blob: 65d56e02a3c5bf317246ef95410203a5e60d54aa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are made available under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1 that
* accompanies this distribution (lgpl-v21.txt). The LGPL is also
* available at If the version
* of the LGPL at is different to the version of
* the LGPL accompanying this distribution and there is any conflict
* between the two license versions, the terms of the LGPL accompanying
* this distribution shall govern.
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.*;
// Common type translation table:
// C -> Java
// --------------------
// Primitives:
// int -> int
// guint -> long #Reason:
// c : unsigned int range: 4294967295
// java : int range : 2147483647 (less than c unsigned int)
// Java : long range: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
// // Note: Not to be used for pointers.
// gint* -> int[]
// boolean -> int ex setenv
// gboolean -> boolean
// Pointers:
// gpointer -> long
// void * -> long
// Strings:
// gchar * -> long
// const char * -> byte[] ex setenv
// const gchar* -> byte[] ex g_log_remove_handler
// Special types:
// GQuark -> int
// GError ** -> long [] ex g_filename_to_uri
* This class contains native functions for various libraries.
* Any dynamic functions must be manually linked to their corresponding library. See os_cutom.h #define FUNC_LIB_* LIB_*
public class OS extends C {
/** OS Constants */
public static final boolean IsLinux, IsWin32, BIG_ENDIAN;
static {
/* Initialize the OS flags and locale constants */
String osName = System.getProperty ("");
boolean isLinux = false, isWin32 = false;
if (osName.equals ("Linux")) isLinux = true;
if (osName.startsWith("Windows")) isWin32 = true;
IsLinux = isLinux; IsWin32 = isWin32;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
long ptr = C.malloc(4);
C.memmove(ptr, new int[]{1}, 4);
C.memmove(buffer, ptr, 1);;
BIG_ENDIAN = buffer[0] == 0;
/** Initialization; load native libraries */
static {
String propertyName = "SWT_GTK4";
String gtk4 = getEnvironmentalVariable (propertyName);
if (gtk4 != null && gtk4.equals("1")) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
} else {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
//Add ability to debug gtk warnings for SWT snippets via SWT_FATAL_WARNINGS=1
// env variable. Please see Eclipse bug 471477
static {
String propertyName = "SWT_FATAL_WARNINGS";
String swt_fatal_warnings = getEnvironmentalVariable (propertyName);
if (swt_fatal_warnings != null && swt_fatal_warnings.equals("1")) {
String gtk4PropertyName = "SWT_GTK4";
String gtk4 = getEnvironmentalVariable (gtk4PropertyName);
if (gtk4 != null && gtk4.equals("1")) {
System.err.println("SWT warning: SWT_FATAL_WARNINGS only available on GTK3.");
} else {
OS.swt_debug_on_fatal_warnings ();
// Bug 519124
static {
String swt_lib_versions = getEnvironmentalVariable (OS.SWT_LIB_VERSIONS); // Note, this is read in multiple places.
if (swt_lib_versions != null && swt_lib_versions.equals("1")) {
System.out.print(" (Dynamic gdbus)");
public static final String SWT_LIB_VERSIONS = "SWT_LIB_VERSIONS";
public static String getEnvironmentalVariable (String envVarName) {
String envVarValue = null;
long ptr = C.getenv(ascii(envVarName));
if (ptr != 0) {
int length = C.strlen(ptr);
byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
C.memmove(buffer, ptr, length);
char[] convertedChar = new char[buffer.length];
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
envVarValue = new String(convertedChar);
return envVarValue;
/** Constants */
public static final int G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR = 1 << 2;
public static final int G_FILE_TEST_IS_EXECUTABLE = 1 << 3;
public static final int G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA = 1 << 4;
public static final int G_SIGNAL_MATCH_ID = 1 << 0;
public static final int G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL = 0x2;
public static final int G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION = 0x1;
public static final int G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK = 0xfffffffc;
public static final int G_APP_INFO_CREATE_NONE = 0;
public static final int G_APP_INFO_CREATE_SUPPORTS_URIS = (1 << 1);
public static final int PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT = 0;
public static final int PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER = 1;
public static final int PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT = 2;
public static final int PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND = 9;
public static final int PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND = 10;
public static final int PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE = 11;
public static final int PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE_COLOR = 18;
public static final int PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR = 0;
public static final int PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL = 1;
public static final int PANGO_SCALE = 1024;
public static final int PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED = 0x0;
public static final int PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED = 0x1;
public static final int PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED = 0x2;
public static final int PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED = 0x3;
public static final int PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL = 0x4;
public static final int PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED = 0x5;
public static final int PANGO_STRETCH_EXPANDED = 0x6;
public static final int PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED = 0x7;
public static final int PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED = 0x8;
public static final int PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC = 0x2;
public static final int PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL = 0x0;
public static final int PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE = 0x1;
public static final int PANGO_TAB_LEFT = 0;
public static final int PANGO_UNDERLINE_NONE = 0;
public static final int PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE = 1;
public static final int PANGO_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE = 2;
public static final int PANGO_UNDERLINE_LOW = 3;
public static final int PANGO_UNDERLINE_ERROR = 4;
public static final int PANGO_VARIANT_NORMAL = 0;
public static final int PANGO_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS = 1;
public static final int PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD = 0x2bc;
public static final int PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL = 0x190;
public static final int PANGO_WRAP_WORD_CHAR = 2;
* GDBus Session types.
* @category gdbus */
public static final int G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION = 2; //The login session message bus.
/** @category gdbus */
public static final int G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT = (1<<0); //Allow another message bus connection to claim the name.
* If another message bus connection owns the name and have
* specified #G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT, then take the name from the other connection.
* @category gdbus */
public static final int G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_REPLACE = (1<<1);
// Proxy flags found here:
public static final int G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES = 1;
public static final int G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_CONNECT_SIGNALS = 2;
public static final int G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START = 3;
public static final int G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE = 0;
public static final int G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NO_AUTO_START = (1<<0);
public static final int G_DBUS_SERVER_FLAGS_NONE = 0;
* DBus Data types as defined by:
* If using these, make sure they're properly handled in all GDBus code. Only some of these are supported by some GDBus classes.
* @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_BYTE = "y"; // 8 bit, unsigned int.
/** @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN = "b";
/** @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY = "a";
/** @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_STRING = "s";
/** @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY = "as";
/** @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT_ARRAY_BROWSER_FUNCS = "a(tss)";
/** @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_INT32 = "i";
/** @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_UINT64 = "t";
/** @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE = "d";
/** @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT = "r"; // Not used by Dbus, but implemented by GDBus.
/** @category gdbus */
public static final String DBUS_TYPE_SINGLE_COMPLETE = "*";
* GVariant Types
* These are for the most part quite similar to DBus types with a few differences. Read:
* @category gdbus
public static final byte[] G_VARIANT_TYPE_BYTE = ascii(DBUS_TYPE_BYTE);
/** @category gdbus */
public static final byte[] G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN = ascii(DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
/** @category gdbus */
public static final byte[] G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY = ascii(DBUS_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY);
/** @category gdbus */
public static final byte[] G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING = ascii(DBUS_TYPE_STRING);
/** @category gdbus */
public static final byte[] G_VARIANT_TYPE_IN32 = ascii(DBUS_TYPE_INT32);
/** @category gdbus */
public static final byte[] G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT64 = ascii(DBUS_TYPE_UINT64);
/** @category gdbus */
public static final byte[] G_VARIANT_TYPE_DOUBLE = ascii(DBUS_TYPE_DOUBLE);
/** @category gdbus */
public static final byte[] G_VARIANT_TYPE_TUPLE = ascii(DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT);
/** @category gdbus */
/** Signals */
public static final byte[] accel_closures_changed = ascii("accel-closures-changed"); // Gtk2,3,4
public static final byte[] activate = ascii("activate"); // ?
public static final byte[] angle_changed = ascii("angle_changed"); // Gtk3/4, Guesture related.
