| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| AdvancedGraphics=Advanced Graphics |
| GraphicsExample=Graphics Example |
| SWTGraphics=SWT Graphics |
| Warning=Warning |
| LibNotFound=Advanced graphics library not found. Some examples will not display. |
| Settings=Settings |
| Play=Play |
| Pause=Pause |
| Background=Background |
| DoubleBuffer=Double Buffer |
| White=White |
| Black=Black |
| Red=Red |
| Green=Green |
| Blue=Blue |
| Cyan=Cyan |
| Yellow=Yellow |
| CustomColor=Custom Color |
| CustomPattern=Custom Pattern |
| Pattern1=Pink Losange |
| Pattern2=Purple Checkers |
| Pattern3=Blue Pentagon |
| Animation=Animation |
| StarPolygon=Star Polygon |
| Line=Line |
| BlackHole=Black Hole |
| FillRule=Fill Rule |
| Polygons=Polygons |
| Introduction=Introduction |
| Bounce=Bounce |
| Font=Font |
| Misc=Misc |
| Countdown=Countdown |
| LineWidth=Line Width |
| Antialiasing=Antialiasing |
| LineCap=Line Cap |
| Spiral=Spiral |
| Petals=Petals |
| Gradient=Gradient |
| GradImage=Gradient Image |
| SwapColors=Swap Colors |
| Curves=Curves |
| Cubic=Cubic |
| Quadratic=Quadratic |
| Lines=Lines |
| Flat=Flat |
| Square=Square |
| Round=Round |
| LineStyles=Line Styles |
| GradientDlgMsg=Please select two colors: |
| GradientDlgButton1=Color 1 |
| GradientDlgButton2=Color 2 |
| GradientTabItem1=Color 1 |
| GradientTabItem2=Color 2 |
| Alpha=Alpha |
| CustomFont=Custom Font |
| Regular=Regular |
| Italic=Italic |
| Bold=Bold |
| BoldItalic=Bold Italic |
| FontFace=Face |
| FontStyle=Style |
| FontSize=Size |
| Color=Color |
| Clipping=Clipping |
| PathClipping=Path Clipping |
| Circles=Circles |
| Rectangle=Rectangle |
| Oval=Oval |
| Word=Word |
| Star=Star |
| Triangles=Triangles |
| Default=Default |
| RegionClipping=Region Clipping |
| Region1=Region 1 |
| Region2=Region 2 |
| Add=Add |
| Sub=Subtract |
| Inter=Intersect |
| Interpolation=Interpolation |
| Image=Image |
| OriginalImg=Original Image |
| House=House |
| Question=Question |
| Task=Task |
| Cube=Cube |
| Ovals=Ovals |
| None=None |
| Low=Low |
| Default=Default |
| High=High |
| Transform=Transform |
| Cards=Cards |
| Solid=Solid |
| Dash=Dash |
| Dot=Dot |
| DashDot=Dash Dot |
| DashDotDot=Dash Dot Dot |
| LineJoin=Line Join |
| bevel=BEVEL |
| miter=MITER |
| round=ROUND |
| Ball=Ball |
| CustomAlpha=Custom Alpha |
| Maze=Maze |
| rgb=RGB |
| Graphics=Graphics |
| Flip=Flip |
| Scale=Scale |
| Rotate=Rotate |
| xtranslate=X-Translate |
| ytranslate=Y-Translate |
| xscale=X-Scale |
| yscale=Y-Scale |
| Invert=Invert Matrix |
| Path=Path |
| PathOper=Path Operations |
| DrawPath=Draw Path |
| FillPath=Fill Path |
| ClosePath=Close Path |
| FillColor=Fill Color |
| Text=Text |
| Shapes=Shapes |
| Next=Next |
| Back=Back |
| AnimPathClipping=Animated Path Clipping |
| ##### ------------------ Tab Descriptions ------------------ ##### |
| AlphaDescription=This tab demonstrates alpha blending. It draws various shapes and images as alpha values change. |
| BallDescription=This tab uses alpha blending to simulate \"ghosting\" of a ball in movement. |
| BlackHoleDescription=This is a miscellaneous demonstration that makes use of the fillOval() operation to simulate a black hole. |
| CardsDescription=This tab demonstrates various transformations, such as scaling, rotation, and translation. |
| CountdownDescription=This miscellaneous tab presents a count down from 5 to 1, then displays SWT. |
| CurvesSWTDescription=This tab presents cubic and quadratic curves that can be drawn. As a demonstration, cubic and quadratic curves are used to spell out \"SWT\". The user may reposition the cubic and quadratic handles. |
| CurvesDescription=This tab presents cubic and quadratic curves that can be drawn. The user may reposition the cubic and quadratic handles |
