blob: d0281ec94bbdb9aeac57810a9bbc55ea9db86365 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2018 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.function.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.cairo.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.*;
* This class is the abstract superclass of all device objects,
* such as the Display device and the Printer device. Devices
* can have a graphics context (GC) created for them, and they
* can be drawn on by sending messages to the associated GC.
* @see <a href="">Sample code and further information</a>
public abstract class Device implements Drawable {
* @noreference This field is not intended to be referenced by clients.
* @since 3.105
protected static final int CHANGE_SCALEFACTOR = 1;
/* Settings callbacks */
long gsettingsProc;
Callback gsettingsCallback;
boolean isConnected = false;
long displaySettings; //gsettings Dictionary
* the handle to the X Display
* (Warning: This field is platform dependent)
* <p>
* <b>IMPORTANT:</b> This field is <em>not</em> part of the SWT
* public API. It is marked protected only so that it can be shared
* within the packages provided by SWT. It is not available on all
* platforms and should never be accessed from application code.
* </p>
* @noreference This field is not intended to be referenced by clients.
protected long xDisplay;
long shellHandle;
/* Debugging */
public static boolean DEBUG;
boolean debug = DEBUG;
boolean tracking = DEBUG;
Error [] errors;
Object [] objects;
Object trackingLock;
/* Disposed flag */
boolean disposed;
/* Warning and Error Handlers */
long logProc;
Callback logCallback;
//NOT DONE - get list of valid names
String [] log_domains = {"", "GLib-GObject", "GLib", "GObject", "Pango", "ATK", "GdkPixbuf", "Gdk", "Gtk", "GnomeVFS", "GIO"};
int [] handler_ids = new int [log_domains.length];
int warningLevel;
/* X Warning and Error Handlers */
static Callback XErrorCallback, XIOErrorCallback;
static long XErrorProc, XIOErrorProc, XNullErrorProc, XNullIOErrorProc;
static Device[] Devices = new Device[4];
* The following colors are listed in the Windows
* Programmer's Reference as the colors in the default
* palette.
/* System Font */
Font systemFont;
/* Device dpi */
Point dpi;
long emptyTab;
* TEMPORARY CODE. When a graphics object is
* created and the device parameter is null,
* the current Display is used. This presents
* a problem because SWT graphics does not
* reference classes in SWT widgets. The correct
* fix is to remove this feature. Unfortunately,
* too many application programs rely on this
* feature.
protected static Device CurrentDevice;
protected static Runnable DeviceFinder;
static {
try {
Class.forName ("org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {}
static synchronized Device getDevice () {
if (DeviceFinder != null);
Device device = CurrentDevice;
CurrentDevice = null;
return device;
* Constructs a new instance of this class.
* <p>
* You must dispose the device when it is no longer required.
* </p>
* @see #create
* @see #init
* @since 3.1
public Device() {
* Constructs a new instance of this class.
* <p>
* You must dispose the device when it is no longer required.
* </p>
* @param data the DeviceData which describes the receiver
* @see #create
* @see #init
* @see DeviceData
public Device(DeviceData data) {
synchronized (Device.class) {
if (data != null) {
debug = data.debug;
tracking = data.tracking;
if (tracking) {
create (data);
init ();
register (this);
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
* @since 3.115
public boolean isTracking() {
return tracking;
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
* @since 3.115
public void setTracking(boolean tracking) {
if (tracking == this.tracking) {
this.tracking = tracking;
if (tracking) {
} else {
private void startTracking() {
errors = new Error [128];
objects = new Object [128];
trackingLock = new Object ();
private void stopTracking() {
synchronized (trackingLock) {
objects = null;
errors = null;
trackingLock = null;
* Throws an <code>SWTException</code> if the receiver can not
* be accessed by the caller. This may include both checks on
* the state of the receiver and more generally on the entire
* execution context. This method <em>should</em> be called by
* device implementors to enforce the standard SWT invariants.
* <p>
* Currently, it is an error to invoke any method (other than
* <code>isDisposed()</code> and <code>dispose()</code>) on a
* device that has had its <code>dispose()</code> method called.