public static final byte[] authorize_authenticated_peer = ascii("authorize-authenticated-peer");
public static final byte[] backspace = ascii("backspace");
public static final byte[] begin = ascii("begin");
public static final byte[] button_press_event = ascii("button-press-event");
public static final byte[] button_release_event = ascii("button-release-event");
public static final byte[] changed = ascii("changed");
public static final byte[] change_value = ascii("change-value");
public static final byte[] clicked = ascii("clicked");
public static final byte[] close_request = ascii("close-request");
public static final byte[] commit = ascii("commit");
public static final byte[] configure_event = ascii("configure-event");
public static final byte[] copy_clipboard = ascii("copy-clipboard");
public static final byte[] cut_clipboard = ascii("cut-clipboard");
public static final byte[] create_menu_proxy = ascii("create-menu-proxy");
public static final byte[] delete_event = ascii("delete-event");
public static final byte[] delete_from_cursor = ascii("delete-from-cursor");
public static final byte[] day_selected = ascii("day-selected");
public static final byte[] day_selected_double_click = ascii("day-selected-double-click");
public static final byte[] delete_range = ascii("delete-range");
public static final byte[] delete_text = ascii("delete-text");
public static final byte[] direction_changed = ascii("direction-changed");
public static final byte[] dpi_changed = ascii("notify::scale-factor");
public static final byte[] drag_begin = ascii("drag_begin");
public static final byte[] drag_data_delete = ascii("drag_data_delete");
public static final byte[] drag_data_get = ascii("drag_data_get");
public static final byte[] drag_data_received = ascii("drag_data_received");
public static final byte[] drag_drop = ascii("drag_drop");
public static final byte[] drag_end = ascii("drag_end");
public static final byte[] drag_leave = ascii("drag_leave");
public static final byte[] drag_motion = ascii("drag_motion");
public static final byte[] draw = ascii("draw");
public static final byte[] end = ascii("end");
public static final byte[] enter_notify_event = ascii("enter-notify-event");
public static final byte[] enter = ascii("enter");
public static final byte[] event = ascii("event");
public static final byte[] event_after = ascii("event-after");
public static final byte[] expand_collapse_cursor_row = ascii("expand-collapse-cursor-row");
public static final byte[] focus = ascii("focus");
public static final byte[] focus_in_event = ascii("focus-in-event");
public static final byte[] focus_in = ascii("focus-in");
public static final byte[] focus_out_event = ascii("focus-out-event");
public static final byte[] focus_out = ascii("focus-out");
public static final byte[] grab_focus = ascii("grab-focus");
public static final byte[] hide = ascii("hide");
public static final byte[] icon_release = ascii("icon-release");
public static final byte[] insert_text = ascii("insert-text");
public static final byte[] key_press_event = ascii("key-press-event");
public static final byte[] key_release_event = ascii("key-release-event");
public static final byte[] key_pressed = ascii("key-pressed");
public static final byte[] key_released = ascii("key-released");
public static final byte[] keys_changed = ascii("keys-changed");
public static final byte[] leave_notify_event = ascii("leave-notify-event");
public static final byte[] leave = ascii("leave");
public static final byte[] map = ascii("map");
public static final byte[] map_event = ascii("map-event");
public static final byte[] mnemonic_activate = ascii("mnemonic-activate");
public static final byte[] month_changed = ascii("month-changed");
public static final byte[] motion_notify_event = ascii("motion-notify-event");
public static final byte[] motion = ascii("motion");
public static final byte[] move_cursor = ascii("move-cursor");
public static final byte[] move_focus = ascii("move-focus");
public static final byte[] new_connection = ascii("new-connection");
public static final byte[] output = ascii("output");
public static final byte[] paste_clipboard = ascii("paste-clipboard");
public static final byte[] pressed = ascii("pressed");
public static final byte[] released = ascii("released");
public static final byte[] popped_up = ascii("popped-up");
public static final byte[] popup_menu = ascii("popup-menu");
public static final byte[] populate_popup = ascii("populate-popup");
public static final byte[] preedit_changed = ascii("preedit-changed");
public static final byte[] property_notify_event = ascii("property-notify-event");
public static final byte[] realize = ascii("realize");
public static final byte[] row_activated = ascii("row-activated");
public static final byte[] row_changed = ascii("row-changed");
public static final byte[] row_has_child_toggled = ascii("row-has-child-toggled");
public static final byte[] row_inserted = ascii("row-inserted");
public static final byte[] row_deleted = ascii("row-deleted");
public static final byte[] scale_changed = ascii("scale-changed");
public static final byte[] scroll_child = ascii("scroll-child");
public static final byte[] scroll_event = ascii("scroll-event");
public static final byte[] scroll = ascii("scroll");
public static final byte[] select = ascii("select");
public static final byte[] selection_done = ascii("selection-done");
public static final byte[] show = ascii("show");
public static final byte[] show_help = ascii("show-help");
public static final byte[] size_allocate = ascii("size-allocate");
public static final byte[] resize = ascii("resize");
public static final byte[] start_interactive_search = ascii("start-interactive-search");
public static final byte[] style_updated = ascii("style-updated");
public static final byte[] switch_page = ascii("switch-page");
public static final byte[] test_collapse_row = ascii("test-collapse-row");
public static final byte[] test_expand_row = ascii("test-expand-row");
public static final byte[] toggled = ascii("toggled");
public static final byte[] unmap = ascii("unmap");
public static final byte[] unmap_event = ascii("unmap-event");
public static final byte[] value_changed = ascii("value-changed");
public static final byte[] window_state_event = ascii("window-state-event");
public static final byte[] notify_state = ascii("notify::state");
public static final byte[] notify_theme_change = ascii("notify::gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme");
public static final byte[] response = ascii("response");
/** Properties */
public static final byte[] active = ascii("active");
public static final byte[] background_rgba = ascii("background-rgba");
public static final byte[] cell_background_rgba = ascii("cell-background-rgba");
public static final byte[] default_border = ascii("default-border");
public static final byte[] expander_size = ascii("expander-size");
public static final byte[] fixed_height_mode = ascii("fixed-height-mode");
public static final byte[] focus_line_width = ascii("focus-line-width");
public static final byte[] focus_padding = ascii("focus-padding");
public static final byte[] font_desc = ascii("font-desc");
public static final byte[] foreground_rgba = ascii("foreground-rgba");
public static final byte[] grid_line_width = ascii("grid-line-width");
public static final byte[] inner_border = ascii("inner-border");
public static final byte[] has_backward_stepper = ascii("has-backward-stepper");
public static final byte[] has_secondary_backward_stepper = ascii("has-secondary-backward-stepper");
public static final byte[] has_forward_stepper = ascii("has-forward-stepper");
public static final byte[] has_secondary_forward_stepper = ascii("has-secondary-forward-stepper");
public static final byte[] horizontal_separator = ascii("horizontal-separator");
public static final byte[] inconsistent = ascii("inconsistent");
public static final byte[] indicator_size = ascii("indicator-size");
public static final byte[] indicator_spacing = ascii("indicator-spacing");
public static final byte[] interior_focus = ascii("interior-focus");
public static final byte[] margin = ascii("margin");
public static final byte[] mode = ascii("mode");
public static final byte[] model = ascii("model");
public static final byte[] spacing = ascii("spacing");
public static final byte[] pixbuf = ascii("pixbuf");
public static final byte[] gicon = ascii("gicon");
public static final byte[] text = ascii("text");
public static final byte[] xalign = ascii("xalign");
public static final byte[] ypad = ascii("ypad");
public static final byte[] margin_bottom = ascii("margin-bottom");
public static final byte[] margin_top = ascii("margin-top");
public static final byte[] scrollbar_spacing = ascii("scrollbar-spacing");
/** Actions */
public static final byte[] action_copy_clipboard = ascii("clipboard.copy");
public static final byte[] action_cut_clipboard = ascii("clipboard.cut");
public static final byte[] action_paste_clipboard = ascii("clipboard.paste");
* Functions for which code is not generated automatically.
* Don't move to different class or update these unless you also manually update the custom code part as well.
* These functions are usually hand-coded in os_custom.c.
* Typical method to generate them is as following:
* 1) Move native call and don't auto-generate bindings.
* - define function as regular function. SWT Tools should generate wrappers in os.c
* - move wrappers from os.c into os_custom.c and make your adaptations/changes.
* - add the 'flags=no_gen' to the method in
* (e.g, 'flags=no_gen' functions)
* 2) Make native call invoke a custom function.
* - create a function in os_custom.c
* - create a function in that will call your function.
* (e.g, see the 'swt_*' functions).
* Approach 2 is more portable than approach 1.
* (e.g '2' functions can be moved around, where as with '1', the c counter-parts have to be updated manually.)
* '@category custom' is for annotation/visibility in outline.
* '@flags=no_gen' is an instruction for SWT tools not to generate code.
