blob: 39d64fc26d3d31ee6d2ce6b5b9345ccc126737b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Equo
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Guillermo Zunino, Equo - initial implementation
use cef;
use utils;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
use gtk;
use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
use std::mem::size_of;
use std::ptr::null_mut;
pub fn create_browser(canvas_hwnd: *mut c_void, url: &str, jclient: &mut cef::_cef_client_t, w: c_int, h: c_int, js: c_int, bg: cef::cef_color_t) -> *mut cef::cef_browser_t {
//println!("create_browser in {}", canvas_hwnd);
let window_info = cef_window_info(canvas_hwnd, w, h);
// Browser settings.
// It is mandatory to set the "size" member.
let browser_settings = cef::_cef_browser_settings_t {
size: size_of::<cef::_cef_browser_settings_t>(),
windowless_frame_rate: 0,
standard_font_family: utils::cef_string_empty(),
fixed_font_family: utils::cef_string_empty(),
serif_font_family: utils::cef_string_empty(),
sans_serif_font_family: utils::cef_string_empty(),
cursive_font_family: utils::cef_string_empty(),
fantasy_font_family: utils::cef_string_empty(),
default_font_size: 0,
default_fixed_font_size: 0,
minimum_font_size: 0,
minimum_logical_font_size: 0,
default_encoding: utils::cef_string_empty(),
remote_fonts: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
javascript: if js == 0 { cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DISABLED } else { cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT },
javascript_open_windows: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
javascript_close_windows: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
javascript_access_clipboard: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
javascript_dom_paste: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
plugins: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
universal_access_from_file_urls: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_ENABLED,
file_access_from_file_urls: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_ENABLED,
web_security: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
image_loading: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
image_shrink_standalone_to_fit: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
text_area_resize: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
tab_to_links: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
local_storage: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
databases: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
application_cache: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
webgl: cef::cef_state_t::STATE_DEFAULT,
background_color: bg,
accept_language_list: utils::cef_string_empty()
let url_cef = utils::cef_string(url);
// Create browser.
// println!("Calling cef_browser_host_create_browser");
//if unsafe { cef::cef_browser_host_create_browser(&window_info, client, &url_cef, &browser_settings, null_mut()) } != 1 {
//println!("Failed calling browserHostCreateBrowser");
let browser: *mut cef::cef_browser_t = unsafe { cef::cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync(&window_info, jclient, &url_cef, &browser_settings, null_mut()) };
// println!("after Calling cef_browser_host_create_browser {:?}", browser);
assert_eq!(unsafe{(*browser).base.size}, size_of::<cef::_cef_browser_t>());
// println!("browser size ok");
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn override_system_visual(visual: *mut c_void) {
unsafe {
let xvisual = gtk::gdk_x11_visual_get_xvisual(visual);
//println!("xvisualid: {:?}", (*xvisual).visualid);
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
extern "C" {
pub fn cef_override_system_visual(visual_id: std::os::raw::c_ulong);
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn cef_window_info(hwnd: *mut c_void, w: c_int, h: c_int) -> cef::_cef_window_info_t {
use std::os::raw::c_uint;
let window_info = unsafe {
let visual = gtk::gtk_widget_get_visual(hwnd);
let parent_win = gtk::gdk_x11_window_get_xid(gtk::gtk_widget_get_window(hwnd as *mut c_void));
let window_info = cef::_cef_window_info_t {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: w as c_uint,
height: h as c_uint,
parent_window: parent_win,
windowless_rendering_enabled: 0,
window: 0
//println!("parent {}", window_info.parent_window);
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
pub fn set_window_parent(window_info: *mut cef::_cef_window_info_t, hwnd: *mut c_void, x: c_int, y: c_int, w: c_int, h: c_int) {
use std::os::raw::c_uint;
//unsafe {println!("orig window_info {} {:?}", hwnd, (*window_info)); };
unsafe {
(*window_info).x = x as c_uint;
(*window_info).y = y as c_uint;
(*window_info).width = w as c_uint;
(*window_info).height = h as c_uint;
(*window_info).parent_window = if hwnd.is_null() { 0 } else {
let visual = gtk::gtk_widget_get_visual(hwnd);
(*window_info).windowless_rendering_enabled = 0;
(*window_info).window = 0;
//unsafe { println!("new window_info {:?}", (*window_info)); };
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
fn cef_window_info(hwnd: *mut c_void, w: c_int, h: c_int) -> cef::_cef_window_info_t {
use std::os::raw::c_void;
let window_info = cef::_cef_window_info_t {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: w,
height: h,
parent_view: hwnd,
windowless_rendering_enabled: 0,
view: 0 as *mut c_void,
hidden: 0,
window_name: cef::cef_string_t { str: null_mut(), length: 0, dtor: Option::None }
//println!("parent {:?}", window_info.parent_view);
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub fn set_window_parent(window_info: *mut cef::_cef_window_info_t, hwnd: *mut c_void, x: c_int, y: c_int, w: c_int, h: c_int) {
use std::os::raw::c_void;
//unsafe { println!("orig window_info {} {:?}", hwnd, (*window_info)); };
unsafe {
(*window_info).x = x;
(*window_info).y = y;
(*window_info).width = w;
(*window_info).height = h;
(*window_info).parent_view = hwnd;
(*window_info).windowless_rendering_enabled = 0;
(*window_info).view = 0 as *mut c_void;
(*window_info).hidden = 0;
(*window_info).window_name = cef::cef_string_t { str: null_mut(), length: 0, dtor: Option::None };
//unsafe { println!("new window_info {:?}", (*window_info)); };
fn cef_window_info(hwnd: *mut c_void, w: c_int, h: c_int) -> cef::_cef_window_info_t {
extern crate winapi;
let window_info = cef::_cef_window_info_t {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: w,
height: h,
parent_window: hwnd as cef::win::HWND,
windowless_rendering_enabled: 0,
window: 0 as cef::win::HWND,
ex_style: 0,
window_name: cef::cef_string_t { str: null_mut(), length: 0, dtor: Option::None },
style: winapi::um::winuser::WS_CHILDWINDOW | winapi::um::winuser::WS_CLIPCHILDREN
| winapi::um::winuser::WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | winapi::um::winuser::WS_VISIBLE | winapi::um::winuser::WS_TABSTOP,
menu: 0 as cef::win::HMENU
//println!("parent {:?}", window_info.parent_window);
pub fn set_window_parent(window_info: *mut cef::_cef_window_info_t, hwnd: *mut c_void, x: c_int, y: c_int, w: c_int, h: c_int) {
extern crate winapi;
unsafe {
//println!("orig window_info {} {:?}", hwnd, (*window_info));
if x != 0 {
(*window_info).x = x;
if y != 0 {
(*window_info).y = y;
if w != 0 {
(*window_info).width = w;
if h != 0 {
(*window_info).height = h;
(*window_info).parent_window = hwnd as cef::win::HWND;
(*window_info).windowless_rendering_enabled = 0;
(*window_info).window = 0 as cef::win::HWND;
(*window_info).ex_style = 0;
(*window_info).window_name = cef::cef_string_t { str: null_mut(), length: 0, dtor: Option::None };
if !hwnd.is_null() {
(*window_info).style = winapi::um::winuser::WS_CHILDWINDOW | winapi::um::winuser::WS_CLIPCHILDREN
| winapi::um::winuser::WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | winapi::um::winuser::WS_VISIBLE | winapi::um::winuser::WS_TABSTOP;
(*window_info).menu = 0 as cef::win::HMENU;
//println!("new window_info {:?}", (*window_info));