| CustomAlphaDescription=This tab demonstrates the use of alpha blending. It allows a user to specify a custom alpha value. |
| CustomFontDescription=This tab demonstrates various text fonts. It allows the user to specify font parameters such as face, style and size. |
| FontBounceDescription=This tab is an animated graphic. It presents the word SWT in different fonts as it bounces around the screen. |
| GradientImageDescription=This tab is an animated graphic. It presents the word SWT in different fonts as it bounces around the screen. |
| AntialiasingGraphicsDesc=This tab demonstrates antialiasing for graphics. Antialiasing is used for smoothing jagged edges in graphics. This tab allows the user to see the effects of different antialiasing values. |
| FlipDescription=This tab demonstrates how an image can be flipped in various fashions. |
| ScaleDescription=This tab demonstrates how an image can be scaled. Resize the shell, and the image will scale with it. |
| TransformImgDescription=This tab demonstrates transformations, such as scaling, rotation, and invert. It allows the user to specify values for scaling and rotation. |
| ImageInterpolationDesc=This tab shows the effects of applying various interpolation algorithms to images that have been stretched or shrunk. |
| IntroductionDescription=This is the introduction tab. This demonstration makes use of a path clipping. |
| LineCapDescription=This tab demonstrates various line caps applicable to a line. |
| LineJoinDescription=This tab demonstrates various line joins. It allows a user to choose from bevel, miter and round. |
| LineStylesDescription=This tab demonstrates line styles applicable to a line. It shows the use of the setLineStyle() method. |
| LineDescription=This tab draws two lines. |
| MazeDescription=This is a miscellaneous demonstration. Three objects move through the maze, each following a different path. Only one of the three follows the correct path. |
| AnimPathClippingDesc=This tab demonstrates the use of path clipping. A clipping is the area onto which a drawing is made visible. The default clipping is the entire canvas (all the space in the right panel). However, one can set the clipping to be something different. In this tab, the clipping is the set of triangles, rectangles and the circle. When the blue rectangle is drawn, only the portions of the blue rectangle appearing in the clipping are visible. |
| PathClippingDesc=This tab demonstrates the use of path clipping. A clipping is the area onto which a drawing is made visible. The default clipping is the entire canvas (all the space in the right panel). However, one can set the clipping to be something different. |
| PathOperDescription=This tab demonstrates the use of paths. It allows the user to see the differences between filling, drawing and closing paths. |
| rgbDescription=Miscellaneous tab that demonstrates emerging colors from layering other colors. |
| RegionClippingDescription=This tab demonstrates how to apply a region clipping and the effects of applying one. It also demonstrates the operations that can be applied between two regions. |
| ShapesDescription=This tab draws 3D shapes (in 2D) using various line styles. |
| SpiralDescription=Miscellaneous tab that presents a spiral consisting of the number of petals specified. |
| StarPolygonDescription=This tab draws a polygon and shows the effects of setting different fill rules: SWT.FILL_WINDING or SWT.FILL_EVEN_ODD |
| AntialiasingTextDesc=This tab demonstrates antialiasing for text. Antialiasing is used for smoothing jagged edges in graphics. This tab allows the user to see the effects of different antialiasing values. |