/** @method flags=no_gen
* @category custom
public static final native boolean GDK_WINDOWING_X11();
/** @method flags=no_gen
* @category custom
public static final native boolean GDK_WINDOWING_WAYLAND();
/** Custom callbacks */
/** @method flags=no_gen
* @category custom
public static final native long pangoLayoutNewProc_CALLBACK(long func);
/** @method flags=no_gen
* @category custom
public static final native long pangoFontFamilyNewProc_CALLBACK(long func);
/** @method flags=no_gen
* @category custom
public static final native long pangoFontFaceNewProc_CALLBACK(long func);
/** @method flags=no_gen
* @category custom
public static final native long printerOptionWidgetNewProc_CALLBACK(long func);
/** @method flags=no_gen
* @category custom
public static final native long imContextNewProc_CALLBACK(long func);
/** @method flags=no_gen
* @category custom
public static final native long imContextLast();
/** @method flags=no_gen
* @category custom
/** @category custom */
/* Add ability to debug gtk warnings for SWT snippets via SWT_FATAL_WARNINGS=1
* env variable. Please see Eclipse bug 471477 */
public static final native void swt_debug_on_fatal_warnings();
/** @category custom */
public static final native long swt_fixed_get_type();
/** @category custom */
public static final native long swt_fixed_accessible_get_type();
* @param obj cast=(AtkObject*)
* @param is_native cast=(gboolean)
* @param to_map cast=(GtkWidget *)
* @category custom
public static final native void swt_fixed_accessible_register_accessible(long obj, boolean is_native, long to_map);
* @param fixed cast=(SwtFixed*)
* @param widget cast=(GtkWidget*)
* @param sibling cast=(GtkWidget*)
* @category custom
public static final native void swt_fixed_restack(long fixed, long widget, long sibling, boolean above);
* @param fixed cast=(SwtFixed*)
* @param widget cast=(GtkWidget*)
* @category custom
public static final native void swt_fixed_move(long fixed, long widget, int x, int y);
* @param fixed cast=(SwtFixed*)
* @param widget cast=(GtkWidget*)
* @category custom
public static final native void swt_fixed_resize(long fixed, long widget, int width, int height);
* @param container cast=(GtkWidget*)
* @param widget cast=(GtkWidget*)
* @category custom
public static final native void swt_fixed_add(long container, long widget);
* @param container cast=(GtkWidget*)
* @param widget cast=(GtkWidget*)
* @category custom
public static final native void swt_fixed_remove(long container, long widget);
/** @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @category custom
/* Custom version of g_utf8_pointer_to_offset */
public static final native long g_utf16_offset_to_pointer(long str, long offset);
* @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @param pos cast=(const gchar *)
* @category custom
/* Custom version of g_utf8_pointer_to_offset */
public static final native long g_utf16_pointer_to_offset(long str, long pos);
/** @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @category custom
/* custom version of g_utf8 for 16 bit */
public static final native long g_utf16_strlen(long str, long max);
/** @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @category custom
/* custom version of g_utf8 for 16 bit */
public static final native long g_utf8_offset_to_utf16_offset(long str, long offset);
/** @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @category custom
/* custom version of g_utf8 for 16 bit */
public static final native long g_utf16_offset_to_utf8_offset(long str, long offset);
* Gtk has a minimum glib version. (But it's not a 1:1 link, one can have a newer version of glib and older gtk).
* Minimum Glib version requirement of gtk can be found in gtk's '' file, see line 'm4_define([glib_required_version],[2.*.*]).
* For reference:
* Gtk3.14 has min version of glib 2.41.2
* Gtk3.16 has min version of glib 2.43.4
* Gtk3.18 has min version of glib 2.45.8
* Gtk3.20 has min version of glib 2.45.8
* Gtk3.22 has min version of glib 2.49.4
public static final int GLIB_VERSION = VERSION(glib_major_version(), glib_minor_version(), glib_micro_version());
* New API in GTK3.22 introduced the "popped-up" signal, which provides
* information about where a menu was actually positioned after it's been
* popped up. Users can set the environment variable SWT_MENU_LOCATION_DEBUGGING
* to 1 in order to help them debug menu positioning issues on GTK3.22+.
* For more information see bug 530204.
public static final boolean SWT_MENU_LOCATION_DEBUGGING;
* Enable the DEBUG flag via environment variable. See bug 515849.
public static final boolean SWT_DEBUG;
* Check for the GTK_THEME environment variable. If set, parse
* it to get the theme name and check if a dark variant is specified.
* We can make use of this information when loading SWT system colors.
* See bug 534007.
* True if the GTK_THEME environment variable is specified
* and is non-empty.
public static final boolean GTK_THEME_SET;
* A string containing the theme name supplied via the GTK_THEME
* environment variable. Otherwise this will contain an empty string.
public static final String GTK_THEME_SET_NAME;
* True iff overlay scrolling has been disabled via GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING=0.
* See bug 546248.
public static final boolean GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING_DISABLED;
* True if SWT is running on the GNOME desktop environment.
public static final boolean isGNOME;
/* Feature in Gtk: with the switch to GtkMenuItems from GtkImageMenuItems
* in Gtk3 came a small Gtk shortfall: a small amount of padding on the left hand
* side of MenuItems was added. This padding is not accessible to the developer,
* causing vertical alignment issues in menus that have both image and text only
* MenuItems. As an option, the user can specify the SWT_PADDED_MENU_ITEMS environment
* variable, which (when enabled), double pads MenuItems so as to create consistent
* vertical alignment throughout that particular menu.
* For more information see:
* Bug 470298
public static final boolean SWT_PADDED_MENU_ITEMS;
static {
String paddedProperty = "SWT_PADDED_MENU_ITEMS";
String paddedCheck = getEnvironmentalVariable(paddedProperty);
boolean usePadded = false;
if (paddedCheck != null && paddedCheck.equals("1")) {
usePadded = true;
String menuLocationProperty = "SWT_MENU_LOCATION_DEBUGGING";
String menuLocationCheck = getEnvironmentalVariable(menuLocationProperty);
boolean menuLocationDebuggingEnabled = false;
if (menuLocationCheck != null && menuLocationCheck.equals("1")) {
menuLocationDebuggingEnabled = true;
SWT_MENU_LOCATION_DEBUGGING = menuLocationDebuggingEnabled;
String debugProperty = "SWT_DEBUG";
String debugCheck = getEnvironmentalVariable(debugProperty);
boolean swtDebuggingEnabled = false;
if (debugCheck != null && debugCheck.equals("1")) {
swtDebuggingEnabled = true;
SWT_DEBUG = swtDebuggingEnabled;
String gtkThemeProperty = "GTK_THEME";
String gtkThemeCheck = getEnvironmentalVariable(gtkThemeProperty);
boolean gtkThemeSet = false;
String gtkThemeName = "";
if (gtkThemeCheck != null && !gtkThemeCheck.isEmpty()) {
gtkThemeSet = true;
gtkThemeName = gtkThemeCheck;
GTK_THEME_SET = gtkThemeSet;
GTK_THEME_SET_NAME = gtkThemeName;
String scrollingProperty = "GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING";
String scrollingCheck = getEnvironmentalVariable(scrollingProperty);
boolean scrollingDisabled = false;
if (scrollingCheck != null && scrollingCheck.equals("0")) {
scrollingDisabled = true;
Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
String desktopEnvironment = env.get("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP");
boolean gnomeDetected = false;
if (desktopEnvironment != null) {
gnomeDetected = desktopEnvironment.contains("GNOME");
isGNOME = gnomeDetected;
(GTK.GTK_VERSION >>> 16) + "." + (GTK.GTK_VERSION >>> 8 & 0xFF) + "." + (GTK.GTK_VERSION & 0xFF));
// set GDK backend if we are on X11
if (isX11()) {
System.setProperty("org.eclipse.swt.internal.gdk.backend", "x11");
protected static byte [] ascii (String name) {
int length = name.length ();
char [] chars = new char [length];
name.getChars (0, length, chars, 0);
byte [] buffer = new byte [length + 1];
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
buffer [i] = (byte) chars [i];
return buffer;
public static int VERSION(int major, int minor, int micro) {
return (major << 16) + (minor << 8) + micro;
public static boolean isX11 () {
return OS.GDK_WINDOWING_X11() && GDK.GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY(GDK.gdk_display_get_default());
/** 64 bit */
public static final native int GPollFD_sizeof ();
public static final native int GTypeInfo_sizeof ();
public static final native int PangoAttribute_sizeof();
public static final native int PangoAttrColor_sizeof();
public static final native int PangoAttrInt_sizeof();
public static final native int PangoItem_sizeof();
public static final native int PangoLayoutLine_sizeof();
public static final native int PangoLayoutRun_sizeof();
public static final native int PangoLogAttr_sizeof();
public static final native int PangoRectangle_sizeof();
public static final native int XAnyEvent_sizeof();
public static final native int XEvent_sizeof();
public static final native int XExposeEvent_sizeof();
public static final native int XFocusChangeEvent_sizeof();
public static final native long localeconv_decimal_point();
* @param path cast=(const char *)
* @param realPath cast=(char *)
public static final native long realpath(byte[] path, byte[] realPath);
/** Object private fields accessors */
/** @param object_class cast=(GObjectClass *) */
public static final native long G_OBJECT_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR(long object_class);
* @param object_class cast=(GObjectClass *)
* @paramOFF constructor cast=(GObject* (*) (GType, guint, GObjectConstructParam *))
public static final native void G_OBJECT_CLASS_SET_CONSTRUCTOR(long object_class, long constructor);
/** @param xevent cast=(XEvent *) */
public static final native int X_EVENT_TYPE(long xevent);
/** @param xevent cast=(XAnyEvent *) */
public static final native long X_EVENT_WINDOW(long xevent);
/** X11 Native methods and constants */
public static final int CurrentTime = 0;
public static final int Expose = 12;
public static final int FocusIn = 9;
public static final int FocusOut = 10;
public static final int GraphicsExpose = 13;
public static final int ExposureMask = 1 << 15;
public static final int NotifyNormal = 0;
public static final int NotifyWhileGrabbed = 3;
public static final int NotifyAncestor = 0;
public static final int NotifyVirtual = 1;
public static final int NotifyNonlinear = 3;
public static final int NotifyNonlinearVirtual = 4;
public static final int RevertToParent = 2;
public static final native int Call(long proc, long arg1, long arg2);
