.indexOf(lastChar) != -1) {
sb.setCharAt(i, NEW_LINE);
} else if (lastChar == NEW_LINE) {
// each line (except the first one) starts with a tab
sb.insert(i, TAB);
} else if (SPACES.indexOf(sb.charAt(i)) != -1) {
// only ' ' is used as space, with no consecutive occurrences
if (SPACES.indexOf(lastChar) != -1) {
sb.setCharAt(i, SPACE);
lastChar = sb.charAt(i);
return sb.toString();
protected IStatus[] getInterestingMultiStatuses() {
IStatus[] interesting = getInterestingStatuses();
int len = interesting.length;
IStatus[][] interestingChildren = new IStatus[len][];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
IStatus[] subArray = new IStatus[len];
System.arraycopy(interesting, 0, subArray, 0, len);
interestingChildren[i] = subArray;
int childOff = 0;
return new IStatus[] {new MultiStatus("plugin-id", 1, interestingChildren[childOff++ % len], "message", null), new MultiStatus("", 5, interestingChildren[childOff++ % len], "message", new NullPointerException()), new MultiStatus("plugin-id", 8, interestingChildren[childOff++ % len], "message", null), new MultiStatus("plugin-id", 0, interestingChildren[childOff++ % len], "message", new IllegalStateException()), new MultiStatus("plugin-id", 65756, interestingChildren[childOff++ % len], "message", null), new MultiStatus(".", 1, interestingChildren[childOff++ % len], "message", null), new MultiStatus("", 1, interestingChildren[childOff++ % len], "", null), new MultiStatus("plugin-id", 1, interestingChildren[childOff++ % len], "%$(% 98%(%(*^", null),
new MultiStatus("plugin-id", 1, "message", null), new MultiStatus("..", 87326, "", null),};
protected IStatus[] getInterestingStatuses() {
return new IStatus[] {new Status(IStatus.WARNING, "(#(*$%#", 1, "../\\\\\'\'\"", new TestException()), //
new Status(IStatus.WARNING, "", 1, "This is the message", null), //
new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "", 1, "This is the message", new TestException()), //
new Status(IStatus.OK, ".", 1, "This is the message", new TestException()), //
new Status(IStatus.INFO, "org.asdfhsfhsdf976dsf6sd0f6s", 1, "#*&^$(*&#@^$)(#&)(", null),};
protected void doTest(String msg, IStatus[] oldStats) {
IStatus[] newStats = readLog();
assertEquals(msg, oldStats, newStats);
protected void doTest(String msg, IStatus status) {
doTest(msg, new IStatus[] {status});
protected IStatus[] readLog() {
PlatformLogReader reader = new PlatformLogReader();
return reader.readLogFile(logFile.getAbsolutePath());
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
//setup the log file
if (logFile == null) {
logFile = Platform.getLogFileLocation().toFile();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void testDeepMultiStatus() {
MultiStatus multi = new MultiStatus("id", 1, getInterestingMultiStatuses(), "ok", null);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
multi = new MultiStatus("id", 1, new IStatus[] {multi}, "ok", null);
doTest("1." + i, multi);
public void testMultiMultiStatusSerialize() {
IStatus[] interesting = getInterestingMultiStatuses();
int len = interesting.length;
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
IStatus[] subArray = new IStatus[len];
System.arraycopy(interesting, 0, subArray, 0, len);
doTest("1." + i, subArray);
public void testMultiSerialize() {
IStatus[] interesting = getInterestingStatuses();
int len = interesting.length;
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
IStatus[] subArray = new IStatus[len];
System.arraycopy(interesting, 0, subArray, 0, len);
doTest("1." + i, subArray);
public void testMultiStatus() {
IStatus[] interesting = getInterestingMultiStatuses();
for (int i = 0; i < interesting.length; i++) {
doTest("1." + i, interesting[i]);
public void testSimpleSerialize() {
IStatus[] interesting = getInterestingStatuses();
for (int i = 0; i < interesting.length; i++) {
doTest("1." + i, interesting[i]);
protected void writeLog(IStatus status) {
writeLog(new IStatus[] {status});
protected void writeLog(IStatus[] statuses) {
if (logFile.exists()) {
for (IStatus status : statuses) {