blob: d661eef413568fdb9eb5062c5c0c9b2dbe4d75a6 [file] [log] [blame] = SWT Paint Example Plugin = SWT Examples = Paint = Eclipse Views
launchcategory.SWTViewExamples.description = A collection of Standard Widget Toolkit examples that run as Views inside the Eclipse Platform. These examples will create a new View in the current Perspective. = Paint
launchitem.PaintExample.description = This example demonstrates the use of SWT graphics operations in the form of a rudimentary bitmap painting program. Select a tool with which to draw in the drawing area. There are a number of tools to choose from on the toolbar. The color selection can be changed by clicking on a color in the palette below the drawing area: left-click for the foreground color, right-click for the background color.
menu.Tools.label = Tools
tool.Pencil.label = &Pencil
tool.Pencil.tooltip = Pencil
tool.Pencil.displayname = Pencil
tool.Airbrush.label = &Airbrush
tool.Airbrush.tooltip = Airbrush
tool.Airbrush.displayname = Airbrush
tool.Line.label = &Line
tool.Line.tooltip = Line
tool.Line.displayname = Line
tool.PolyLine.label = &Polygon
tool.PolyLine.tooltip = Polygon
tool.PolyLine.displayname = Polygon
tool.Rectangle.label = &Rectangle
tool.Rectangle.tooltip = Rectangle
tool.Rectangle.displayname = Rectangle
tool.FilledRectangle.label = &Filled Rectangle
tool.FilledRectangle.tooltip = Filled Rectangle
tool.FilledRectangle.displayname = Filled Rectangle
tool.Ellipse.label = &Ellipse
tool.Ellipse.tooltip = Ellipse
tool.Ellipse.displayname = Ellipse
tool.Null.displayname = <none>
session.Null.message = Select a tool...
session.ContinuousPaint.message = Click and drag to draw...
session.DragInteractivePaint.message = Click and drag to preview, release to draw, right-click to abort...
session.SegmentedInteractivePaint.message.anchorMode = Click to set anchor...
session.SegmentedInteractivePaint.message.interactiveMode = Click to draw, double-click to close figure, right-click to abort...
status.Coord.format = ({0}, {1})
status.CoordRange.format = ({0}, {1}) - ({2}, {3})
status.Bar.format = {0} : {1} {2}