public static final native long call(long function, long arg0, long arg1, long arg2, long arg3, long arg4, long arg5, long arg6);
public static final native long call(long function, long arg0, long arg1, long arg2, long arg3);
public static final native long call(long function, long arg0, long arg1, long arg2, long arg3, long arg4, long arg5);
* @param display cast=(Display *)
* @param event_return cast=(XEvent *)
* @param predicate cast=(Bool (*)())
* @param arg cast=(XPointer)
public static final native boolean XCheckIfEvent(long display, long event_return, long predicate, long arg);
/** @param display cast=(Display *) */
public static final native int XDefaultScreen(long display);
/** @param display cast=(Display *) */
public static final native long XDefaultRootWindow(long display);
/** @param address cast=(void *) */
public static final native void XFree(long address);
* @param display cast=(Display *)
* @param w cast=(Window)
* @param root_return cast=(Window *)
* @param child_return cast=(Window *)
* @param root_x_return cast=(int *)
* @param root_y_return cast=(int *)
* @param win_x_return cast=(int *)
* @param win_y_return cast=(int *)
* @param mask_return cast=(unsigned int *)
public static final native int XQueryPointer(long display, long w, long [] root_return, long [] child_return, int[] root_x_return, int[] root_y_return, int[] win_x_return, int[] win_y_return, int[] mask_return);
/** @param handler cast=(XIOErrorHandler) */
public static final native long XSetIOErrorHandler(long handler);
/** @param handler cast=(XErrorHandler) */
public static final native long XSetErrorHandler(long handler);
* @param display cast=(Display *)
* @param window cast=(Window)
public static final native int XSetInputFocus(long display, long window, int revert, int time);
* @param display cast=(Display *)
* @param w cast=(Window)
* @param prop_window cast=(Window)
public static final native int XSetTransientForHint(long display, long w, long prop_window);
/** @param display cast=(Display *) */
public static final native long XSynchronize(long display, boolean onoff);
* @param dest cast=(void *)
* @param src cast=(const void *),flags=no_out
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(long dest, XExposeEvent src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(XExposeEvent dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(XFocusChangeEvent dest, long src, long size);
/** Natives */
public static final native int Call (long func, long arg0, int arg1, int arg2);
public static final native long G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(long object);
public static final native long G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME(long object);
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native long G_TYPE_BOOLEAN();
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native long G_TYPE_DOUBLE();
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native long G_TYPE_FLOAT();
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native long G_TYPE_INT();
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native long G_TYPE_INT64();
public static final native long G_VALUE_TYPE(long value);
public static final native long G_OBJECT_TYPE(long instance);
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native long G_TYPE_STRING();
public static final native int PANGO_PIXELS(int dimension);
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native long PANGO_TYPE_FONT_DESCRIPTION();
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native long PANGO_TYPE_FONT_FAMILY();
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native long PANGO_TYPE_FONT_FACE();
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native long PANGO_TYPE_LAYOUT();
* @param commandline cast=(gchar *)
* @param applName cast=(gchar *)
* @param flags cast=(GAppInfoCreateFlags)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native long g_app_info_create_from_commandline(byte[] commandline, byte[] applName, long flags, long error);
public static final native long g_app_info_get_all();
* @param appInfo cast=(GAppInfo *)
public static final native long g_app_info_get_executable(long appInfo);
* @param appInfo cast=(GAppInfo *)
public static final native long g_app_info_get_icon(long appInfo);
* @param appInfo cast=(GAppInfo *)
public static final native long g_app_info_get_name(long appInfo);
* @param appInfo cast=(GAppInfo *)
* @param list cast=(GList *)
* @param launchContext cast=(GAppLaunchContext *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native boolean g_app_info_launch(long appInfo, long list, long launchContext, long error);
* @param mimeType cast=(gchar *)
* @param mustSupportURIs cast=(gboolean)
public static final native long g_app_info_get_default_for_type(byte[] mimeType, boolean mustSupportURIs);
* @param uri cast=(char *)
* @param launchContext cast=(GAppLaunchContext *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native boolean g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri(long uri, long launchContext, long error);
* @param appInfo cast=(GAppInfo *)
public static final native boolean g_app_info_supports_uris(long appInfo);
* @param error cast=(GError *)
public static final native long g_error_get_message(long error);
* @param gerror cast=(GError *)
public static final native void g_error_free(long gerror);
* @param type1 cast=(gchar *)
* @param type2 cast=(gchar *)
public static final native boolean g_content_type_equals(long type1, byte[] type2);
* @param type cast=(gchar *)
* @param supertype cast=(gchar *)
public static final native boolean g_content_type_is_a(long type, byte[] supertype);
public static final native long g_credentials_new();
* @param credentials cast=(GCredentials *)
* @param other_credentials cast=(GCredentials *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native boolean g_credentials_is_same_user(long credentials, long other_credentials, long [] error);
* @param info cast=(GFileInfo *)
public static final native long g_file_info_get_content_type(long info);
* @param file cast=(GFile *)
public static final native long g_file_get_uri(long file);
/** @param fileName cast=(const char *) */
public static final native long g_file_new_for_path(byte[] fileName);
* @param fileName cast=(const char *)
public static final native long g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(byte[] fileName);
/** @param fileName cast=(const char *) */
public static final native long g_file_new_for_uri(byte[] fileName);
* @param file cast=(GFile *)
* @param attributes cast=(const char *)
* @param flags cast=(GFileQueryInfoFlags)
* @param cancellable cast=(GCancellable *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native long g_file_query_info(long file, byte[] attributes, long flags, long cancellable, long error);
* @param file cast=(const gchar *)
* @param test cast=(GFileTest)
public static final native boolean /*long*/ g_file_test(byte[] file, int test);
/** @param icon cast=(GIcon *) */
public static final native long g_icon_to_string(long icon);
* @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native long g_icon_new_for_string(byte[] str, long error[]);
* @param signal_id cast=(guint)
* @param detail cast=(GQuark)
* @param hook_func cast=(GSignalEmissionHook)
* @param hook_data cast=(gpointer)
* @param data_destroy cast=(GDestroyNotify)
public static final native long g_signal_add_emission_hook(int signal_id, int detail, long hook_func, long hook_data, long data_destroy);
* @param signal_id cast=(guint)
* @param hook_id cast=(gulong)
public static final native void g_signal_remove_emission_hook(int signal_id, long hook_id);
* @param callback_func cast=(GCallback)
* @param user_data cast=(gpointer)
* @param destroy_data cast=(GClosureNotify)
public static final native long g_cclosure_new(long callback_func, long user_data, long destroy_data);
/** @param closure cast=(GClosure *) */
public static final native long g_closure_ref(long closure);
/** @param closure cast=(GClosure *) */
public static final native void g_closure_sink(long closure);
/** @param closure cast=(GClosure *) */
public static final native void g_closure_unref(long closure);
/** @param context cast=(GMainContext *) */
public static final native boolean g_main_context_acquire(long context);
* @param context cast=(GMainContext *)
* @param fds cast=(GPollFD *)
public static final native int g_main_context_check(long context, int max_priority, long fds, int n_fds);
public static final native long g_main_context_default();
/** @param context cast=(GMainContext *) */
public static final native boolean g_main_context_iteration(long context, boolean may_block);
/** @param context cast=(GMainContext *) */
public static final native long g_main_context_get_poll_func(long context);
* @param context cast=(GMainContext *)
* @param priority cast=(gint *)
public static final native boolean g_main_context_prepare(long context, int[] priority);
* @param context cast=(GMainContext *)
* @param fds cast=(GPollFD *)
* @param timeout_ cast=(gint *)
public static final native int g_main_context_query(long context, int max_priority, int[] timeout_, long fds, int n_fds);
/** @param context cast=(GMainContext *) */
public static final native void g_main_context_release(long context);
/** @param context cast=(GMainContext *) */
public static final native void g_main_context_wakeup(long context);
* @param opsysstring cast=(const gchar *)
* @param len cast=(gssize)
* @param bytes_read cast=(gsize *)
* @param bytes_written cast=(gsize *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native long g_filename_to_utf8(long opsysstring, long len, long [] bytes_read, long [] bytes_written, long [] error);
/** @param filename cast=(const gchar *) */
public static final native long g_filename_display_name(long filename);
* @param filename cast=(const char *)
* @param hostname cast=(const char *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native long g_filename_to_uri(long filename, long hostname, long [] error);
* @param opsysstring cast=(const gchar *)
* @param len cast=(gssize)
* @param bytes_read cast=(gsize *)
* @param bytes_written cast=(gsize *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native long g_filename_from_utf8(long opsysstring, long len, long [] bytes_read, long [] bytes_written, long [] error);
* @param uri cast=(const char *)
* @param hostname cast=(char **)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native long g_filename_from_uri(long uri, long [] hostname, long [] error);
/** @param mem cast=(gpointer) */
public static final native void g_free(long mem);
* @param variable cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
public static final native long g_getenv(byte [] variable);