* </p><p>
* In future releases of SWT, there may be more or fewer error
* checks and exceptions may be thrown for different reasons.
* </p>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
protected void checkDevice () {
if (disposed) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED);
* Creates the device in the operating system. If the device
* does not have a handle, this method may do nothing depending
* on the device.
* <p>
* This method is called before <code>init</code>.
* </p><p>
* Subclasses are supposed to reimplement this method and not
* call the <code>super</code> implementation.
* </p>
* @param data the DeviceData which describes the receiver
* @see #init
protected void create (DeviceData data) {
* Disposes of the operating system resources associated with
* the receiver. After this method has been invoked, the receiver
* will answer <code>true</code> when sent the message
* <code>isDisposed()</code>.
* @see #release
* @see #destroy
* @see #checkDevice
public void dispose () {
synchronized (Device.class) {
if (isDisposed()) return;
checkDevice ();
release ();
destroy ();
deregister (this);
xDisplay = 0;
disposed = true;
if (tracking) {
tracking = false;
void dispose_Object (Object object) {
synchronized (trackingLock) {
for (int i=0; i<objects.length; i++) {
if (objects [i] == object) {
objects [i] = null;
errors [i] = null;
static synchronized Device findDevice (long xDisplay) {
for (int i=0; i<Devices.length; i++) {
Device device = Devices [i];
if (device != null && device.xDisplay == xDisplay) {
return device;
return null;
synchronized static void deregister (Device device) {
for (int i=0; i<Devices.length; i++) {
if (device == Devices [i]) Devices [i] = null;
* Destroys the device in the operating system and releases
* the device's handle. If the device does not have a handle,
* this method may do nothing depending on the device.
* <p>
* This method is called after <code>release</code>.
* </p><p>
* Subclasses are supposed to reimplement this method and not
* call the <code>super</code> implementation.
* </p>
* @see #dispose
* @see #release
protected void destroy () {
* Returns a rectangle describing the receiver's size and location.
* @return the bounding rectangle
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
public Rectangle getBounds () {
checkDevice ();
return DPIUtil.autoScaleDown (getBoundsInPixels ());
private Rectangle getBoundsInPixels () {
return new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
* Returns a <code>DeviceData</code> based on the receiver.
* Modifications made to this <code>DeviceData</code> will not
* affect the receiver.
* @return a <code>DeviceData</code> containing the device's data and attributes
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
* @see DeviceData
public DeviceData getDeviceData () {
DeviceData data = new DeviceData ();
data.debug = debug;
data.tracking = tracking;
if (tracking) {
synchronized (trackingLock) {
int count = 0, length = objects.length;
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (objects [i] != null) count++;
int index = 0;
data.objects = new Object [count];
data.errors = new Error [count];
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
if (objects [i] != null) {
data.objects [index] = objects [i];
data.errors [index] = errors [i];
} else {
data.objects = new Object [0];
data.errors = new Error [0];
return data;
* Returns a rectangle which describes the area of the
* receiver which is capable of displaying data.
* @return the client area
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
* @see #getBounds
public Rectangle getClientArea () {
return getBounds ();
* Returns the bit depth of the screen, which is the number of
* bits it takes to represent the number of unique colors that
* the screen is currently capable of displaying. This number
* will typically be one of 1, 8, 15, 16, 24 or 32.
* @return the depth of the screen
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
public int getDepth () {
checkDevice ();
return 0;
* Returns a point whose x coordinate is the logical horizontal
* dots per inch of the display, and whose y coordinate
* is the logical vertical dots per inch of the display.
* @return the horizontal and vertical DPI
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
public Point getDPI () {
checkDevice ();
return getScreenDPI();
* Returns <code>FontData</code> objects which describe
* the fonts that match the given arguments. If the
* <code>faceName</code> is null, all fonts will be returned.
* @param faceName the name of the font to look for, or null
* @param scalable if true only scalable fonts are returned, otherwise only non-scalable fonts are returned.
