blob: 37c1b289c8acb78f5e197b81fd529943e0f5c8ad [file] [log] [blame]
### Runtime plugin message catalog
ok = OK
### plugins
plugin.extDefNotFound = Executable extension definition for {0} not found.
plugin.extDefNoClass = Executable extension definition {0} does not specify a class name.
plugin.deactivatedLoad = Attempt to load class {0} from deactivated plug-in {1}.
plugin.loadClassError = Plug-in {0} was unable to load class {1}.
plugin.instantiateClassError = Plugin {0} was unable to instantiate class {1}.
plugin.initObjectError = Plugin {0} was unable to execute setInitializationData on an instance of {1}.
plugin.bundleNotFound = Plugin {0} could not find resource bundle {1}.
plugin.notPluginClass = Supplied runtime class {0} does not extend class Plugin.
plugin.startupProblems = Problems encountered starting up plug-in: {0}.
plugin.pluginDisabled = Attempt to activate a disabled plug-in: {0}.
plugin.unableToResolve = Unable to resolve plug-in registry.
plugin.mismatchRuntime = Runtime class declaration mismatch for plug-in: {0}.
plugin.delegatingLoaderTrouble = "Plugin {0} activation failed while loading class {1}.
### parsing/resolve
parse.error = Parsing error: {0}.
parse.errorProcessing = Error while processing {0}.
parse.errorNameLineColumn = Parsing error in {0} [line {1}, column {2}]: {3}.
parse.extPointUnknown = Unknown extension point {0} specified in plug-in {1}.
parse.extPointDisabled = Extension point {0} specified in plug-in {1} is disabled.
parse.prereqDisabled = Plug-in {0} was disabled due to missing or disabled prerequisite plug-in {1}.
parse.unsatisfiedPrereq = Unable to satisfy prerequisite constraint from {0} to {1}.
parse.prereqLoop = Detected prerequisite loop from {0} to {1}.
parse.registryProblems = Problems encountered loading the plug-in registry.
parse.fragmentMissingAttr = Fragment {0} ignored due to missing attributes.
parse.fragmentMissingIdName = Fragment ignored due to missing attributes (including name and id).
parse.pluginMissingAttr = Plugin {0} disabled due to missing attributes.
parse.pluginMissingIdName = Plugin disabled due to missing attributes (including name and id).
parse.unknownElement = Unknown element {1}, found within a {0}, ignored.
parse.unknownTopElement = Unknown element {0}, found at the top level, ignored.
parse.initializationTrouble = Parser initialization using setFeature failed.
parse.internalStack = Element/end element mismatch for element {0}.
parse.validMatch = {0} is not a valid value for the attribute \"match\". Use \"perfect\", \"equivalent\", \"compatible\" or \"greaterOrEqual\".
parse.validExport = {0} is not a valid value for the attribute \"export\". Use \"true\" or \"false\".
parse.unknownAttribute = Unknown attribute {1} for element {0} ignored.
parse.missingFragmentPd = Plugin descriptor {0} not found for fragment {1}. Fragment ignored.
parse.unsatisfiedOptPrereq = Optional prerequisite constraint from {0} to {1} ignored.
parse.prereqOptLoop = Optional prerequisite from {0} to {1} produced loop. Prerequisite ignored.
parse.unknownLibraryType = Unknown library type {0} for library {1}.
parse.duplicatePlugin= Two plugins found with the same id: {0}. Ignoring duplicate at {1}.
parse.unknownEntry=Unknown element parsed by plugin registry: {0}.
parse.nullPluginIdentifier=Plugin not loaded due to missing id or version number: {0}.
parse.nullFragmentIdentifier=Fragment not loaded due to missing id or version number: {0}.
parse.missingPluginName=Name attribute missing from plugin or fragment at {0}.
parse.missingPluginId=Id attribute missing from plugin or fragment at {0}.