/** @param result cast=(GTimeVal *)*/
public static final native void g_get_current_time(long result);
public static final native long g_get_user_name();
* @param result cast=(GTimeVal *)
* @param microseconds cast=(glong)
public static final native void g_time_val_add(long result, long microseconds);
* @param function cast=(GSourceFunc)
* @param data cast=(gpointer)
public static final native int g_idle_add(long function, long data);
* @param list cast=(GList *)
* @param data cast=(gpointer)
public static final native long g_list_append(long list, long data);
/** @param list cast=(GList *) */
public static final native long g_list_data(long list);
/** @param list cast=(GList *) */
public static final native void g_list_free(long list);
* @param list cast=(GList *)
public static final native long g_list_last(long list);
/** @param list cast=(GList *) */
public static final native int g_list_length(long list);
public static final native long g_list_next(long list);
* @param list cast=(GList *)
* @param n cast=(guint)
public static final native long g_list_nth_data(long list, int n);
public static final native long g_list_previous(long list);
* @param log_domain cast=(gchar *)
* @param log_levels cast=(GLogLevelFlags)
* @param message cast=(gchar *)
* @param unused_data cast=(gpointer)
public static final native void g_log_default_handler(long log_domain, int log_levels, long message, long unused_data);
* @param log_domain cast=(gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param handler_id cast=(gint)
public static final native void g_log_remove_handler(byte[] log_domain, int handler_id);
* @param log_domain cast=(gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param log_levels cast=(GLogLevelFlags)
* @param log_func cast=(GLogFunc)
* @param user_data cast=(gpointer)
public static final native int g_log_set_handler(byte[] log_domain, int log_levels, long log_func, long user_data);
/** @param size cast=(gulong) */
public static final native long g_malloc(long size);
* @param object cast=(GObject *)
* @param first_property_name cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native void g_object_get(long object, byte[] first_property_name, boolean[] value, long terminator);
* @param object cast=(GObject *)
* @param first_property_name cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native void g_object_get(long object, byte[] first_property_name, int[] value, long terminator);
* @param object cast=(GObject *)
* @param first_property_name cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native void g_object_get(long object, byte[] first_property_name, long[] value, long terminator);
* @param object cast=(GObject *)
* @param quark cast=(GQuark)
public static final native long g_object_get_qdata(long object, int quark);
* @param type cast=(GType)
* @param first_property_name cast=(const gchar *)
public static final native long g_object_new(long type, long first_property_name);
* @param object cast=(GObject *)
* @param property_name cast=(const gchar *)
public static final native void g_object_notify(long object, byte[] property_name);
/** @param object cast=(gpointer) */
public static final native long g_object_ref(long object);
* @param object cast=(gpointer)
* @param first_property_name cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native void g_object_set(long object, byte[] first_property_name, boolean data, long terminator);
* @param object cast=(gpointer)
* @param first_property_name cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native void g_object_set(long object, byte[] first_property_name, byte[] data, long terminator);
//Note, the function below is handled in a special way in os.h because of the GdkRGBA (gtk3 only) struct. See os.h
//So although it is not marked as dynamic, it is only build on gtk3.
* @param object cast=(gpointer)
* @param first_property_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native void g_object_set(long object, byte[] first_property_name, GdkRGBA data, long terminator);
* @param object cast=(gpointer)
* @param first_property_name cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native void g_object_set(long object, byte[] first_property_name, int data, long terminator);
* @param object cast=(gpointer)
* @param first_property_name cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native void g_object_set(long object, byte[] first_property_name, float data, long terminator);
* @param object cast=(gpointer)
* @param first_property_name cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native void g_object_set(long object, byte[] first_property_name, long data, long terminator);
* @param object cast=(GObject *)
* @param quark cast=(GQuark)
* @param data cast=(gpointer)
public static final native void g_object_set_qdata(long object, int quark, long data);
/** @param object cast=(gpointer) */
public static final native void g_object_unref(long object);
* @param data cast=(gconstpointer)
* @param size cast=(gsize)
public static final native long g_bytes_new(byte [] data, long size);
* @param gBytes cast=(GBytes *)
public static final native void g_bytes_unref(long gBytes);
/** @param string cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out */
public static final native int g_quark_from_string(byte[] string);
/** @param prgname cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out */
public static final native void g_set_prgname(byte[] prgname);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param detailed_signal cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param proc cast=(GCallback)
* @param data cast=(gpointer)
public static final native int g_signal_connect(long instance, byte[] detailed_signal, long proc, long data);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param detailed_signal cast=(const gchar *)
* @param closure cast=(GClosure *)
* @param after cast=(gboolean)
public static final native int g_signal_connect_closure(long instance, byte[] detailed_signal, long closure, boolean after);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param signal_id cast=(guint)
* @param detail cast=(GQuark)
* @param closure cast=(GClosure *)
* @param after cast=(gboolean)
public static final native int g_signal_connect_closure_by_id(long instance, int signal_id, int detail, long closure, boolean after);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param detailed_signal cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
public static final native void g_signal_emit_by_name(long instance, byte[] detailed_signal);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param detailed_signal cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
public static final native void g_signal_emit_by_name(long instance, byte[] detailed_signal, long data);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param detailed_signal cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
public static final native void g_signal_emit_by_name(long instance, byte[] detailed_signal, GdkRectangle data);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param detailed_signal cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
public static final native void g_signal_emit_by_name(long instance, byte[] detailed_signal, long data1, long data2);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param detailed_signal cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
public static final native void g_signal_emit_by_name(long instance, byte[] detailed_signal, byte [] data);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param handler_id cast=(gulong)
public static final native void g_signal_handler_disconnect(long instance, int handler_id);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param mask cast=(GSignalMatchType)
* @param signal_id cast=(guint)
* @param detail cast=(GQuark)
* @param closure cast=(GClosure *)
* @param func cast=(gpointer)
* @param data cast=(gpointer)
public static final native int g_signal_handlers_block_matched(long instance, int mask, int signal_id, int detail, long closure, long func, long data);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param mask cast=(GSignalMatchType)
* @param signal_id cast=(guint)
* @param detail cast=(GQuark)
* @param closure cast=(GClosure *)
* @param func cast=(gpointer)
* @param data cast=(gpointer)
public static final native int g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched(long instance, int mask, int signal_id, int detail, long closure, long func, long data);
/** @param name cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out */
public static final native int g_signal_lookup(byte[] name, long itype);
* @param instance cast=(gpointer)
* @param detailed_signal cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
public static final native void g_signal_stop_emission_by_name(long instance, byte[] detailed_signal);
/** @param tag cast=(guint) */
public static final native boolean /*long*/ g_source_remove(long tag);
* @param list cast=(GSList *)
* @param data cast=(gpointer)
public static final native long g_slist_append(long list, long data);
/** @param list cast=(GSList *) */
public static final native long g_slist_data(long list);
/** @param list cast=(GSList *) */
public static final native void g_slist_free(long list);
/** @param list cast=(GSList *) */
public static final native long g_slist_next(long list);
/** @param list cast=(GSList *) */
public static final native int g_slist_length(long list);
/** @param string_array cast=(gchar **) */
public static final native void g_strfreev(long string_array);
* @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @param endptr cast=(gchar **)
public static final native double g_strtod(long str, long [] endptr);
* @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @param str2 cast=(const gchar *)
* @param str3 cast=(const gchar *)
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native long g_strconcat(long str, long str2, long str3, long terminator);
* @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @param str2 cast=(const gchar *)
* @param terminator cast=(const gchar *),flags=sentinel
public static final native long g_strconcat(long str, long str2, long terminator);
/** @param str cast=(char *) */
public static final native long g_strdup (long str);
/** @param g_class cast=(GType) */
public static final native long g_type_class_peek(long g_class);
/** @param g_class cast=(gpointer) */
public static final native long g_type_class_peek_parent(long g_class);
/** @param g_class cast=(GType) */
public static final native long g_type_class_ref(long g_class);
/** @param g_class cast=(gpointer) */
public static final native void g_type_class_unref(long g_class);
/** @param iface cast=(gpointer) */
public static final native long g_type_interface_peek_parent(long iface);