* @return the matching font data
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
public FontData[] getFontList (String faceName, boolean scalable) {
checkDevice ();
if (!scalable) return new FontData[0];
long [] family = new long [1];
long [] face = new long [1];
long [] families = new long [1];
int[] n_families = new int[1];
long [] faces = new long [1];
int[] n_faces = new int[1];
long context;
if (GTK.GTK4) {
long fontMap = OS.pango_cairo_font_map_get_default ();
context = OS.pango_font_map_create_context (fontMap);
} else {
context = GDK.gdk_pango_context_get();
OS.pango_context_list_families(context, families, n_families);
int nFds = 0;
FontData[] fds = new FontData[faceName != null ? 4 : n_families[0]];
for (int i=0; i<n_families[0]; i++) {
C.memmove(family, families[0] + i * C.PTR_SIZEOF, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
boolean match = true;
if (faceName != null) {
long familyName = OS.pango_font_family_get_name(family[0]);
int length = C.strlen(familyName);
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
C.memmove(buffer, familyName, length);
String name = new String(Converter.mbcsToWcs(buffer));
match = faceName.equalsIgnoreCase(name);
if (match) {
OS.pango_font_family_list_faces(family[0], faces, n_faces);
for (int j=0; j<n_faces[0]; j++) {
C.memmove(face, faces[0] + j * C.PTR_SIZEOF, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
long fontDesc = OS.pango_font_face_describe(face[0]);
Font font = Font.gtk_new(this, fontDesc);
FontData data = font.getFontData()[0];
if (nFds == fds.length) {
FontData[] newFds = new FontData[fds.length + n_families[0]];
System.arraycopy(fds, 0, newFds, 0, nFds);
fds = newFds;
fds[nFds++] = data;
if (faceName != null) break;
if (nFds == fds.length) return fds;
FontData[] result = new FontData[nFds];
System.arraycopy(fds, 0, result, 0, nFds);
return result;
Point getScreenDPI () {
Point ptDPI;
if (GTK.GTK4) {
ptDPI = new Point (96, 96);
} else {
long screen = GDK.gdk_screen_get_default();
int dpi = (int) GDK.gdk_screen_get_resolution(screen);
ptDPI = dpi == -1 ? new Point (96, 96) : new Point (dpi, dpi);
return ptDPI;
* Returns the matching standard color for the given
* constant, which should be one of the color constants
* specified in class <code>SWT</code>. Any value other
* than one of the SWT color constants which is passed
* in will result in the color black. This color should
* not be freed because it was allocated by the system,
* not the application.
* @param id the color constant
* @return the matching color
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
* @see SWT
public Color getSystemColor (int id) {
checkDevice ();
switch (id) {
* Returns a reasonable font for applications to use.
* On some platforms, this will match the "default font"
* or "system font" if such can be found. This font
* should not be freed because it was allocated by the
* system, not the application.
* <p>
* Typically, applications which want the default look
* should simply not set the font on the widgets they
* create. Widgets are always created with the correct
* default font for the class of user-interface component
* they represent.
* </p>
* @return a font
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
public Font getSystemFont () {
checkDevice ();
return systemFont;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the underlying window system prints out
* warning messages on the console, and <code>setWarnings</code>
* had previously been called with <code>true</code>.
* @return <code>true</code>if warnings are being handled, and <code>false</code> otherwise
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
public boolean getWarnings () {
checkDevice ();
return warningLevel == 0;
* Initializes any internal resources needed by the
* device.
* <p>
* This method is called after <code>create</code>.
* </p><p>
* If subclasses reimplement this method, they must
* call the <code>super</code> implementation.
