blob: d31fa10c83c900512f035fb5bf6cfa1c124ef8bc [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.swt.widgets;
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
* This file is made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.OS;
import org.eclipse.swt.*;
public class ToolBar extends Composite {
int itemCount;
ToolItem [] items;
public ToolBar (Composite parent, int style) {
super (parent, checkStyle (style));
* Ensure that either of HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL is set.
* NOTE: HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL have the same values
* as H_SCROLL and V_SCROLL so it is necessary to first
* clear these bits to avoid scroll bars and then reset
* the bits using the original style supplied by the
* programmer.
if ((style & SWT.VERTICAL) != 0) { |= SWT.VERTICAL;
} else { |= SWT.HORIZONTAL;
static int checkStyle (int style) {
* Even though it is legal to create this widget
* with scroll bars, they serve no useful purpose
* because they do not automatically scroll the
* widget's client area. The fix is to clear
* the SWT style.
return style & ~(SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL);
protected void checkSubclass () {
if (!isValidSubclass ()) error (SWT.ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS);
public Point computeSize (int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) {
int width = wHint, height = hHint;
if (wHint == SWT.DEFAULT) width = 0x7FFFFFFF;
if (hHint == SWT.DEFAULT) height = 0x7FFFFFFF;
int [] result = layout (width, height, false);
Point extent = new Point (result [1], result [2]);
if (wHint != SWT.DEFAULT) extent.x = wHint;
if (hHint != SWT.DEFAULT) extent.y = hHint;
return extent;
void createHandle () {
state |= GRAB;
super.createHandle (parent.handle);
void createItem (ToolItem item, int index) {
if (!(0 <= index && index <= itemCount)) error (SWT.ERROR_INVALID_RANGE);
if (itemCount == items.length) {
ToolItem [] newItems = new ToolItem [itemCount + 4];
System.arraycopy (items, 0, newItems, 0, items.length);
items = newItems;
item.createWidget ();
System.arraycopy (items, index, items, index + 1, itemCount++ - index);
items [index] = item;
if (parent.font != null) item.setFontStyle (parent.font);
void createWidget () {
super.createWidget ();
items = new ToolItem [4];
itemCount = 0;
int defaultThemeFont () {
return OS.kThemeToolbarFont;
void destroyItem (ToolItem item) {
int index = 0;
while (index < itemCount) {
if (items [index] == item) break;
if (index == itemCount) return;
System.arraycopy (items, index + 1, items, index, --itemCount - index);
items [itemCount] = null;
void drawWidget (int control) {
drawBackground (handle, background);
public ToolItem getItem (int index) {
if (0 <= index && index < itemCount) return items [index];
return null;
public ToolItem getItem (Point pt) {
if (pt == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
for (int i=0; i<itemCount; i++) {
Rectangle rect = items [i].getBounds ();
if (rect.contains (pt)) return items [i];
return null;
public int getItemCount () {
return itemCount;
public ToolItem [] getItems () {
ToolItem [] result = new ToolItem [itemCount];
System.arraycopy (items, 0, result, 0, itemCount);
return result;
public int getRowCount () {
Rectangle rect = getClientArea ();
return layout (rect.width, rect.height, false) [0];
public int indexOf (ToolItem item) {
if (item == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
if (item.isDisposed()) error(SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
for (int i=0; i<itemCount; i++) {
if (items [i] == item) return i;
return -1;
int [] layoutHorizontal (int width, int height, boolean resize) {
int xSpacing = 0, ySpacing = 2;
int marginWidth = 0, marginHeight = 0;
int x = marginWidth, y = marginHeight;
int maxHeight = 0, maxX = 0, rows = 1;
boolean wrap = (style & SWT.WRAP) != 0;
int itemHeight = 0;
for (int i=0; i<itemCount; i++) {
Rectangle rect = items [i].getBounds ();
itemHeight = Math.max (itemHeight, rect.height);
for (int i=0; i<itemCount; i++) {
ToolItem item = items [i];
Rectangle rect = item.getBounds ();
if (wrap && i != 0 && x + rect.width > width) {
x = marginWidth;
y += ySpacing + maxHeight;
maxHeight = 0;
maxHeight = Math.max (maxHeight, rect.height);
if (resize) {
item.setBounds (x, y, rect.width, itemHeight);
x += xSpacing + rect.width;
maxX = Math.max (maxX, x);
return new int [] {rows, maxX, y + maxHeight};
int [] layoutVertical (int width, int height, boolean resize) {
int xSpacing = 2, ySpacing = 0;
int marginWidth = 0, marginHeight = 0;
int x = marginWidth, y = marginHeight;
int maxWidth = 0, maxY = 0, cols = 1;
boolean wrap = (style & SWT.WRAP) != 0;
int itemWidth = 0;
for (int i=0; i<itemCount; i++) {
Rectangle rect = items [i].getBounds ();
itemWidth = Math.max (itemWidth, rect.width);
for (int i=0; i<itemCount; i++) {
ToolItem item = items [i];
Rectangle rect = item.getBounds ();
if (wrap && i != 0 && y + rect.height > height) {
x += xSpacing + maxWidth;
y = marginHeight;
maxWidth = 0;
maxWidth = Math.max (maxWidth, rect.width);
if (resize) {
item.setBounds (x, y, itemWidth, rect.height);
y += ySpacing + rect.height;
maxY = Math.max (maxY, y);
return new int [] {cols, x + maxWidth, maxY};
int [] layout (int nWidth, int nHeight, boolean resize) {
if ((style & SWT.VERTICAL) != 0) {
return layoutVertical (nWidth, nHeight, resize);
} else {
return layoutHorizontal (nWidth, nHeight, resize);
void relayout () {
if (drawCount > 0) return;
Rectangle rect = getClientArea ();
layout (rect.width, rect.height, true);
void relayout (int width, int height) {
if (drawCount > 0) return;
layout (width, height, true);
void releaseWidget () {
for (int i=0; i<itemCount; i++) {
ToolItem item = items [i];
if (!item.isDisposed ()) item.releaseResources ();
items = null;
super.releaseWidget ();
int setBounds (int control, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean move, boolean resize, boolean events) {
int result = super.setBounds (control, x, y, width, height, move, resize, events);
if ((result & RESIZED) != 0) {
Rectangle rect = getClientArea ();
relayout (rect.width, rect.height);
return result;
void setFontStyle (Font font) {
super.setFontStyle (font);
for (int i=0; i<itemCount; i++) {
ToolItem item = items [i];
item.setFontStyle (font);
Point size = item.computeSize ();
item.setSize (size.x, size.y, false);
relayout ();
public void setRedraw (boolean redraw) {
super.setRedraw (redraw);
if (redraw && drawCount == 0) relayout();