* @param type cast=(GType)
* @param is_a_type cast=(GType)
public static final native boolean g_type_is_a(long type, long is_a_type);
/** @param type cast=(GType) */
public static final native long g_type_parent(long type);
* @param parent_type cast=(GType)
* @param type_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param info cast=(const GTypeInfo *)
* @param flags cast=(GTypeFlags)
public static final native long g_type_register_static(long parent_type, byte[] type_name, long info, int flags);
* @param str cast=(const gunichar2 *),flags=no_out critical
* @param len cast=(glong)
* @param items_read cast=(glong *),flags=critical
* @param items_written cast=(glong *),flags=critical
* @param error cast=(GError **),flags=critical
public static final native long g_utf16_to_utf8(char[] str, long len, long [] items_read, long [] items_written, long [] error);
* @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @param pos cast=(const gchar *)
public static final native long g_utf8_pointer_to_offset(long str, long pos);
/** @param str cast=(const gchar *) */
public static final native long g_utf8_strlen(long str, long max);
* @param str cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out critical
* @param len cast=(glong)
* @param items_read cast=(glong *),flags=critical
* @param items_written cast=(glong *),flags=critical
* @param error cast=(GError **),flags=critical
public static final native long g_utf8_to_utf16(byte[] str, long len, long [] items_read, long [] items_written, long [] error);
* @param str cast=(const gchar *)
* @param len cast=(glong)
* @param items_read cast=(glong *),flags=critical
* @param items_written cast=(glong *),flags=critical
* @param error cast=(GError **),flags=critical
public static final native long g_utf8_to_utf16(long str, long len, long [] items_read, long [] items_written, long [] error);
* @param value cast=(GValue *)
* @param type cast=(GType)
public static final native long g_value_init (long value, long type);
/** @param value cast=(GValue *) */
public static final native int g_value_get_int (long value);
/** @param value cast=(GValue *) */
public static final native void g_value_set_int (long value, int v);
/** @param value cast=(GValue *) */
public static final native double g_value_get_double (long value);
/** @param value cast=(GValue *) */
public static final native void g_value_set_double (long value, double v);
/** @param value cast=(GValue *) */
public static final native float g_value_get_float (long value);
/** @param value cast=(GValue *) */
public static final native void g_value_set_float (long value, float v);
/** @param value cast=(GValue *) */
public static final native long g_value_get_int64 (long value);
/** @param value cast=(GValue *) */
public static final native void g_value_set_int64 (long value, long v);
/** @param value cast=(GValue *) */
public static final native void g_value_unset (long value);
/** @param value cast=(const GValue *) */
public static final native long g_value_peek_pointer(long value);
* @param variable cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
public static final native void g_unsetenv(byte [] variable);
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native int glib_major_version();
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native int glib_minor_version();
/** @method flags=const */
public static final native int glib_micro_version();
* @param interval cast=(guint32)
* @param function cast=(GSourceFunc)
* @param data cast=(gpointer)
public static final native int g_timeout_add(int interval, long function, long data);
/** @method flags=dynamic */
public static final native boolean FcConfigAppFontAddFile(long config, byte[] file);
* @param dest cast=(void *)
* @param src cast=(const void *),flags=no_out
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(long dest, GTypeInfo src, int size);
* @param dest cast=(void *)
* @param src cast=(const void *),flags=no_out
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(long dest, GtkTargetEntry src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *)
* @param src cast=(const void *),flags=no_out
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(long dest, GdkRGBA src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *)
* @param src cast=(const void *),flags=no_out
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(long dest, GdkEventButton src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *)
* @param src cast=(const void *),flags=no_out
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(long dest, GdkEventKey src, long size);
/** @param src flags=no_out */
public static final native void memmove(long dest, GtkWidgetClass src);
* @param dest cast=(void *)
* @param src cast=(const void *),flags=no_out
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(long dest, PangoAttribute src, long size);
/** @param dest flags=no_in */
public static final native void memmove(GtkWidgetClass dest, long src);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(GtkBorder dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(GdkKeymapKey dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(GdkRGBA dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(GdkEventButton dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(GdkEventCrossing dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(GdkEventFocus dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(GdkEventKey dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(GdkEventMotion dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(GdkEventWindowState dest, long src, long size);
public static final native void memmove(long dest, GtkCellRendererClass src);
public static final native void memmove(GtkCellRendererClass dest, long src);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(GdkRectangle dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(PangoAttribute dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(PangoAttrColor dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(PangoAttrInt dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(PangoItem dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(PangoLayoutLine dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(PangoLayoutRun dest, long src, long size);
* @param dest cast=(void *),flags=no_in
* @param src cast=(const void *)
* @param size cast=(size_t)
public static final native void memmove(PangoLogAttr dest, long src, long size);
/** @param attribute cast=(const PangoAttribute *) */
public static final native long pango_attribute_copy(long attribute);
public static final native long pango_attr_background_new(short red, short green, short blue);
/** @param desc cast=(const PangoFontDescription *) */
public static final native long pango_attr_font_desc_new(long desc);
public static final native long pango_attr_foreground_new(short red, short green, short blue);
public static final native long pango_attr_rise_new(int rise);
* @param ink_rect flags=no_out
* @param logical_rect flags=no_out
public static final native long pango_attr_shape_new(PangoRectangle ink_rect, PangoRectangle logical_rect);
* @param list cast=(PangoAttrList *)
* @param attr cast=(PangoAttribute *)
public static final native void pango_attr_list_insert(long list, long attr);
/** @param list cast=(PangoAttrList *) */
public static final native long pango_attr_list_get_iterator(long list);
/** @param iterator cast=(PangoAttrIterator *) */
public static final native boolean pango_attr_iterator_next(long iterator);
* @param iterator cast=(PangoAttrIterator *)
* @param start cast=(gint *)
* @param end cast=(gint *)
public static final native void pango_attr_iterator_range(long iterator, int[] start, int[] end);
* @param iterator cast=(PangoAttrIterator *)
* @param type cast=(PangoAttrType)
public static final native long pango_attr_iterator_get(long iterator, int type);
/** @param iterator cast=(PangoAttrIterator *) */
public static final native void pango_attr_iterator_destroy(long iterator);
public static final native long pango_attr_list_new();
/** @param list cast=(PangoAttrList *) */
public static final native void pango_attr_list_unref(long list);
public static final native long pango_attr_strikethrough_color_new(short red, short green, short blue);
public static final native long pango_attr_strikethrough_new(boolean strikethrough);
public static final native long pango_attr_underline_color_new(short red, short green, short blue);
public static final native long pango_attr_underline_new(int underline);
public static final native long pango_attr_weight_new(int weight);
* @param cairo cast=(cairo_t *)
public static final native long pango_cairo_create_layout(long cairo);
public static final native long pango_cairo_font_map_get_default();
* @param context cast=(PangoContext *)
public static final native long pango_cairo_context_get_font_options(long context);
* @param context cast=(PangoContext *)
* @param options cast=( cairo_font_options_t *)
public static final native void pango_cairo_context_set_font_options(long context, long options);
* @param cairo cast=(cairo_t *)
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *)
public static final native void pango_cairo_layout_path(long cairo, long layout);
* @param cairo cast=(cairo_t *)
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *)
public static final native void pango_cairo_show_layout(long cairo, long layout);
/** @param context cast=(PangoContext *) */
public static final native int pango_context_get_base_dir(long context);
/** @param context cast=(PangoContext *) */
public static final native long pango_context_get_language(long context);
* @param context cast=(PangoContext *)
* @param desc cast=(const PangoFontDescription *)
* @param language cast=(PangoLanguage *)
public static final native long pango_context_get_metrics(long context, long desc, long language);
* @param context cast=(PangoContext *)
* @param families cast=(PangoFontFamily ***)
* @param n_families cast=(int *)
public static final native void pango_context_list_families(long context, long [] families, int[] n_families);
/** @param context cast=(PangoContext *) */
public static final native void pango_context_set_base_dir(long context, int direction);
* @param context cast=(PangoContext *)
* @param language cast=(PangoLanguage *)
public static final native void pango_context_set_language(long context, long language);
/** @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *) */
public static final native long pango_font_description_copy(long desc);
/** @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *) */
public static final native void pango_font_description_free(long desc);
/** @param str cast=(const char *),flags=no_out critical */