* </p>
* @see #create
protected void init () {
if (debug) {
if (xDisplay != 0) {
/* Create the warning and error callbacks */
Class<?> clazz = getClass ();
synchronized (clazz) {
int index = 0;
while (index < Devices.length) {
if (Devices [index] != null) break;
if (index == Devices.length) {
XErrorCallback = new Callback (clazz, "XErrorProc", 2);
XNullErrorProc = XErrorCallback.getAddress ();
XIOErrorCallback = new Callback (clazz, "XIOErrorProc", 1);
XNullIOErrorProc = XIOErrorCallback.getAddress ();
XErrorProc = OS.XSetErrorHandler (XNullErrorProc);
XIOErrorProc = OS.XSetIOErrorHandler (XNullIOErrorProc);
if (debug) OS.XSynchronize (xDisplay, true);
/* Create GTK warnings and error callbacks */
if (xDisplay != 0) {
logCallback = new Callback (this, "logProc", 4);
logProc = logCallback.getAddress ();
/* Set GTK warning and error handlers */
if (debug) {
for (int i=0; i<log_domains.length; i++) {
byte [] log_domain = Converter.wcsToMbcs (log_domains [i], true);
handler_ids [i] = OS.g_log_set_handler (log_domain, flags, logProc, 0);
/* Create the standard colors */
COLOR_TRANSPARENT = new Color (0xFF, 0xFF,0xFF,0);
COLOR_BLACK = new Color (0, 0,0);
COLOR_DARK_RED = new Color (0x80, 0,0);
COLOR_DARK_GREEN = new Color (0, 0x80,0);
COLOR_DARK_YELLOW = new Color (0x80, 0x80,0);
COLOR_DARK_BLUE = new Color (0, 0,0x80);
COLOR_DARK_MAGENTA = new Color (0x80, 0,0x80);
COLOR_DARK_CYAN = new Color (0, 0x80,0x80);
COLOR_GRAY = new Color (0xC0, 0xC0,0xC0);
COLOR_DARK_GRAY = new Color (0x80, 0x80,0x80);
COLOR_RED = new Color (0xFF, 0,0);
COLOR_GREEN = new Color (0, 0xFF,0);
COLOR_YELLOW = new Color (0xFF, 0xFF,0);
COLOR_BLUE = new Color (0, 0,0xFF);
COLOR_MAGENTA = new Color (0xFF, 0,0xFF);
COLOR_CYAN = new Color (0, 0xFF,0xFF);
COLOR_WHITE = new Color (0xFF, 0xFF,0xFF);
emptyTab = OS.pango_tab_array_new(1, false);
if (emptyTab == 0) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES);
OS.pango_tab_array_set_tab(emptyTab, 0, OS.PANGO_TAB_LEFT, 1);
if (GTK.GTK4) {
shellHandle = GTK.gtk_window_new();
} else {
shellHandle = GTK.gtk_window_new (GTK.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
if (shellHandle == 0) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES);
this.dpi = getDPI();
DPIUtil.setDeviceZoom (getDeviceZoom ());
if (GTK.GTK_VERSION >= OS.VERSION(3, 22, 0)) {
double sx[] = new double[1];
double sy[] = new double[1];
long gdkResource;
long surface;
if (GTK.GTK4) {
surface = Cairo.cairo_image_surface_create(Cairo.CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, 10, 10);
} else {
gdkResource = GDK.gdk_get_default_root_window();
surface = GDK.gdk_window_create_similar_surface(gdkResource, Cairo.CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR, 10, 10);
Cairo.cairo_surface_get_device_scale(surface, sx, sy);
DPIUtil.setUseCairoAutoScale((sx[0]*100) == DPIUtil.getDeviceZoom() || OS.isGNOME);
/* Initialize the system font slot */
long [] defaultFontArray = new long [1];
long defaultFont = 0;
long context = GTK.gtk_widget_get_style_context (shellHandle);
if ("ppc64le".equals(System.getProperty("os.arch"))) {
defaultFont = GTK.gtk_style_context_get_font (context, GTK.GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL);
} else {
if (GTK.GTK4) {
long[] fontPtr = new long[1];
long settings = GTK.gtk_settings_get_default ();
OS.g_object_get (settings, GTK.gtk_style_property_font, fontPtr, 0);
if (fontPtr[0] != 0) {
int length = C.strlen(fontPtr[0]);
if (length != 0) {
byte[] fontString = new byte [length + 1];
C.memmove(fontString, fontPtr[0], length);
defaultFont = OS.pango_font_description_from_string(fontString);
} else {
GTK.gtk_style_context_set_state(context, GTK.GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL);
GTK.gtk_style_context_get(context, GTK.GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, GTK.gtk_style_property_font, defaultFontArray, 0);
defaultFont = defaultFontArray [0];
defaultFont = OS.pango_font_description_copy (defaultFont);
Point dpi = getDPI(), screenDPI = getScreenDPI();
if (dpi.y != screenDPI.y) {
int size = OS.pango_font_description_get_size(defaultFont);
OS.pango_font_description_set_size(defaultFont, size * dpi.y / screenDPI.y);
systemFont = Font.gtk_new (this, defaultFont);
* For functionality & improved looks, we override some CSS theme values with custom values.