parse.missingPluginVersion=Version attribute missing from plugin or fragment at {0}.
parse.missingFPName=Plugin name attribute missing from fragment at {0}.
parse.missingFPVersion=Plugin version attribute missing from fragment at {0}.
parse.postiveMajor=Plugin version identifier, {0}, must have a positive major (1st) component.
parse.postiveMinor=Plugin version identifier, {0}, must have a positive minor (2nd) component.
parse.postiveService=Plugin version identifier, {0}, must have a positive service (3rd) component.
parse.emptyPluginVersion=A plugin version identifier must be non-empty.
parse.separatorStartVersion=Plugin version identifier, {0}, must not start with a separator character.
parse.separatorEndVersion=Plugin version identifier, {0}, must not end with a separator character.
parse.doubleSeparatorVersion=Plugin version identifier, {0}, must not contain two consecutive separator characters.
parse.oneElementPluginVersion=Plugin version identifier, {0}, must contain at least one component.
parse.fourElementPluginVersion=Plugin version identifier, {0}, can contain a maximum of four components.
parse.numericMajorComponent=The major (1st) component of plugin version identifier, {0}, must be numeric.
parse.numericMinorComponent=The minor (2nd) component of plugin version identifier, {0}, must be numeric.
parse.numericServiceComponent=The service (3rd) component of plugin version identifier, {0}, must be numeric.
parse.badPrereqOnFrag=Fragment {0} requires non-existant plugin {1}. Fragment ignored.
parse.duplicateFragment=Duplicate fragment found with id {0} and version {1}.
### metadata
meta.exceptionParsingLog = An exception occurred while parsing the log file: {0}
meta.appNotInit = The application has not been initialized.
meta.couldNotCreate = Error trying to create the platform metadata area: {0}.
meta.failCreateLock = Unable to create platform lock file: {0}.
meta.inUse = \nThe platform metadata area is already in use by another platform instance, or there was a failure\n\
in deleting the old lock file. If no other platform instances are running, delete the \n\
lock file ({0}) and try starting the platform again.
meta.notDir = Specified platform location {0} is not a directory.
meta.pluginProblems = Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: {0}.
meta.readonly = The platform metadata area could not be written: {0}. By default the platform writes its content\nunder the current working directory when the platform is launched. Use the -data parameter to\nspecify a different content area for the platform.
meta.readPlatformMeta = Could not read platform metadata: {0}.
meta.registryCacheWriteProblems = Trouble writing to the registry cache file.
meta.registryCacheReadProblems = Trouble reading from the registry cache file.
meta.regCacheIOException = IOException encountered while writing {0}.
meta.unableToWriteRegistry = Unable to write plug-in registry to cache.
meta.unableToCreateCache = Unable to create output stream for registry cache.
meta.unableToReadCache = Unable to create input stream for registry cache.
meta.unableToCreateRegDebug = Unable to create output stream for registry debug information in {0}.
meta.unableToWriteDebugRegistry = Unable to write plug-in registry debug information to {0}.
meta.unableToReadAuthorization = Unable to read authorization database: {0}.
meta.unableToWriteAuthorization = Unable to write to authorization database: {0}.
meta.writePlatformMeta = Could not write platform metadata: {0}.
meta.invalidRegDebug = Unable to create file {0} for plugin-in registry debug information.
meta.infoRegDebug = Plug-in registry debug information created in file {0}.
### URL
url.badVariant=Unsupported \"platform:\" protocol variation {0}.
url.resolveFragment=Unable to resolve fragment {0}.
url.resolvePlugin=Unable to resolve plug-in {0}.
### Preferences
preferences.validate=Some preferences may not be compatible with the currently installed plug-ins.
preferences.invalidVersionIdentifier = The preference file contains an invalid version identifier: {0}
preferences.incompatible=The preference file contains preferences for version {0} of plug-in {1}, but version {2} is currently installed.
preferences.errorReading=Error reading exported preferences file: {0}