public static final native long pango_font_description_from_string(byte[] str);
/** @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *) */
public static final native long pango_font_description_get_family(long desc);
/** @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *) */
public static final native int pango_font_description_get_size(long desc);
/** @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *) */
public static final native int pango_font_description_get_stretch(long desc);
/** @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *) */
public static final native int pango_font_description_get_variant(long desc);
/** @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *) */
public static final native int pango_font_description_get_style(long desc);
/** @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *) */
public static final native int pango_font_description_get_weight(long desc);
public static final native long pango_font_description_new();
* @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *)
* @param family cast=(const char *),flags=no_out critical
public static final native void pango_font_description_set_family(long desc, byte[] family);
* @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *)
* @param size cast=(gint)
public static final native void pango_font_description_set_size(long desc, int size);
* @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *)
* @param stretch cast=(PangoStretch)
public static final native void pango_font_description_set_stretch(long desc, int stretch);
* @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *)
* @param weight cast=(PangoStyle)
public static final native void pango_font_description_set_style(long desc, int weight);
* @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *)
* @param weight cast=(PangoWeight)
public static final native void pango_font_description_set_weight(long desc, int weight);
* @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *)
* @param variant cast=(PangoVariant)
public static final native void pango_font_description_set_variant(long desc, int variant);
/** @param desc cast=(PangoFontDescription *) */
public static final native long pango_font_description_to_string(long desc);
/** @param face cast=(PangoFontFace *) */
public static final native long pango_font_face_describe(long face);
/** @param family cast=(PangoFontFamily *) */
public static final native long pango_font_family_get_name(long family);
* @param family cast=(PangoFontFamily *)
* @param faces cast=(PangoFontFace ***)
* @param n_faces cast=(int *)
public static final native void pango_font_family_list_faces(long family, long [] faces, int[] n_faces);
* @param fontMap cast=(PangoFontMap *)
public static final native long pango_font_map_create_context(long fontMap);
/** @param metrics cast=(PangoFontMetrics *) */
public static final native int pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width(long metrics);
/** @param metrics cast=(PangoFontMetrics *) */
public static final native int pango_font_metrics_get_ascent(long metrics);
/** @param metrics cast=(PangoFontMetrics *) */
public static final native int pango_font_metrics_get_descent(long metrics);
/** @param metrics cast=(PangoFontMetrics *) */
public static final native void pango_font_metrics_unref(long metrics);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *) */
public static final native void pango_layout_context_changed(long layout);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout*) */
public static final native int pango_layout_get_alignment(long layout);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *) */
public static final native long pango_layout_get_context(long layout);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout*) */
public static final native int pango_layout_get_indent(long layout);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout*) */
public static final native long pango_layout_get_iter(long layout);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout*) */
public static final native boolean pango_layout_get_justify(long layout);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *) */
public static final native long pango_layout_get_line(long layout, int line);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout*) */
public static final native int pango_layout_get_line_count(long layout);
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout*)
* @param attrs cast=(PangoLogAttr **)
* @param n_attrs cast=(int *)
public static final native void pango_layout_get_log_attrs(long layout, long [] attrs, int[] n_attrs);
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *)
* @param width cast=(int *)
* @param height cast=(int *)
public static final native void pango_layout_get_size(long layout, int[] width, int[] height);
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *)
* @param width cast=(int *)
* @param height cast=(int *)
public static final native void pango_layout_get_pixel_size(long layout, int[] width, int[] height);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout*) */
public static final native int pango_layout_get_spacing(long layout);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *) */
public static final native long pango_layout_get_text(long layout);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *) */
public static final native int pango_layout_get_width(long layout);
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout*)
* @param pos flags=no_in
public static final native void pango_layout_index_to_pos(long layout, int index, PangoRectangle pos);
/** @param iter cast=(PangoLayoutIter*) */
public static final native void pango_layout_iter_free(long iter);
* @param iter cast=(PangoLayoutIter*)
* @param ink_rect flags=no_in
* @param logical_rect flags=no_in
public static final native void pango_layout_iter_get_line_extents(long iter, PangoRectangle ink_rect, PangoRectangle logical_rect);
/** @param iter cast=(PangoLayoutIter*) */
public static final native int pango_layout_iter_get_index(long iter);
/** @param iter cast=(PangoLayoutIter*) */
public static final native long pango_layout_iter_get_run(long iter);
/** @param iter cast=(PangoLayoutIter*) */
public static final native boolean pango_layout_iter_next_line(long iter);
/** @param iter cast=(PangoLayoutIter*) */
public static final native boolean pango_layout_iter_next_run(long iter);
* @param line cast=(PangoLayoutLine*)
* @param ink_rect cast=(PangoRectangle *),flags=no_in
* @param logical_rect cast=(PangoRectangle *),flags=no_in
public static final native void pango_layout_line_get_extents(long line, PangoRectangle ink_rect, PangoRectangle logical_rect);
/** @param context cast=(PangoContext *) */
public static final native long pango_layout_new(long context);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *) */
public static final native void pango_layout_set_alignment(long layout, int alignment);
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *)
* @param attrs cast=(PangoAttrList *)
public static final native void pango_layout_set_attributes(long layout, long attrs);
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *)
public static final native void pango_layout_set_auto_dir(long layout, boolean auto_dir);
* @param context cast=(PangoLayout *)
* @param descr cast=(PangoFontDescription *)
public static final native void pango_layout_set_font_description(long context, long descr);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout*) */
public static final native void pango_layout_set_indent(long layout, int indent);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout*) */
public static final native void pango_layout_set_justify(long layout, boolean justify);
* @param context cast=(PangoLayout *)
* @param setting cast=(gboolean)
public static final native void pango_layout_set_single_paragraph_mode(long context, boolean setting);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *) */
public static final native void pango_layout_set_spacing(long layout, int spacing);
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *)
* @param tabs cast=(PangoTabArray *)
public static final native void pango_layout_set_tabs(long layout, long tabs);
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *)
* @param text cast=(const char *),flags=no_out critical
* @param length cast=(int)
public static final native void pango_layout_set_text(long layout, byte[] text, int length);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *) */
public static final native void pango_layout_set_width(long layout, int width);
/** @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *) */
public static final native void pango_layout_set_wrap(long layout, int wrap);
* @param layout cast=(PangoLayout *)
* @param index cast=(int *)
* @param trailing cast=(int *)
public static final native boolean pango_layout_xy_to_index(long layout, int x, int y, int[] index, int[] trailing);
/** @param tab_array cast=(PangoTabArray *) */
public static final native void pango_tab_array_free(long tab_array);
* @param initial_size cast=(gint)
* @param positions_in_pixels cast=(gboolean)
public static final native long pango_tab_array_new(int initial_size, boolean positions_in_pixels);
* @param tab_array cast=(PangoTabArray *)
* @param tab_index cast=(gint)
* @param alignment cast=(PangoTabAlign)
* @param location cast=(gint)
public static final native void pango_tab_array_set_tab(long tab_array, int tab_index, long alignment, int location);
* @method flags=dynamic
public static final native long ubuntu_menu_proxy_get();
* @param s1 cast=(const char*)
* @param s2 cast=(const char*)
public static final native int strcmp (long s1, byte [] s2);
* Theme name as given by OS.
* You can see the exact theme name via Tweak Tools -> Appearance -> Themes.
* E.g
* Adwaita
* Adwaita-Dark
* Ambiance (Ubuntu).
* See also: Device.overrideThemeValues();
public static final String getThemeName() {
byte[] themeNameBytes = getThemeNameBytes();
String themeName = "unknown";
if (themeNameBytes != null && themeNameBytes.length > 0) {
themeName = new String (Converter.mbcsToWcs (themeNameBytes));
return themeName;
public static final byte [] getThemeNameBytes() {
byte [] buffer = null;
int length;
long settings = GTK.gtk_settings_get_default ();
long [] ptr = new long [1];
OS.g_object_get (settings, GTK.gtk_theme_name, ptr, 0);
if (ptr [0] == 0) {
return buffer;
length = C.strlen (ptr [0]);
if (length == 0) {
return buffer;
/* String will be passed to C function later, needs to be zero-terminated */
buffer = new byte [length + 1];
C.memmove (buffer, ptr [0], length);
OS.g_free (ptr [0]);
return buffer;
* Hint GTK 3 to natively prefer a dark or light theme.
* <p>
* Note: This method gets called from the org.eclipse.e4.ui.swt.gtk fragment.