* Note about theme load mechanism:
* - This method is reached early at start of SWT initialization.
* Later, platform.ui will call OS.setDarkThemePreferred(true), which tells Gtk to use dark theme.
* This has the implication that the system theme can be 'Adwaita' (light), but later be 'darkened'
* by platform.ui. This means that there should not be any color-specific overrides in Adwaita theming
* because 'Adwaita' is used for both light and dark theme.
* Note about light/dark system theme:
* - If the System theme is Adwaita (light), eclipse can be forced to be dark with setDarkThemePreferred(true).
* But if the System theme is Adwaita-dark, eclipse cannot be made 'light'.
* Note that much of eclipse 'dark theme' is done by platform.ui's CSS engine, not by SWT.
private void overrideThemeValues () {
long provider = GTK.gtk_css_provider_new();
BiFunction <String, Boolean, String> load = (path, isResource) -> {
try {
BufferedReader buffer;
if (isResource) {
buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Device.class.getResourceAsStream(path)));
} else {
buffer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(path)));
return buffer.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("SWT Warning: Failed to load " + (isResource ? "resource: " : "file: ") + path);
return "";
StringBuilder combinedCSS = new StringBuilder();
if (!GTK.GTK4) {
// Load functional CSS fixes. Such as keyboard functionality for some widgets.
combinedCSS.append(load.apply("/org/eclipse/swt/internal/gtk/swt_functional_gtk_3_20.css", true));
// By default, load CSS theme fixes to overcome things such as excessive padding that breaks SWT otherwise.
// Initially designed for Adwaita light/dark theme, but after investigation other themes (like Ubuntu's Ambiance + dark) seem to benefit from this also.
// However, a few themes break with these fixes, so we allow them to be turned off by user and allow them to load their own fixes manually instead.
// To turn on this flag, add the following vm argument: -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.noThemingFixes
// Note:
// - Display.create() may override the theme name. See Display.create() ... OS.getThemeName(..).
// - These fixes should not contain any color information, otherwise it might break a light/dark variant of the theme.
// Color fixes should be put either into the theme itself or via swt user api.
if (System.getProperty("org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.noThemingFixes") == null) {
combinedCSS.append(load.apply("/org/eclipse/swt/internal/gtk/swt_theming_fixes_gtk_3_20.css", true));
if (GTK.GTK_VERSION >= OS.VERSION(3, 24, 5)) {
combinedCSS.append(load.apply("/org/eclipse/swt/internal/gtk/swt_theming_fixes_gtk_3_24_5.css", true));
// Load CSS from user-defined CSS file.
String additionalCSSPath = System.getProperty("org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.cssFile");
if (additionalCSSPath != null){
// Warning:
// - gtk css syntax changed in 3.20. If you load custom css, it could break things depending on gtk version on system.
// - Also, a lot of custom css/themes are buggy and may result in additional console warnings.
combinedCSS.append(load.apply(additionalCSSPath, false));
if (GTK.GTK4) {
long display = GDK.gdk_display_get_default();
if (display == 0 || provider == 0) {
System.err.println("SWT Warning: Override of theme values failed. Reason: could not acquire display or provider.");
GTK.gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_display (display, provider, GTK.GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
} else {
long screen = GDK.gdk_screen_get_default();
if (screen == 0 || provider == 0) {
System.err.println("SWT Warning: Override of theme values failed. Reason: could not acquire screen or provider.");
GTK.gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen (screen, provider, GTK.GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
if (GTK.GTK4) {
GTK.gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, Converter.wcsToMbcs (combinedCSS.toString(), true), -1);
} else {
GTK.gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, Converter.wcsToMbcs (combinedCSS.toString(), true), -1, null);
* Invokes platform specific functionality to allocate a new GC handle.
