blob: 6f810fdbaf52f68fd8d328593e26e242876c578a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.swt.browser;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.cocoa.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.mozilla.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
class MozillaDelegate {
Browser browser;
Listener listener;
boolean hasFocus;
static Callback Callback3;
static Hashtable handles = new Hashtable ();
MozillaDelegate (Browser browser) {
super ();
this.browser = browser;
static Browser findBrowser (int handle) {
LONG value = (LONG)handles.get (new LONG (handle));
if (value != null) {
Display display = Display.getCurrent ();
return (Browser)display.findWidget (value.value);
return null;
static String getLibraryName () {
return "libxpcom.dylib"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static char[] mbcsToWcs (String codePage, byte [] buffer) {
int encoding = OS.CFStringGetSystemEncoding ();
int cfstring = OS.CFStringCreateWithBytes (OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, buffer.length, encoding, false);
char[] chars = null;
if (cfstring != 0) {
int length = OS.CFStringGetLength (cfstring);
chars = new char [length];
if (length != 0) {
CFRange range = new CFRange ();
range.length = length;
OS.CFStringGetCharacters (cfstring, range, chars);
OS.CFRelease (cfstring);
return chars;
static byte[] wcsToMbcs (String codePage, String string, boolean terminate) {
char[] chars = new char [string.length()];
string.getChars (0, chars.length, chars, 0);
int cfstring = OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters (OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, chars, chars.length);
byte[] buffer = null;
if (cfstring != 0) {
CFRange range = new CFRange ();
range.length = chars.length;
int encoding = OS.CFStringGetSystemEncoding ();
int[] size = new int[1];
int numChars = OS.CFStringGetBytes (cfstring, range, encoding, (byte)'?', true, null, 0, size);
buffer = new byte [size[0] + (terminate ? 1 : 0)];
if (numChars != 0) {
numChars = OS.CFStringGetBytes (cfstring, range, encoding, (byte)'?', true, buffer, size[0], size);
OS.CFRelease (cfstring);
return buffer;
static int eventProc3 (int nextHandler, int theEvent, int userData) {
Widget widget = Display.getCurrent ().findWidget (userData);
if (widget instanceof Browser) {
Browser browser = (Browser) widget;
switch (OS.GetEventClass (theEvent)) {
case OS.kEventClassMouse:
browser.getShell ().forceActive ();
((Mozilla)browser.webBrowser).Activate ();
case OS.kEventClassKeyboard:
* Bug in Carbon. OSX crashes if a HICocoaView is disposed during a key event,
* presumably as a result of attempting to use it after its refcount has reached
* 0. The workaround is to temporarily add an extra ref to the view while the
* DOM listener is handling the event, in case the Browser gets disposed in a
* callback.
int result = OS.noErr;
int handle = browser.handle;
OS.CFRetain (handle);
* Pressing the OSX shortcut to put focus into the menu bar does not work in
* embedded mozilla. If this shortcut is not handled here then it falls through
* all of the key handlers for some reason. The workaround is to detect this
* shortcut here and put focus into the menu bar.
int [] modifiers = new int [1];
OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamKeyModifiers, OS.typeUInt32, null, modifiers.length * 4, null, modifiers);
int [] keyCode = new int [1];
OS.GetEventParameter (theEvent, OS.kEventParamKeyCode, OS.typeUInt32, null, keyCode.length * 4, null, keyCode);
if (keyCode [0] == 120 /* F2 */ && (modifiers[0] & (OS.controlKey | OS.cmdKey | OS.optionKey)) == OS.controlKey) {
int[] event = new int[1];
OS.CreateEvent (0, OS.kEventClassApplication, OS.kEventAppFocusMenuBar, 0.0, 0, event);
if (event [0] != 0) {
OS.SetEventParameter (event [0], OS.kEventParamKeyModifiers, OS.typeUInt32, 4, modifiers);
result = OS.SendEventToEventTarget (event [0], OS.GetApplicationEventTarget ());
OS.ReleaseEvent (event [0]);
} else {
result = OS.CallNextEventHandler (nextHandler, theEvent);
OS.CFRelease (handle);
return result;
return OS.eventNotHandledErr;
void addWindowSubclass () {
int createBaseWindow (nsIBaseWindow baseWindow) {
* Feature of Mozilla on OSX. Mozilla replaces the OSX application menu whenever
* a browser's base window is created. The workaround is to restore the previous
* menu after creating the base window.