* </p>
* @since 3.104
public static final void setDarkThemePreferred(boolean preferred) {
g_object_set(GTK.gtk_settings_get_default(), GTK.gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme, preferred, 0);
g_object_notify(GTK.gtk_settings_get_default(), GTK.gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme);
* @param tmpl cast=(const gchar *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
public static final native long g_dir_make_tmp(long tmpl, long [] error);
* @param info cast=(GDBusInterfaceInfo *)
* @param name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param object_path cast=(const gchar *)
* @param interface_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param cancellable cast=(GCancellable *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync(int bus_type, int flags, long info, byte [] name, byte [] object_path, byte [] interface_name,
long cancellable, long [] error);
* @param proxy cast=(GDBusProxy *)
* @param method_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param parameters cast=(GVariant *)
* @param cancellable cast=(GCancellable *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (long proxy, byte[] method_name, long parameters, int flags, int timeout_msec, long cancellable, long [] error);
* @param proxy cast=(GDBusProxy *)
* @param method_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param parameters cast=(GVariant *)
* @param cancellable cast=(GCancellable *)
* @param callback cast=(GAsyncReadyCallback)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
* @category gdbus
public static final native void g_dbus_proxy_call (long proxy, byte[] method_name, long parameters, int flags, int timeout_msec, long cancellable, long callback, long [] error);
* @param proxy cast=(GDBusProxy *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_proxy_get_name_owner(long proxy);
* @param xml_data cast=(const gchar *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml(byte[] xml_data, long [] error);
* @param bus_type cast=(GBusType)
* @param name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param flags cast=(GBusNameOwnerFlags)
* @param bus_acquired_handler cast=(GBusAcquiredCallback)
* @param name_acquired_handler cast=(GBusNameAcquiredCallback)
* @param name_lost_handler cast=(GBusNameLostCallback)
* @param user_data cast=(gpointer)
* @param user_data_free_func cast=(GDestroyNotify)
* @category gdbus
public static final native int g_bus_own_name(int bus_type, byte[] name, int flags, long bus_acquired_handler, long name_acquired_handler, long name_lost_handler, long user_data, long user_data_free_func);
* @param connection cast=(GDBusConnection *)
* @param bus_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param object_path cast=(const gchar *)
* @param interface_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param method_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param param cast=(GVariant *)
* @param reply_type cast=(const GVariantType *)
* @param cancellable cast=(GCancellable *)
* @param callback cast=(GAsyncReadyCallback)
* @param user_data cast=(gpointer)
* @category gdbus
public static final native void g_dbus_connection_call(long connection, byte [] bus_name, byte [] object_path, byte [] interface_name, byte [] method_name, long param, long reply_type, int flag, int timeout, long cancellable, long callback, long user_data);
* @param proxy cast=(GDBusConnection *)
* @param res cast=(GAsyncResult *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_connection_call_finish(long proxy, long res, long [] error);
* @param connection cast=(GDBusConnection *)
* @param bus_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param object_path cast=(const gchar *)
* @param interface_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param method_name cast=(const gchar *)
* @param param cast=(GVariant *)
* @param reply_type cast=(const GVariantType *)
* @param cancellable cast=(GCancellable *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_connection_call_sync(long connection, byte [] bus_name, byte [] object_path, byte [] interface_name, byte [] method_name, long param, long reply_type, int flag, int timeout, long cancellable, long [] error);
* @param connection cast=(GDBusConnection *)
* @param cancellable cast=(GCancellable *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
* @category gdbus
public static final native boolean g_dbus_connection_close_sync(long connection, long cancellable, long [] error);
* @param connection cast=(GDBusConnection *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native boolean g_dbus_connection_is_closed(long connection);
* @param address cast=(const gchar *)
* @param observer cast=(GDBusAuthObserver *)
* @param cancellable cast=(GCancellable *)
* @param callback cast=(GAsyncReadyCallback)
* @param user_data cast=(gpointer)
* @category gdbus
public static final native void g_dbus_connection_new_for_address(byte[] address, int flags, long observer, long cancellable, long callback, long user_data);
* @param result cast=(GAsyncResult *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_connection_new_for_address_finish(long result, long [] error);
* @param connection cast=(GDBusConnection *)
* @param object_path cast=(const gchar *)
* @param interface_info cast=(GDBusInterfaceInfo *)
* @param vtable cast=(const GDBusInterfaceVTable *)
* @param user_data cast=(gpointer)
* @param user_data_free_func cast=(GDestroyNotify)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
* @category gdbus
public static final native int g_dbus_connection_register_object(long connection, byte[] object_path, long interface_info, long [] vtable, long user_data, long user_data_free_func, long [] error);
* @param info cast=(GDBusNodeInfo *)
* @param name cast=(const gchar *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_node_info_lookup_interface(long info, byte [] name);
* @param invocation cast=(GDBusMethodInvocation *)
* @param parameters cast=(GVariant *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native void g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value(long invocation, long parameters);
* @param address cast=(const gchar *)
* @param flags cast=(GDBusServerFlags)
* @param guid cast=(const gchar *)
* @param observer cast=(GDBusAuthObserver *)
* @param cancellable cast=(GCancellable *)
* @param error cast=(GError **)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_server_new_sync(long address, int flags, long guid, long observer, long cancellable, long [] error);
* @param server cast=(GDBusServer *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native void g_dbus_server_start(long server);
* @param server cast=(GDBusServer *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native void g_dbus_server_stop(long server);
* @param server cast=(GDBusServer *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_server_get_client_address(long server);
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_auth_observer_new();
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_dbus_generate_guid();
* @param type cast=(const GVariantType *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_builder_new(long type);
* @param builder cast=(GVariantBuilder *)
* @param value cast=(GVariant *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native void g_variant_builder_add_value(long builder, long value);
* @param type cast=(GVariantType *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native void g_variant_type_free(long type);
* @param type cast=(const gchar *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_type_new(byte [] type);
* @param builder cast=(GVariantBuilder *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_builder_end(long builder);
* @param builder cast=(GVariantBuilder *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native void g_variant_builder_unref(long builder);
* @param format_string cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param arg0 cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_new (byte[] format_string, byte[] arg0);
* @param format_string cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param arg0 cast=(gboolean)
* @param arg1 cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_new (byte[] format_string, boolean arg0, byte[] arg1);
* @param format_string cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param arg0 cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @param arg1 cast=(const gchar *),flags=no_out
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_new (byte[] format_string, byte[] arg0, byte[] arg1);
* @param intval cast=(gint32)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_new_int32(int intval);
* @param gvariant cast=(GVariant *)
* @category gdbus
* @return int
public static final native int g_variant_get_int32(long gvariant);
* @param gvariant cast=(GVariant *)
* @category gdbus
* @return guchar
public static final native byte g_variant_get_byte(long gvariant);
* @param gvariant cast=(GVariant *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native boolean g_variant_get_boolean(long gvariant);
* @param gvariant cast=(GVariant *)
* @param index cast=(gsize)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_get_child_value(long gvariant, int index);
* @param gvariant cast=(GVariant *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native double g_variant_get_double(long gvariant);
public static final native long g_variant_new_uint64(long value);
* @param gvariant cast=(GVariant *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_get_uint64(long gvariant);
* @param gvariant cast=(GVariant *)
* @param length cast=(gsize *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_get_string(long gvariant, long[] length);
* @param gvariant cast=(GVariant *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_get_type_string(long gvariant);
* @param gvariant cast=(GVariant *)
* @param type cast=(const GVariantType *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native boolean g_variant_is_of_type(long gvariant, byte[] type);
* @param gvariant cast=(GVariant *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_n_children(long gvariant);
* @param value cast=(gboolean)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_new_boolean(boolean value);
* @param value cast=(gboolean)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_new_double(double value);
* @param value cast=(guchar)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_new_byte(byte value);
* @param items cast=(GVariant * const *)
* @param length cast=(gsize)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_new_tuple(long [] items, long length);
* @param string cast=(const gchar *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_new_string(byte[] string);
* @param string cast=(const gchar *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native long g_variant_new_string(long string);
* @param value cast=(GVariant *)
* @category gdbus
public static final native void g_variant_unref(long value);
* @param object cast=(GObject *)
public static final native long g_object_ref_sink(long object);
* @param dateTime cast=(GDateTime *)
* @param year cast=(gint *)
* @param month cast=(gint *)
* @param day cast=(gint *)
public static final native void g_date_time_get_ymd(long dateTime, int[] year, int[] month, int[] day);
public static final native long g_date_time_new_local(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, double seconds);
/** @param file cast=(GFile *) */
public static final native long g_file_get_path(long file);
/* GMenu */
public static final native long g_menu_new();
* @param menu_item cast=(GMenuItem *)
* @param submenu cast=(GMenuModel *)
public static final native void g_menu_item_set_submenu(long menu_item, long submenu);
* @param menu cast=(GMenu *)
* @param label cast=(const gchar *)
* @param detailed_action cast=(const gchar *)
public static final native void g_menu_insert(long menu, int position, long label, long detailed_action);