* <p>
* <b>IMPORTANT:</b> This method is <em>not</em> part of the public
* API for <code>Device</code>. It is marked public only so that it
* can be shared within the packages provided by SWT. It is not
* available on all platforms, and should never be called from
* application code.
* </p>
* @param data the platform specific GC data
* @return the platform specific GC handle
* @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
public abstract long internal_new_GC (GCData data);
* Invokes platform specific functionality to dispose a GC handle.
* <p>
* <b>IMPORTANT:</b> This method is <em>not</em> part of the public
* API for <code>Device</code>. It is marked public only so that it
* can be shared within the packages provided by SWT. It is not
* available on all platforms, and should never be called from
* application code.
* </p>
* @param hDC the platform specific GC handle
* @param data the platform specific GC data
* @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
public abstract void internal_dispose_GC (long hDC, GCData data);
* Returns <code>true</code> if the device has been disposed,
* and <code>false</code> otherwise.
* <p>
* This method gets the dispose state for the device.
* When a device has been disposed, it is an error to
* invoke any other method using the device.
* @return <code>true</code> when the device is disposed and <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean isDisposed () {
synchronized (Device.class) {
return disposed;
* Loads the font specified by a file. The font will be
* present in the list of fonts available to the application.
* @param path the font file path
* @return whether the font was successfully loaded
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if path is null</li>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
* @see Font
* @since 3.3
public boolean loadFont (String path) {
if (path == null) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
byte [] buffer = Converter.wcsToMbcs (path, true);
return OS.FcConfigAppFontAddFile (0, buffer);
long logProc (long log_domain, long log_level, long message, long user_data) {
if (DEBUG) {
new Error ().printStackTrace ();
if (warningLevel == 0) {
if (DEBUG || debug) {
new Error ().printStackTrace ();
OS.g_log_default_handler (log_domain, (int)log_level, message, 0);
return 0;
void new_Object (Object object) {
synchronized (trackingLock) {
for (int i=0; i<objects.length; i++) {
if (objects [i] == null) {
objects [i] = object;
errors [i] = new Error ();
Object [] newObjects = new Object [objects.length + 128];
System.arraycopy (objects, 0, newObjects, 0, objects.length);
newObjects [objects.length] = object;
objects = newObjects;
Error [] newErrors = new Error [errors.length + 128];
System.arraycopy (errors, 0, newErrors, 0, errors.length);
newErrors [errors.length] = new Error ();
errors = newErrors;
static synchronized void register (Device device) {
for (int i=0; i<Devices.length; i++) {
if (Devices [i] == null) {
Devices [i] = device;
Device [] newDevices = new Device [Devices.length + 4];
System.arraycopy (Devices, 0, newDevices, 0, Devices.length);
newDevices [Devices.length] = device;
Devices = newDevices;
* Releases any internal resources back to the operating
* system and clears all fields except the device handle.
* <p>
* When a device is destroyed, resources that were acquired
* on behalf of the programmer need to be returned to the
* operating system. For example, if the device allocated a
* font to be used as the system font, this font would be
* freed in <code>release</code>. Also,to assist the garbage
* collector and minimize the amount of memory that is not
* reclaimed when the programmer keeps a reference to a
* disposed device, all fields except the handle are zero'd.
* The handle is needed by <code>destroy</code>.
* </p>
* This method is called before <code>destroy</code>.
* <p>
* If subclasses reimplement this method, they must
* call the <code>super</code> implementation.
