Required Java 11.
setup swt development environment
To build swt, open console in ../eclipse.platform.swt folder and type:
mvn clean package -P build-individual-bundles -DskipTests
Note: This command is only necessary the first time, then it will be enough only with:
mvn install -P build-individual-bundles -DskipTests
To build native binaries, open console in ../eclipse.platform.swt.binaries and type:
mvn process-resources -P build-individual-bundles -Dnative=gtk.linux.x86_64 -f bundles/org.eclipse.swt.browser.chromium.gtk.linux.x86_64/pom.xml
Note: With this command you can build the natives of chromiun, Rust and JNI, verify that you have something similar to this output, verifying that the construction of rust and the native jni was successful.
Rust must be installed, for example: curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain 1.42.0
To build binaries, In the previous console type:
mvn package -P build-individual-bundles
This command will build the project regardless of compiling the natives of chromium.
Generic notes:
Finally to run BrowserExample application from eclipse swt example , you need import dependencies in run configurations. Go to run configurations > Dependencies > click in Classpath Entries and add your recent buils jars:
Configure VM arguments. Go to run configurations > Arguments and paste: -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=chromium
Delete ~/.swt folder to ensure cached binaries are not used.