blob: 24007b320d45a70f7c57b22f320f6c6c3a107bac [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved
import org.eclipse.swt.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.photon.*;
public class Canvas extends Composite {
Caret caret;
Canvas () {
/* Do nothing */
public Canvas (Composite parent, int style) {
super (parent, style);
public Caret getCaret () {
if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
return caret;
void hookEvents () {
super.hookEvents ();
int windowProc = getDisplay ().windowProc;
OS.PtAddEventHandler (handle, OS.Ph_EV_DRAG, windowProc, SWT.MouseMove);
int processFocusIn (int info) {
int result = super.processFocusIn (info);
if (caret != null) caret.setFocus ();
return result;
int processFocusOut (int info) {
int result = super.processFocusOut (info);
if (caret != null) caret.killFocus ();
return result;
int processPaint (int callData) {
boolean isVisible = caret != null && caret.isVisible ();
if (isVisible) caret.hideCaret ();
int result = super.processPaint (callData);
if (isVisible) caret.showCaret ();
return result;
int processMouse (int info) {
* Bug in Photon. Despite the fact that we are returning
* Pt_END when a button is pressed, for some reason, the
* single-line text widget does not end the processing and
* the callback is sent to the parent. This causes us to
* call PhInitDrag () which interferes with drag selection
* in the text widget. The fix is to only call PhInitDrag ()
* when there are no children.
if (OS.PtWidgetChildFront (handle) != 0) {
return super.processMouse (info);
if (info == 0) return OS.Pt_END;
PtCallbackInfo_t cbinfo = new PtCallbackInfo_t ();
OS.memmove (cbinfo, info, PtCallbackInfo_t.sizeof);
if (cbinfo.event == 0) return OS.Pt_END;
PhEvent_t ev = new PhEvent_t ();
OS.memmove (ev, cbinfo.event, PhEvent_t.sizeof);
switch (ev.type) {
int data = OS.PhGetData (cbinfo.event);
if (data == 0) return OS.Pt_END;
PhPointerEvent_t pe = new PhPointerEvent_t ();
OS.memmove (pe, data, PhPointerEvent_t.sizeof);
PhRect_t rect = new PhRect_t ();
PhPoint_t pos = new PhPoint_t();
pos.x = pe.pos_x;
pos.y = pe.pos_y;
rect.ul_x = rect.lr_x = (short) (pos.x + ev.translation_x);
rect.ul_y = rect.lr_y = (short) (pos.y + ev.translation_y);
int rid = OS.PtWidgetRid (handle);
// int input_group = OS.PhInputGroup (cbinfo.event);
int input_group = OS.PhInputGroup (0);
OS.PhInitDrag (rid, OS.Ph_DRAG_KEY_MOTION | OS.Ph_DRAG_TRACK | OS.Ph_TRACK_DRAG, rect, null, input_group, null, null, null, pos, null);
return super.processMouse (info);
public void redraw () {
boolean isVisible = caret != null && caret.isVisible ();
if (isVisible) caret.hideCaret ();
super.redraw ();
if (isVisible) caret.showCaret ();
public void redraw (int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean all) {
boolean isVisible = caret != null && caret.isVisible ();
if (isVisible) caret.hideCaret ();
super.redraw (x, y, width, height, all);
if (isVisible) caret.showCaret ();
void releaseWidget () {
if (caret != null) {
caret.releaseWidget ();
caret.releaseHandle ();
caret = null;
public void scroll (int destX, int destY, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean all) {
if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return;
int deltaX = destX - x, deltaY = destY - y;
if (deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0) return;
if (!isVisible ()) return;
boolean isVisible = (caret != null) && (caret.isVisible ());
if (isVisible) caret.hideCaret ();
GC gc = new GC (this);
gc.copyArea (x, y, width, height, destX, destY);
gc.dispose ();
if (isVisible) caret.showCaret ();
void setBounds (int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean move, boolean resize) {
if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
boolean isVisible = (caret != null) && (caret.isVisible ());
if (isVisible) caret.hideCaret ();
super.setBounds (x, y, width, height, move, resize);
if (isVisible) caret.showCaret ();
public void setCaret (Caret caret) {
if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
if (!isValidWidget ()) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
Caret newCaret = caret;
Caret oldCaret = this.caret;
this.caret = newCaret;
if (isFocusControl ()) {
if (oldCaret != null) oldCaret.killFocus ();
if (newCaret != null) newCaret.setFocus ();