* </p>
* @see #dispose
* @see #destroy
protected void release () {
if (shellHandle != 0) {
if (GTK.GTK4) {
} else {
shellHandle = 0;
/* Dispose the default font */
if (systemFont != null) systemFont.dispose ();
systemFont = null;
if (emptyTab != 0) OS.pango_tab_array_free(emptyTab);
emptyTab = 0;
/* Free the GTK error and warning handler */
if (xDisplay != 0) {
for (int i=0; i<handler_ids.length; i++) {
if (handler_ids [i] != 0) {
byte [] log_domain = Converter.wcsToMbcs (log_domains [i], true);
OS.g_log_remove_handler (log_domain, handler_ids [i]);
handler_ids [i] = 0;
logCallback.dispose (); logCallback = null;
handler_ids = null; log_domains = null;
logProc = 0;
/* Dispose the settings callback */
if (gsettingsCallback != null) {
gsettingsCallback = null;
gsettingsProc = 0;
* If the underlying window system supports printing warning messages
* to the console, setting warnings to <code>false</code> prevents these
* messages from being printed. If the argument is <code>true</code> then
* message printing is not blocked.
* @param warnings <code>true</code>if warnings should be printed, and <code>false</code> otherwise
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* </ul>
public void setWarnings (boolean warnings) {
checkDevice ();
if (warnings) {
if (--warningLevel == 0) {
if (debug) return;
if (logProc != 0) {
for (int i=0; i<handler_ids.length; i++) {
if (handler_ids [i] != 0) {
byte [] log_domain = Converter.wcsToMbcs (log_domains [i], true);
OS.g_log_remove_handler (log_domain, handler_ids [i]);
handler_ids [i] = 0;
} else {
if (warningLevel++ == 0) {
if (debug) return;
if (logProc != 0) {
for (int i=0; i<log_domains.length; i++) {
byte [] log_domain = Converter.wcsToMbcs (log_domains [i], true);
handler_ids [i] = OS.g_log_set_handler (log_domain, flags, logProc, 0);
static long XErrorProc (long xDisplay, long xErrorEvent) {
Device device = findDevice (xDisplay);
if (device != null) {
if (device.warningLevel == 0) {
if (DEBUG || device.debug) {
new SWTError ().printStackTrace ();
OS.Call (XErrorProc, xDisplay, xErrorEvent);
} else {
if (DEBUG) new SWTError ().printStackTrace ();
OS.Call (XErrorProc, xDisplay, xErrorEvent);
return 0;
static long XIOErrorProc (long xDisplay) {
Device device = findDevice (xDisplay);
if (device != null) {
if (DEBUG || device.debug) {
new SWTError ().printStackTrace ();
} else {
if (DEBUG) new SWTError ().printStackTrace ();
OS.Call (XIOErrorProc, xDisplay, 0);
return 0;
* Gets the scaling factor from the device and calculates the zoom level.
* @return zoom in percentage
* @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
* @nooverride This method is not intended to be re-implemented or extended by clients.
* @since 3.105
protected int getDeviceZoom() {
* We can hard-code 96 as gdk_screen_get_resolution will always return -1
* if gdk_screen_set_resolution has not been called.
int dpi = 96;
if (GTK.GTK_VERSION >= OS.VERSION(3, 22, 0)) {
long display = GDK.gdk_display_get_default();
long monitor;
if (GTK.GTK4) {
long surface = GTK.gtk_native_get_surface(GTK.gtk_widget_get_native(shellHandle));
monitor = GDK.gdk_display_get_monitor_at_surface(display, surface);
} else {
monitor = GDK.gdk_display_get_monitor_at_point(display, 0, 0);
int scale = GDK.gdk_monitor_get_scale_factor(monitor);
dpi = dpi * scale;
} else {
long screen = GDK.gdk_screen_get_default();
dpi = (int) GDK.gdk_screen_get_resolution (screen);
if (dpi <= 0) dpi = 96; // gdk_screen_get_resolution returns -1 in case of error
int monitor_num = GDK.gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point (screen, 0, 0);
int scale = GDK.gdk_screen_get_monitor_scale_factor (screen, monitor_num);
dpi = dpi * scale;
return DPIUtil.mapDPIToZoom (dpi);