blob: b4075892e5c8bc76c599b986e553d83725022d7c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.swt.dnd;
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;
* The DropTargetEvent contains the event information passed in the methods of the DropTargetListener.
* <p>When in dragEnter(), dragOver(), dragLeave(), dragOperationChanged(), dropAccept(),
* the following fields apply:
* <ul>
* <li>(in)widget - the object on which the data will be dropped if the mouse is released
* <li>(in)time - the time the drop occurred
* <li>(in)x - the x-cordinate of the cursor relative to the DropTarget <code>Control</code>
* <li>(in)y - the y-cordinate of the cursor relative to the DropTarget <code>Control</code>
* <li>(in)dataTypes - a list of the types of data that the DragSource can support
* <li>(in,out)currentDataType - the specific type of data that will be provided on a drop
* <li>(in)operations - a list of the operations that the DragSource can support (e.g. DND.DROP_MOVE | DND.DROP_COPY | DND.DROP_LINK)
* <li>(in,out)detail - the operation being performed (one of DND.DROP_MOVE, DND.DROP_COPY, DND.DROP_LINK, DND.DROP_NONE)
* </ul>
* The application can change the operation that will be performed by modifying the <code>detail</code> field
* but the choice must be one of the values in the <code>operations</code> field.
* The application can also change the type of data being requested by modifying the <code>currentDataTypes</code>
* field but the value must be one of the values in the <code>dataTypes list</code>.</p>
* <p>When in drop(), the following fields apply:
* <ul>
* <li>(in)widget - the object on which the data was dropped
* <li>(in)time - the time the drop occurred
* <li>(in)x - the x-cordinate of the cursor relative to the DropTarget <code>Control</code>
* <li>(in)y - the y-cordinate of the cursor relative to the DropTarget <code>Control</code>
* <li>(in,out)detail - the operation being performed (one of DND.DROP_MOVE, DND.DROP_COPY, DND.DROP_LINK, DND.DROP_NONE)
* <li>(in)currentDataType - the specific type of data that is be contained in the <code>data</code> field
* <li>(in)data - the data (which is of type currentDataType); the type Java Object contained in this field is
* dependant on the Transfer subclass. For example, the TextTransfer subclass provides a
* String with the text in the String. The FileTransfer object provides an array of String with
* each String in the array containing the full path of the file.
* </ul>
* The application can cancel the drop operation by setting the detail field to DND.DROP_NONE.</p>
public class DropTargetEvent extends TypedEvent {
public int x;
public int y;
public int detail;
* A list of the operations that the DragSource can support
public int operations;
public int feedback;
public Widget item;
* Platform specfic data.
* The type of data that will be dropped.
public TransferData currentDataType;
* A list of the types of data that the DragSource is capable of providing.
* The currentDataType must be a member of this list.
public TransferData[] dataTypes;
public DropTargetEvent(DNDEvent e) {
super(e); =;
this.x = e.x;
this.y = e.y;
this.detail = e.detail;
this.currentDataType = e.dataType;
this.dataTypes = e.dataTypes;
this.operations = e.operations; =;
this.item = e.item;
void updateEvent(DNDEvent e) {
e.widget = this.widget;
e.time = this.time; =;
e.x = this.x;
e.y = this.y;
e.detail = this.detail;
e.dataType = this.currentDataType;
e.dataTypes = this.dataTypes;
e.operations = this.operations; =;
e.item = this.item;