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<title>How to Setup SWT Examples</title>
<b>Examples - Simple Widget Toolkit (SWT)</b></h2>
There are several steps required before the SWT standalone examples can
be run.
Copy the <b>swt runtime library</b> on the system path [System.getProperty("java.library.path:)].&nbsp;
On Linux, this is LD_LIBRARY_PATH.&nbsp; (Is&nbsp; LD_LIBRARY_PATH applicable
to all shells?).</li>
<ul>The <b>swt runtime library</b> can be found in the following directory,
depending one which Operating System you are using to run Eclipse:
Windows - &lt;install-dir>\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.swt\ws\win32\</li>
Motif - &lt;install-dir>/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.swt/ws/motif/</li>
Create a Java Project to contain the examples.&nbsp; Call it "SWT Examples".</li>
Make sure the <b>swt.jar</b> file is on the java classpath.</li>
<br>Select the SWT Examples project and bring up the Properties dialog.&nbsp;
On the Java Build path page, select the Libraries tab, click on the Add
External JARs button and find <b>swt.jar</b>.&nbsp; The <b>swt.jar</b>
file can be found in the following directory, depending one which Operating
System you are using to run Eclipse:
Windows - &lt;install-dir>\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.swt\</li>
<br>Motif - &lt;install-dir>/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.swt/</ul>
Make sure the <b>swtexamples.jar</b> is on the java classpath.</li>
<br>Select the SWT Examples project and bring up the Properties dialog.&nbsp;
On the Java Build path page, select the Libraries tab, click on the Add
External JARs button and find <b>swtexamples.jar</b>.&nbsp; The <b>swtexamples.jar</b>
file can be found in the following directory, depending one which Operating
System you are using to run Eclipse:
Windows - &lt;install-dir>\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.swt.examples</li>
<br>Motif - &lt;install-dir>/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.examples/</ul>
<a NAME="Run"></a>Running the Examples</h3>
In the Packages view of the Java Perspective, expand <b>swtexamples.jar</b>.&nbsp;
You will see all of the packages and other resource files present in the
jar file.
<p>All of the standalone SWT examples are intended to be run as a Java
Application.&nbsp; No parameters need be passed to any of these examples
in order to run the example.&nbsp; To run one of the example classes, simply
expand the containing package of the runnable class, select the runnable
class, then click on the Run button on the toolbar.
<p>The runnable classes in the <b>swtexamples.jar</b> are:
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