int application = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSApplication, Cocoa.S_sharedApplication);
int mainMenu = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (application, Cocoa.S_mainMenu);
if (mainMenu != 0) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (mainMenu, Cocoa.S_retain);
int rc = baseWindow.Create ();
if (mainMenu != 0) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (application, Cocoa.S_setMainMenu, mainMenu);
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (mainMenu, Cocoa.S_release);
return rc;
int getHandle () {
int embedHandle = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (Cocoa.C_NSImageView, Cocoa.S_alloc);
if (embedHandle == 0) {
browser.dispose ();
NSRect r = new NSRect ();
embedHandle = Cocoa.objc_msgSend (embedHandle, Cocoa.S_initWithFrame, r);
int rc;
int[] outControl = new int[1];
rc = Cocoa.HICocoaViewCreate (embedHandle, 0, outControl); /* OSX >= 10.5 */
if (rc == OS.noErr && outControl[0] != 0) {
Cocoa.objc_msgSend (embedHandle, Cocoa.S_release);
} else {
/* will succeed on OSX 10.4 with an updated vm containing HIJavaViewCreateWithCocoaView */
try {
System.loadLibrary ("frameembedding"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {}
rc = Cocoa.HIJavaViewCreateWithCocoaView (outControl, embedHandle);
if (!(rc == OS.noErr && outControl[0] != 0)) {
browser.dispose ();
int subHIView = outControl[0];
HILayoutInfo newLayoutInfo = new HILayoutInfo ();
newLayoutInfo.version = 0;
OS.HIViewGetLayoutInfo (subHIView, newLayoutInfo);
HISideBinding biding =;
biding.toView = 0;
biding.kind = OS.kHILayoutBindMin;
biding.offset = 0;
biding = newLayoutInfo.binding.left;
biding.toView = 0;
biding.kind = OS.kHILayoutBindMin;
biding.offset = 0;
biding = newLayoutInfo.binding.bottom;
biding.toView = 0;
biding.kind = OS.kHILayoutBindMax;
biding.offset = 0;
biding = newLayoutInfo.binding.right;
biding.toView = 0;
biding.kind = OS.kHILayoutBindMax;
biding.offset = 0;
OS.HIViewSetLayoutInfo (subHIView, newLayoutInfo);
OS.HIViewChangeFeatures (subHIView, OS.kHIViewFeatureIsOpaque, 0);
OS.HIViewSetVisible (subHIView, true);
int parentHandle = browser.handle;
OS.HIViewAddSubview (browser.handle, subHIView);
CGRect rect = new CGRect ();
OS.HIViewGetFrame (parentHandle, rect);
rect.x = rect.y = 0;
OS.HIViewSetFrame (subHIView, rect);
handles.put (new LONG (embedHandle), new LONG (browser.handle));
if (Callback3 == null) Callback3 = new Callback (this.getClass (), "eventProc3", 3); //$NON-NLS-1$
int callback3Address = Callback3.getAddress ();
if (callback3Address == 0) {
browser.dispose ();
int [] mask = new int [] {
OS.kEventClassMouse, OS.kEventMouseDown,
OS.kEventClassKeyboard, OS.kEventRawKeyDown,
int controlTarget = OS.GetControlEventTarget (subHIView);
OS.InstallEventHandler (controlTarget, callback3Address, mask.length / 2, mask, browser.handle, null);
return embedHandle;
String getJSLibraryName () {
return "libmozjs.dylib"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String getProfilePath () {
String baseDir = System.getProperty ("user.home"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return baseDir + Mozilla.SEPARATOR_OS + ".mozilla" + Mozilla.SEPARATOR_OS + "eclipse"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
static String GetSWTInitLibraryName () {
return "swt-xulrunner"; //$NON-NLS-1$
void handleFocus () {
if (hasFocus) return;
hasFocus = true;
((Mozilla)browser.webBrowser).Activate ();
browser.setFocus ();
listener = new Listener () {
public void handleEvent (Event event) {
if (event.widget == browser) return;
((Mozilla)browser.webBrowser).Deactivate ();
hasFocus = false;
browser.getDisplay ().removeFilter (SWT.FocusIn, this);
browser.getShell ().removeListener (SWT.Deactivate, this);
listener = null;
browser.getDisplay ().addFilter (SWT.FocusIn, listener);
browser.getShell ().addListener (SWT.Deactivate, listener);
void handleMouseDown () {
boolean hookEnterExit () {
return true;
void init () {
boolean needsSpinup () {
return false;
void onDispose (int embedHandle) {
handles.remove (new LONG (embedHandle));
if (listener != null) {
browser.getDisplay ().removeFilter (SWT.FocusIn, listener);
browser.getShell ().removeListener (SWT.Deactivate, listener);
listener = null;
browser = null;
void removeWindowSubclass () {
boolean sendTraverse () {
return true;
void setSize (int embedHandle, int width, int height) {